Dragon’s Dogma 2 A Game of Wits: How to find the Sphinx and solve all riddles

The Sphinx has several riddles for you to solve in Dragon's Dogma 2, but you need to find her first.

The Sphinx speaking with the player in Dragon's Dogma 2
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The Sphinx is one of the legendary creatures you can find while exploring Dragon’s Dogma 2. Although the Sphinx is a fearsome creature, it prefers to test its wit against you by posing a series of riddles you must solve if you want to unlock its treasures.

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Before you worry about solving the Sphinx’s riddles, your first goal is to track it down. It’s hidden somewhere in the world, and its exact location in Dragon’s Dogma 2 isn’t clear. We’ll tell you where to get there. When you finally come face-to-face with the Sphinx, our guide will help you face off against the clever mind of this cunning creature.

Where to find the Sphinx in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Sphinx's location west of Vernworth in Dragon's Dogma 2
You can find the Sphinx beyond the Ancient Battleground. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Sphinx is at the end of a temple atop a cave called Mountain Shrine in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You can find it west of Vernworth. Head to the halfway point between Vernworth and Checkpoint Rest Town. From here, go north and make your way toward Ancient Battleground.

You should be able to enter alongside a character named Oskar, who wants your help reaching this area. After escorting him, continue exploring until you find the Mountain Shrine.

At the top of this area you’ll find the Sphinx. You can approach and speak with the creature, and she offers to play a game of wits with you. You’ll get the quest A Game of Wits and must complete five riddles. You can complete them in any order you like, and only one of the five has a time limit: the Riddle of Rumination. Here’s how to solve them all.

How to solve all Sphinx riddles in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Riddle of Eyes

Delivering Sealing Phial to the Sphinx in Dragon's Dogma 2
You can find the Sealing Phial in the cavern the Sphinx directs you to explore. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Riddle of Eyes is more direct than the Sphinx’s other riddles in Dragon’s Dogma 2. A door opens at the side of the shrine, and the Sphinx tells you to grab an item you believe holds value, but not to your eyes. The Sphinx wants you to bring back one specific item from inside the caverns.

Explore the caverns and head to the far back of the area. Along the way, there are several goblins for you to fight, along with an Ogre on the bottom floor. You need to find a Sealing Phial, which is inside one of the treasure chests here. When you find it, return to the Sphinx and present it to her to complete this riddle.

Riddle of Conviction

The Riddle of Conviction sees the Sphinx asking for your most prized possession. The solution can be any item in your inventory, which leaves it somewhat open-ended. Although she asks for the item you value most, I believe she is looking for something in particular: a Wakestone.

I’m not sure if you can give the Sphinx any other items or if only the Wakestone works, but it does. She asks for the most precious item you have, and in my mind, that means a Wakestone, an item that can bring your character or other NPCs back to life after they die. If you want to make sure to solve this riddle, go with the Wakestone, even if it’s priceless.

Riddle of Rumination

Finding a Finder's Token in a Harpy's nest in Dragon's Dogma 2
You need to return to where you found your first Seeker’s Token in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Riddle of Rumination is a memory game. The Sphinx wants you to return to where you discovered your first Seeker’s Token. Try to recall where you found it and return to the location. A new item called a Finder’s Token will be available here, which you must return to the Sphinx.

It all comes down to whether you remember where you discovered your first Seeker’s Token. If you don’t, it pays to retrace your steps through your current playthrough, and I hope you stumble across it. Remember that the Sphinx puts a time limit on this quest, and you must bring it back to her within seven days. Failing to do so within the time limit means you fail the riddle.

Riddle of Madness

Holding an NPC in front of the Sphinx in Dragon's Dogma 2
You need to bring a NPC that you have grown fond of to the Sphinx. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Riddle of Madness sees the Sphinx asking you to bring her your most beloved so she can gauge the depths of your insanity. She describes love as madness, as the night is bound to the sun. This is a troublesome riddle, and the solution to it is more difficult than bringing an item to the Sphinx. Instead, you need to bring a person to them. You have to bring someone you have a high relationship with, which means you’ve been providing them gifts and completing side quests.

For my playthrough, I chose Doireann, an elf from the Sacred Arbor. I had completed the many side quest associated with her and gained her friendship. After this, I grabbed her and used a Ferrystone to teleport to the Portcrystal. I placed her at the Mountain Shrine and took her to the Sphinx. When I asked for the Riddle of Madness again, I confirmed that Doireann was one that I loved, and this was the solution to the riddle.

Riddle of Wisdom

Rift of Fellowship location in Dragon's Dogma 2
The Rift of Fellowship is the only location to unlock these pawns. Screenshot by Dot Esports

For the Riddle of Wisdom, the Sphinx talks about how a parent knows their child, but the reverse is far from true. The child does not know the parent. She describes herself as a lost child and wants you to find her parent. Similar to the Riddle of Madness, the Riddle of Wisdom requires you to bring a particular person to the Sphinx, but it’s far more unique than an NPC you can find wandering around.

The SphinxMother pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2
The SphinxMother is one of the three pawns you can use to solve the riddle. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You must bring her a Pawn named SphinxMother, SphinxFather, or SphinxParent. These pawns can be found at the Rift of Fellowship, southwest of the Mountain Shrine. Head over to this rift to activate it, and choose one of these three pawns to join your party. Once they enter, deliver them to the Sphinx to solve the final riddle for this set. The Sphinx moves on, and you must find them again and discover a new slew of riddles.

How to find the Sphinx’s second location in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Second Sphinx location in Dragon's Dogma 2
You need head west of Checkpoint Rest Town. Screenshot by Dot Esports

After you complete these riddles, the Sphinx flies away and appears at a second location. You can find this one to the west of Checkpoint Rest Town at a location called Frontier Shrine. I found this area by following the stream underneath Checkpoint Rest Town. Finding her again did count as a Riddle, which was called the Riddle of Reunion

Riddle of Contest

The next riddle is one the Sphinx forces onto you: the Riddle of Contest. You must face off against a sword-and-shield warrior while wearing the Ring of Derision, which weakens your attacks. Your goal is to knock the warrior out of the shrine and off the side of the cliff to win the duel.

Riddle of Differentiation

Dante and Vergil in Dragon's Dogma 2
You need to find Dante or Vergil for the Sphinx. Screenshot by Dot Esports

For the next riddle, the Riddle of Differentiation, you must seek out a specific character she shows you. The person you want to track down will either be Dante or Vergil. The two characters nearly look the same, but they have slight differences. Which one you want varies on your playthrough. You can find Dante in Checkpoint Rest Town, whereas Vergil appears on the Battahl side of the checkpoint. Grab the person you need and bring them back to the Sphinx.

If you have a spare Portcrystal to place at the Frontier Shrine, you can quickly transport it to the Sphinx by grabbing it and fast-traveling using a Ferrystone.

Riddle of Futility

Bringing the vase to the Mural Byway in Dragon's Dogma 2
You need to carefully transport the vase to Bakbattahl. Screenshot by Dot Esports

For the Sphinx’s final riddle, the Riddle of Futility, your goal is to transport a delicate vase to the capital of Battahl, Bakbattahl. You need to ensure it gets there in perfect condition, or the riddles are over, and you won’t be able to finish this quest with the Sphinx. I did this by grabbing the vase and walking the entire way. Unfortunately, you cannot use a Ferrystone. When you reach Bakbattahl, head over to the upper area and seek out the Mural Byway, and hand the vase over.

Riddle of Recollection

Completing the Riddle of Recollection in Dragon's Dogma 2
You need to place the correct number of statues in front of the Sphinx. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Now, for my final riddle, the Sphinx asked me how many correct riddles I had solved by this point. You need to place the proper number of statues to the right of the Sphinx in front of her, and this number varies for you. Because this was my final riddle, I had to place down nine statues, but if the Sphinx had asked this question earlier, you might have to put down six, seven, or eight statues.

After you complete this riddle, the Sphinx flies off, and you have completed A Game of Wits in Dragom’s Dogma 2.

Image of Zack Palm
Zack Palm
Zack Palm has been writing about video games for the past five years. He spends his free time trying to learn about a new board, reading high-fantasy series, or working on his latest DnD character.