Who will come out on top, Cloud9 or Team Solomid?

It’s week four of the North American League of Legends Championship Series, and nothing could be more exciting than another rematch between the two finalists last year, Team Solomid and Cloud9

It’s week four of the North American League of Legends Championship Series, and nothing could be more exciting than another rematch between the two finalists last year, Team Solomid and Cloud9. In their first game this season, Cloud9 won handily. We took at look at the stats for both teams to see if anything had changed.

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Overall, the two teams are fairly even. Solomid has a slight lead in overall KDA, but the scales swing the other way when it comes to gold income. Even their objective controls are a wash—this game might be a lot closer than it seems.

When comparing individual matchups, however, some inequalities appear. Team Solomid’s top lane and bottom lanes both tend to fall behind as the game last on, while Cloud9’s players tend to get stronger. If this trend continues, Cloud9 will have a slight lead if Team Solomid can’t close out the game quickly. The one chance Solomid does have if that happens is mid lane star Soren “Bjergsen” Bjerg, who has had some pretty big games so far this year.

If Bjerg can power up, Team Solomid should be able to close out the game. However, he has been plagued by inconsistency so far this year, and Cloud9’s lead in the other two lanes give them a favorable advantage in this one. Unless something crazy happens, Cloud9 should be able to find victory against Team Solomid once again.

Infographics by LoLStats | Photo via Cloud9/Facebook
