Here are the Dota 2 Patch 7.32e Dead Reckoning patch notes

Thanks for Muerta, but come on.

Muerta from Dota 2.
Muerta - Image via Valve

The wait for the next Dota 2 patch is over, but fans have been left hanging by Valve after the developer pushed out another letter update instead of 7.33, which is filled with numerical changes.

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As players go through the patch notes, all they’ll get to see will be damage, mana cost, and stat changes. While these changes can be impactful enough to alter the meta, the clear lack of major changes is now officially worrying.

The best part of the 7.32e update is Muerta, the new hero, who fans got to know more of in the past days through a series of leaks. Patch 7.32e also came with an official release date for patch 7.33: late April, at this stage.

Dota 2 Patch 7.32e patch notes

New hero: Muerta

Muerta’s Abilities

  • Dead Shot
    • Muerta fires a ghostly bankshot at an enemy unit or tree. When the bullet strikes, it damages and briefly slows, then ricochets in the targeted direction. The ricochet damages all units that it passes through, stopping when it hits a hero. Heroes hit by the ricochet will run in the direction of the shot.
  • The Calling
    • Summons a group of revenants that slowly circle the targeted location. Enemies within the area are slowed and have reduced attack speed. Revenants deal damage and silence enemies as the pass through them.
  • Gunslinger
    • Muerta’s attacks have a chance to fire a second shot at another target, prioritizing Heroes.
  • Pierce the Veil
    • Muerta transforms, becoming immune to physical damage. All of her attack damage is dealt as magical damage. Muerta gains bonus attack damage and phased movement. Muerta can attack ethereal units but deals no damage to Magic Immune targets.

Muerta release event: Dead Reckoning Event

Players will get an assigned target before every Dota game during the Dead Reckoning event. Score points for Kills and Assists to accumulate more than your opponents.

New Dota Plus features

  • Ability to check your historical Dota 2 data.
  • Customizable quickcasting options.
  • Improved friends list with a favorites section.

7.32e Dota 2 Gameplay updates

Turbo mode changes

  • All hero selections are now blind
  • Removed penalty phase when picking heroes. When regular draft time ends, any person that has not selected a hero will be forced to pick whomever they have tentatively picked. In the event that hero is unavailable or there is no tentative pick, they will be given a random hero
  • Null Talisman, Wraith Band, and Bracer will double their bonuses at 12 minutes instead of 25 minutes
  • Removed bonus damage to towers from all summoned units. Non-summoned units (lane creeps, dominated creeps) are still stronger against towers compared to non-Turbo Dota
  • You can now earn two stars for hero challenges instead of just one
  • Arcana progress has been updated for the following:
    • Earthshaker’s Planetfall Arcana now gives full credit for Echo Slam kills and assists. Tracking for ability chains and combo damage is also enabled
    • Invoker Dark Artistry Throwback Immortal now gives full credit for Sun Strike Kills
    • Juggernaut’s Bladeform Legacy Arcana now gives full credit for Omnislash Kills
    • Kunkka’s Leviathan Whale Blade of Eminent Revival Immortal now gives full credit for hitting heroes with Torrent
    • Legion Commander Arcana now counts Duel Victories
    • Leshrac’s Tormented Staff of Eminent Revival Immortal now gives full credit for stunning enemies with Split Earth
    • Lion’s Fin King’s Charm of Eminent Revival Immortal now gives full credit for hexing enemies
    • Lone Druid’s Cauldron of Xahryx of Eminent Revival Immortal now gives full credit for Entangling Claws duration
    • Storm Spirit’s The Lightning Orchid of Eminent Revival Immortal now gives full credit for Ball Lightning damage

General updates

  • Reinforced Units now take 10% less damage from Player controlled creeps (affects all summons like treants, eidolons, etc, as well as dominated creeps but not Creep Heroes like Spirit Bear nor Illusions)
  • Ranged Creeps are now Level 5 (prevents Enigma and others from converting them early)
  • Glyph Tower Bonus Attack targets increased from four to five

Item updates

  • Abyssal Blade
    • Attack Damage bonus increased from 25 to 30
  • Bloodstone
    • Bloodpact Duration decreased from six seconds to five seconds
  • Boots of Bearing
    • No longer has charges
  • Dive Rapier
    • Total Cost decreased from 5950 to 5600
  • Enchanted Mango
    • Health Regeneration bonus decreased from +0.6 to +0.4
  • Eye of Skadi
    • Cold Attack Movement Speed Slow vs ranged heroes increased from 40% to 50%
  • Force Staff
    • Force Mana Cost increased from 100 to 150
  • Gleipnir
    • Eternal Chains Damage decreased from 220 to 180
    • Eternal Chains Radius decreased from 450 to 400
  • Guardian Greaves
    • Guardian Aura Regen Bonus for Low Health allies decreased from 18.5 to 14.5
    • Guardian Aura Armor Bonus for Low Health allies decreased from 10 to eight
  • Hurricane Pike
    • Hurricane Thrust Mana Cost increased from 100 to 150
  • Maelstrom
    • Chain Lightning Damage decreased from 140 to 135
  • Meteor Hammer
    • Meteor Hammer Channel Time decreased from 2.5s to two seconds (Total time until impact decreased from three seconds to 2.5s) 
  • Nullifier
    • Total Cost decreased from 4725 to 4375
    • Damage bonus decreased from 80 to 75
  • Radiance
    • Total Cost decreased from 5050 to 4700
    • Damage bonus decreased from 60 to 55
  • Revenant’s Brooch
    • Phantom Province now additionally grants +60 attack speed for its duration
    • Phantom Province Attacks are now affected by Spell Lifesteal
  • Sacred Relic
    • Cost decreased from 3750 to 3400
    • Damage bonus decreased from 60 to 55
  • Shadow Blade
    • Now removes invisibility if bonus damage is applied during the fade time. Most notable examples are Clinkz’s Burning Barrage, Ember Spirit’s Sleight of Fist, etc. that would add bonus damage on every attack made if the ability was cast during the fade time
  • Solar Crest
    • All Attributes bonus increased from plus five to plus six
    • Movement Speed bonus increased from +20 to +25
  • Wraith Band
    • Attack Speed bonus decreased from 6/12 to 5/10

Hero updates

  • Abaddon
    • Base Attack Time improved from 1.7s to 1.5s
  • Alchemist
    • Unstable Concoction: Max Stun Duration increased from 1.75/2.5/3.25/4s to 2.2/2.8/3.4/4s
    • Chemical Rage: Bonus Damage per Scepter increased from 20 to 25
  • Ancient Apparition
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Chilling Touch Attack Range increased from +200 to +300
    • Talent: Level 15 Talent Cold Feet Break Distance increased from +200 to +300
  • Anti-Mage
    • Attack backswing decreased from 0.6s to 0.3s
    • Mana Void: Now applies the mini-stun to all affected units
  • Arc Warden
    • Spark Wraith: Aghanim’s Scepter secondary Spark Wraith Search Radius decreased from 375 to 225
  • Axe
    • Base Movement Speed increased from 310 to 315
    • Counter Helix: Radius increased from 275 to 300
  • Bane
    • Base Attributes increased by one
    • Brain Sap: Aghanim’s Shard Healing from secondary targets increased from 25% to 30%
  • Batrider
    • Sticky Napalm: Mana Cost increased from 20 to 25
    • Flaming Lasso: Aghanim’s Scepter secondary target Range increased from 600 to 650
  • Beastmaster
    • Drums of Slom: Damage per hit increased from 110 to 115
    • Talent: Level 15 Talent Movement speed Aura to Beastmaster and his units decreased from +25 to +20
  • Bounty Hunter
    • Shadow Walk: Movement/Attack speed slow rescaled from 16/24/32/40 to 15/25/35/45
  • Brewmaster
    • Primal Split: Fire Brewling Armor increases from zero/four/eight to zero/eight/sixteen
  • Broodmother
    • Spin Web: Max Move Speed Bonus decreased from 18/28/38/48% to 10/22/34/46%
    • Spinner’s Snare: Charge restore time increased from 20s to 30s
    • Spawn Spiderlings: Spiderlings Lifetime decreased from 40/45/50s to 40s
    • Spawn Spiderlings: Spiderites Lifetime decreased from 60s to 40s
  • Centaur Warrunner
    • Hitch a Ride: Now grants Centaur Stampede buff (also increases Stampede duration if cast during Stampede rather than refreshing the buff)
    • Hitch a Ride: Cooldown decreased from 45s to 30s
  • Chaos Knight
    • Chaos Bolt: Mana Cost decreased from 110/120/130/140 to 110
  • Clinkz
    • Skeleton Walk: Now always creates 1 Burning Army Skeleton after breaking the invisibility
    • Skeleton Walk: Aghanim’s Shard bonus skeletons decreased from two to one (total count with Shard is unchanged)
  • Dark Seer
    • Normal Punch: Max Stun Duration decreased from 2.25s to two seconds
  • Dazzle
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Damage increased from +50 to +60
  • Death Prophet
    • Intelligence gain decreased from 3.3 to 3.0
    • Strength gain decreased from 3.1 to 2.9
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Magic Resistance decreased from +14% to +12%
    • Talent: Level 15 Talent +30 Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal replaced with +300 Health
    • Talent: Level 20 Talent +400 health replaced with +30 Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal
  • Dragon Knight
    • Elder Dragon Form: Cooldown decreased from 105s to 100s
    • Elder Dragon Form: Aghanim’s Scepter no longer reduces cooldown by 5s
    • Fireball: Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 800
  • Drow Ranger
    • Frost Arrows: Aghanim’s Shard Regen Reduction per stack decreased from 10% to eight percent
    • Marksmanship: Now only grants allied ranged heroes half of the bonus Agility
  • Elder Titan
    • Echo Stomp: Wakeup Damage Threshold increased from 50/100/150/200 to 55/120/185/250
    • Astral Spirit: Damage per Hero increased from 14/36/58/80 to 17/38/59/80
  • Ember Spirit
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Damage decreased from +15 to +12
    • Talent: Level 20 Talent Sleight of Fist Hero Damage decreased from +65 to +55
  • Enchantress
    • Enchant: Cooldown rescaled from 28/24/20/16s to 30/24/18/12s
    • Enchant: Hero Move Slow rescaled from 55% to 30/40/50/60%
    • Enchant: Duration rescaled from 3.75/4.5/5.25/6s to five seconds
    • Little Friends: Cast Range increased from 600 to 750
  • Grimstroke
    • Ink Swell: Damage per second increased from 25/35/45/55 to 25/40/55/70 (75/120/165/210 total damage)
    • Soulbind: Cooldown decreased from 90/70/50s to 70/60/50s
  • Hoodwink
    • Acorn Shot: Bonus Damage increased from 50/75/100/125 to 50/80/110/140
  • Huskar
    • Inner Fire: Disarm Duration increased from 1.75/2.5/3.25/4.0s to 1.90/2.6/3.3/4.0s
    • Talent: Level 20 Talent Life Break Cooldown Reduction increased from four seconds to five seconds
  • Jakiro
    • Ice Path: Path Duration increased from 2.6/2.9/3.2/3.5s to 3/3.5/4/4.5s (Max stun duration is unchanged)
    • Macropyre: Now applies its damage immediately upon casting rather than 0.5s after
  • Juggernaut
    • Base Damage increased from 50-54 to 53-55
    • Blade Fury: Aghanim’s Shard Attack Rate increased from 1.2s to 1.4s
    • Blade Dance: Critical Damage increased from 180% to 190%
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Blade Fury radius increased from +75 to +100
  • Keeper of the Light
    • Will-o-Wisp: Attacks to kill increased from six to seven
  • Kunnka
    • Ghostship: Damage Delayed increased from 40% to 45%
  • Leshrac
    • Pulse Nova: Damage decreased from 90/140/190 to 80/135/180
  • Lich
    • Intelligence gain increased from 3.6 to 3.8
    • Frost Blast: Cast Time improved from 0.4s to 0.3s
    • Frost Blast: Cast Range rescaled from 600 to 575/600/625/650
  • Lina
    • Dragon Slave: Cooldown increased from 9s to 12/11/10/9s
    • Light Strike Array: Mana Cost increased from 100/105/110/115 to 115
    • Fiery Soul: Attack Speed Bonus per stack decreased from 10/20/30/40 to 8/16/24/32
    • Fiery Soul: Move Speed Bonus per stack decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3% to 1/1.5/2/2.5%
    • Talent: Level 15 Talent Health decreased from +350 to +250
    • Talent: Level 20 Talent Fiery Soul Speed per stack decreased from +15/1% to +10/1%
  • Lion
    • Base Armor increased by one
    • Base Agility decreased from 18 to 15
    • Finger of Death: Cooldown decreased from 160/100/40s to 140/90/40s
  • Luna
    • Lucent Beam: Aghanim’s Shard Duration increased from 12s to 15s
    • Lucent Beam: Aghanim’s Shard Damage increased from +15 to +17
  • Medusa
    • Mystic Snake: Base Damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 85/130/175/220
    • Talent: Level 15 Talent Mystic Snake Cooldown Reduction increased from 2s to 3s
  • Mirana
    • Leap: Aghanim’s Shard Damage increased from 150 to 170
    • Leap: Aghanim’s Shard Wave Distance increased from 600 to 800
  • Monkey King
    • Base Agility increased by one
    • Primal Spring: Max Channel Time decreased from 1.6s to 1.5s
  • Naga Siren
    • Ensnare: Cast Range decreased from 575/600/625/650 to 500/525/550/575
    • Ensnare: Aghanim’s Scepter Cast Range increased from 1.5x to 1.6x
    • Song of the Siren: Cooldown increased from 160/120/80s to 180/130/80s
    • Reel In: Pull Speed increased from 150 to 200
  • Nature’s Prophet
    • Agility decreased from 22+3.6 to 20+3.4
    • Intelligence gain decreased from 3.7 to 3.5
    • Wrath of Nature: Base Damage decreased from 115/150/185 to 105/145/185
    • Talent: Level 20 Talent Sprout Leashes no longer pierces Spell Immunity
  • Necrophos
    • Death Pulse: Mana Cost decreased from 100/130/160/190 to 100/120/140/160
  • Ogre Magi
    • Ignite: Slow increased from 20/22/24/26% to 20/23/26/29%
    • Fire Shield: Fireball Damage increased from 125 to 160
  • Omniknight
    • Degen Aura: Radius increased from 400 to 450
  • Oracle
    • Fortune’s End: Projectile Speed increased from 1000 to 1200
    • Fortune’s End: Radius increased from 300 to 350
  • Outworld Destroyer
    • Sanity’s Eclipse: Now deals double damage to illusions
  • Pangolier
    • Shield Crash: Damage decreased from 90/160/230/300 to 75/150/225/300
    • Roll Up: No longer applies a basic dispel upon cast
  • Phantom Assassin
    • Stifling Dagger: Base Damage increased from 65 to 65/70/75/80
    • Blur: Dispel Radius decreased from 600 to 400
  • Puck
    • Waning Rift: Damage decreased from 70/130/190/250 to 60/120/180/240
  • Pudge
    • Rot: Aghanim’s Scepter Bonus Damage per Second deceased from 100 to 95
  • Pugna
    • Life Drain: Aghanim’s Shard Refracted Drain percentage increased from 70% to 75%
  • Queen of Pain
    • Base Attack Damage increased by two
  • Razor
    • Storm Surge: Aghanim’s Shard Forked Lightning now has a 1s internal cooldown
  • Riki
    • Sleeping Dart: Cast Range decreased from 1000 to 600
    • Sleeping Dart: Cooldown increased from 12s to 15s
  • Rubick
    • Telekinesis: Aghanim’s Shard no longer provides reduced cooldown when used on self or allies
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Telekinesis Landing Damage decreased from +175 to +150
  • Sand King
    • Serpent Ward Gold Bounty decreased from 28-36 to 22-30
    • Ether Shock: Max Distance increased from 500 to 600
    • Talent: Level 15 Talent Serpent Wards Attack Range increased from +120 to +140
  • Shadow Shaman
    • Arcane Curse: Cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14s to 22/20/18/16s
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Arcane Curse Damage decreased from +12 to +10
    • Talent: Level 15 Talent Global Silence Cooldown Reduction decreased from 25s to 20s
  • Slardar
    • Corrosive Haze: Cast Range increased from 700/800/900 to 900
  • Slark
    • Pounce: Cooldown increased from 20/16/12/8s to 22/18/14/10s
    • Pounce: Aghanim’s Scepter Distance decreased from 1200 to 1100
  • Snapfire
    • Firesnap Cookie: Aghanim’s Shard Damage from Mortimer Kisses impact decreased by 50 percent
  • Storm Spirit
    • Base Attack Time improved from 1.7s to 1.6s
  • Templar Assassin
    • Base Strength increased by two
  • Tiny
    • Tree Volley: Throw Interval increased from 0.4s to 0.5s
    • Tree Volley: Max Channel Time increased from 2.4s to 2.5s
  • Treant Protector
    • Living Armor: Bonus Armor decreased from 6/8/10/12 to 4/6/8/10
    • Nature’s Guise: No longer provides Heal/Regen Amplification
  • Tusk
    • Ice Shards: Cast Range decreased from 1800 to 1400
    • Walrus Punch: Critical Damage decreased from 300/350/400% to 250/325/400%
  • Undying
    • Decay: Steal Duration decreased from 45s to 40s
    • Soul Rip: Mana Cost increased from 90/100/110/120 to 120
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Decay Damage decreased from +60 to +50
  • Warlock
    • Chaotic Offering: Golem Damage increased from 100/150/200 to 110/170/230
    • Chaotic Offering: Aghanim’s Scepter Golem Damage increased from 75/110/150 to 80/125/170
    • Chaotic Offering: Aghanim’s Scepter Second Golem delay increased from 0.2s to 0.5s
    • Talent: Level 10 Talent Fatal Bonds Damage increased from +3% to +4%
  • Windranger
    • Powershot: Travel Range increased from 2600 to 3000
    • Focus Fire: Damage Reduction decreased from 30% to 25%
  • Winter Wyvern
    • Winter’s Curse: Now applies a dispel to the target
  • Witch Doctor
    • Voodoo Restoration: Heal/Damage increased from 10/20/30/40 to 10/22/34/46
    • Talent: Level 20 Talent Maledict Burst Damage increased from +20% to +25%

7.32e bug fixes

  • Disabled the ability to join matchmaking when the -dev flag is enabled. This allowed third party tools to modify elements of the UI in abusable ways.
  • Disabled some additional ways to access someone’s profile during the picking phase.
  • Fixed an issue where saved replays were not being correctly populated with match details. (issue 349)
  • Fixed the bug where heroes would sometimes be missing their models/materials/etc. until you reconnect to the game. (issue 6070)
  • Fixed a bug where occasionally Refresher Orb wouldn’t go on cooldown when Refresher Shard was used (issue 6668)
  • Fixed a bug where Monkey King’s Tree Dance would fail to cast at very long cast ranges (issue 717)
  • Fixed a bug where Lifestealer would miss his first Infested attack on enemies if cast at certain ranges (issue 6801)
  • Jinada and Geminate attacks are now castable while on Break but not when Silenced. Behavior is now consistent with other similar abilities in the game. (issue 6779)
  • Fixed a bug where Tusks’s Snowball’s particle effect would not be destroyed if the Snowball failed to launch (issue 6805)
  • Heroes can no longer channel Fiend’s Gate while inside a Snowball (issue 6670)
  • Heroes that are the caster of a Snowball are now rooted in addition to the previous status effects. This was causing some particle effect issues when certain movement abilities were cast during Snowball (issue 6805)
  • Fixed a bug where KotL’s Illuminate with Spirit Form heal on allies would not be amplified by KotL’s healing amplification (issue 2176)
  • Fixed a bug when Primal Beast’s Pulverize could occasionally cause heroes to be stuck to Primal Beast indefinitely if a hard dispel occurred during the vertical motion from another spell such as Lion’s Earth Spike (issue 3528)
  • Fixed Tusk’s Ice Shard and Sven’s God Strength tooltips not displaying the reduced cooldown values if the appropriate talents were chosen. This is only a text change (issue 575)
  • Fixed missing cooldown indicators for charge-based abilities, including abilities that only have charges when a corresponding talent or aghanim’s upgrade is taken (issue 315)
  • Fixed Spirit Vessel heal not counting towards Healing on the postgame screen (issue 213)
  • Fixed Queen of Pain’s missing particle and sound effects when Scream of Pain was cast without any targets in range (issue 5429)
  • In-game roles are correctly shown for players who are disconnected at the start of the game.
  • Fixed Omniknight Heavenly Grace being disabled by break. (issue 1649)
  • Fixed a bug where Troll Warlord could override Battle Trance’s forced attack commands by issuing Whirling Axed (Ranged) cast commands outside of cast range. Casting in this manner will now cast Whirling Axes (Ranged) in that direction.
  • Fixed some cases where chat messages such as disconnect and reconnect were not being shown if the player was muted.
  • Added “in Winning Games” to gem description for unlocking Arcana secondary styles for Queen of Pain and Faceless Void. This is only a text change; victories have always been required for Arcana progress for these two heroes.
  • Added some additional information to Glyph of Fortification’s tooltip (issue 6786)
  • For abilities that can target invulnerable units and dispel certain invulnerable states (Cyclone, etc.), added ALT + tooltips to specify that they can target invulnerable units.
  • Collector’s Cache 2 items are giftable after unbundling to match Collector’s Cache 1’s giftability
  • Talent upgrade UI is now keybindable under Advanced Key Bindings
  • Disabled the ability to join matchmaking when the -dev flag is enabled. This allowed third party tools to modify elements of the UI in abusable ways.
  • Disabled some additional ways to access someone’s profile during the picking phase.
  • Clicking on enemies via the top bar during a game will show their last seen location / inventory state
  • Updated tooltips for the following abilities:
    • Bane’s Nightmare
    • Beastmaster’s Boar Poison
    • Beastmaster’s Wild Axes
    • Brewmaster’s Storm Brewling’s Dispel Magic
    • Broodmother’s Spiderling Poison Sting
    • Lich’s Ice Spire
    • Necronomicon Archer’s Purge
    • Nullifier’s Nullify
    • Oracle’s Fortune’s End
    • Satyr Trickster’s Purge
    • Shadow Demon’s Demonic Cleanse
    • Shadow Demon’s Demonic Purge
    • Sven’s Storm Hammer
    • Underlord’s Pit of Malice
Image of Gökhan Çakır
Gökhan Çakır
Strategical Content Writer and Fortnite Lead for Dot Esports. Gökhan Çakır graduated as an industrial engineer in 2020 and has since applied his analytical and strategic thinking to many endeavors. As a natural-born gamer, he honed his skills to a professional level in Dota 2. Upon giving up on the Aegis of Champions in 2019, Gökhan started his writing career, covering all things gaming while his heart remains a lifetime defender of the Ancients.