Can Fnatic stop the Alliance steamroller?

In the European LCS scene, there's no better team than Fnatic

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In the European LCS scene, there’s no better team than Fnatic. They’re the three-time champions—and there’s only been three seasons since Riot Games first set up their League Championship Series

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But a new team has charged to the front this year. Despite a weak start in the spring, Alliance is now mounting an all-out attack to finally sink the titanic Fnatic. With a 12-2 record, the newcomers are definitely living up to that ambitious plan. Today, they face off against a Fnatic, a team that’s been steadily improving over the split. Here are the stats on this pivotal matchup.

Overall, despite the 5-win difference in their records, both teams have some surprising parity. First blood and first tower rates are practically tied, though Alliance clearly come out ahead with the later game objectives like first Baron and first inhibitor. Still, their KDA and gold income rates are very close, and Fnatic are doing their best to keep up. If Fnatic can stay ahead in the early game, they might be able to take this game handily.

The main man looking to stop Fnatic will be mid laner Henrik “Froggen” Hansen. Hansen is the team captain, but he’s also their star player. In this matchup against opposing Fnatic mid laner Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño Martínez, Hansen holds a huge advantage. Not only does he have six more kills on the season, but his KDA is a full 3.0 above that of Martinez. Fnatic’s only hope may lie in the marksman/support duo bot lane, manned by Martin “Rekkles” Larsson and Bora “YellOwStaR” Kim. When Kim and Larsson get rolling, almost nothing can stop them. They’ll need to bring that fire into the game if Fnatic wants to defend their title further. Alliance have a sizeable advantage, but Fnatic aren’t out of the running yet.
