Dazzle voiced by Jar Jar Binks will haunt your dreams

We all have skeletons in our closets that continue to whisper in our ears from time to time

Photo by istolethetv/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

We all have skeletons in our closets that continue to whisper in our ears from time to time. For Dota fans, these include game-breaking bugs, odd ability glitches, and that guilty-pleasure Basshunter song. But even for the entertainers of the Dota world, some ghosts simply won’t rest in peace.

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“Sir Action Slacks” has made a name for himself spoofing the many heroes of Dota with in-game voices to match their equally cartoony personalities. But one persistent request from fans and trolls alike haunts him like a gas station burrito: a pink-faced shaman with painted on teeth named Dazzle.

Mr. “Slacks” finally gave in. But with a twist: He wants us to feel his suffering. Throughout the 50-minute game, he channels one of the most terrifying characters in the history of film: Jar Jar Binks.

It takes only three speaker-crackling “YEAH”‘s and “I LOVE YOU”‘s to understand the burden the beloved personality has accepted. Just as the floppy-eared, CGI pejorative turned the Star Wars prequel screenings into fire drills, Dazzle’s screeching and “help” are enough to dissuade even the farm-hungry Anti-Mage from spending more than 10 seconds in lane.

If nothing else, “Slacks”’s video is a cautionary tale; a wake-up call for all who believe that words can’t hurt. The fact is, they do, and we now have the blown eardrums and persistent nightmares to prove it.
