All Fortnite points of interest that should be changed when season 9 starts

We don't want chaos, just a few tweaks.

Image via Epic Games

When a Fortnite: Battle Royale season ends, another starts. That’s how the cycle has been for almost two years. And season changes are drastic: Our favorite weapons are vaulted, some weird items are added and we have to get used to them, and lots of named locations and points of interest change drastically.

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We expect the same to happen when season eight ends and nine starts this month. Even though we’re a bit scared of what’s coming, as always, there are a few things we wish would happen to a few locations when season nine starts.

These are the named locations we want to see change when Fortnite’s ninth season starts.

Lonely Lodge

We love Lonely Lodge. It’s an underrated spot with lots of loot and very few players. But it’s been in the game for quite a while with no big changes, and the lodge has been lonely for too long. It’s not that the area is bad or needs improvements regarding its loot or design, but it could use a slight visual makeover to either fit the jungle theme of the areas above it or the desert below it.

Lonely Lodge can stay, but a small change like the one that happened to Dusty Divot since it was hit by the meteorite a few seasons ago would be welcome in season nine.

Junk Junction

Junk Junction has become boring at this point, like most of the areas surrounding it. The Fortnite island tells players a story. We remember Moisty Mire when we look at the desert biome and Paradise Palms, and we remember the iceberg approaching the island when we look at the entire snow biome.

When we look at Junk Junction, there’s nothing special about it. It’s small, there’s not enough loot for duos and squads, it’s an area that has changed very little since it was introduced, and it just feels like changes to it were put off. It certainly could use a few tall buildings or an underground area to make it worth landing there.

Dusty Divot

Dusty should be covered in lava and gone from the game. That’s not because it’s a horrible place, but because the season eight lore shows that’s what’s bound to happen.

When you look at Fortnite’s map, Dusty is a giant bowl ready to be filled with the volcano’s lava that’s been flowing from the north for the past 10 weeks. Lava is also rising from the excavation site in its center. That’s a chance Epic has to take advantage of so the entire season makes more sense.

These are just a few areas we feel need a small rework or change when Fortnite’s season nine starts. And we’ve already resigned ourselves to the fact that Tilted Towers and Retail Row might be gone by then.

Image of Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo Viana
Gaming writer and strategist working in the gaming industry for over 8 years. A fan of Pokémon since I was 6 and an avid Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch player. Now completely hooked by Palworld.