Fallout 4 topples Helldivers 2 on Steam as Amazon show brings post-apocalypse to new fans

The show breathed new life into the franchise.

Fallout 4 character is looking at Dogmeat
Image via Bethesda

The Fallout show appears to be successful in more ways than one as the decades-long franchise is reaching new heights following its release. The latest entry, Fallout 4, has even pushed into the Steam Top 10, toppling the likes of Helldivers 2 to earn a spot.

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Fallout 4 is sitting at a massive 160,000 concurrent players at the time of writing, according to SteamCharts. It peaked at nearly 170,000 in the past 24 hours, competing with games such as Stardew Valley, GTA 5, and Manor Lords (which was released two days ago on April 26). Fallout 4 is also the fifth best-selling Steam game currently, and its live-service counterpart, Fallout 76, sits in the No. 3 spot. We’ve seen video game adaptations come and go, but it is likely that Amazon’s Fallout show has been one of the most influential in terms of generating sales for its source material.

Fallout 4 is delivering a quality update for next-gen console and PC.
Fallout 4 isn’t the most beloved, but it is certainly the most popular. Image via Bethesda Game Studios

Fallout 4 also recently received a massive 15GB patch, angering many fans, especially those running numerous mods that were completely bricked by the update. Developers of a highly anticipated expansion mod, Fallout: London, were also disgruntled as the patch set them back a bit and rendered their project unreleasable. The worst thing about the situation is that the update didn’t change much at all, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of mod-loving Fallout 4 players.

All of the Fallout games are enjoying an uptick in popularity and sales following the release of the critically acclaimed show. SteamCharts shows that New Vegas‘ peak player count increased nearly tenfold, from 6,000 to 45,000. Fallout 3 also saw gains, though at a much smaller scale in raw numbers. The show’s popularity has entirely reinvigorated Bethesda’s flagship franchise: Here’s hoping we receive another entry before the year 2050.

Image of Andrej Barovic
Andrej Barovic
Strategic Content Writer, English Major. Been in writing for 3 years. Focused mostly on the world of gaming as a whole, with particular interest in RPGs, MOBAs, FPS, and Grand Strategies. Favorite titles include Counter-Strike, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Sekrio, and Kenshi. Cormac McCarthy apologetic.