How to Fast Travel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Slow start.

Chadley cyborg in FF7 Rebirth
Image via Square Enix.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s map is massive, and the quickest way to get around it is by Fast Travelling—but you need to unlock the feature first.

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Specific locations around the map can be a pain to walk to, so having Fast Travel is often a necessity to make the slog between side missions easier, because it’s much quicker than walking or riding on the back of a Chocobo.

Thankfully, it’s not too difficult to unlock Fast Travel; you just need to reach a certain point in FF7 Rebirth‘s story. 

How to unlock and use Fast Travel in FF7 Rebirth

Fast Travel Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Fast Travel. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To unlock Fast Travel in FF7 Rebirth, you first need to play through a portion of the main story until you come across Bill’s Chocobo Ranch. 

After recapturing Piko, the runaway Chocobo, and taking part in a race, you unlock the use of Fast Travel as soon as the race concludes, no matter what position you end in. A small but easily missable notification lets you know Fast Travel has unlocked.

After unlocking Fast Travel, you can open the map using the touchpad button on the PS5 controller. Hover over specific towns, towers, and locations, and if you can Fast Travel to them, you get the option to press X on the area to travel there.

It’s a great way to get across the map no matter where you are, but honestly, I prefer walking around the map where I can, especially in the early game. So many secrets and hidden areas are waiting for you to come across them—if you allow yourself to go off the beaten path.

Image of Adam Newell
Adam Newell
Assigning Editor. In 2015, Adam graduated from the University of Aberystwyth with a bachelor's in Media and Communications. Working in the industry for over ten years. If it has anything to do with Nintendo and Pokémon chances are you will see me talking about it, covering, and likely not sleeping while playing it.