My Hero Academia, a popular manga and anime series, has gotten another video game adaptation in My Hero Ultra Rumble. Despite its mixed reviews, it’s hitting a daily peak of over 30,000 players on Steam.
Set in a world where over 80 percent of the population has some superpower, My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, a boy without superpowers who dreams of becoming a superhero himself.
Now, you can also fulfill your dreams of being a superhero in this video game adaptation. My Hero Ultra Rumble sets you in an arena fight-type game where you can choose your favorite characters from a popular series.
Ultra Rumble is a third-person battle royale of eight teams with three players. You fight to be the last team standing using your character’s unique quirks.
Still, players claim to have a lot of fun in this battle royale. The number of possible character choices, customizations, and promised updates are all positive aspects that draw the players toward My Hero Ultra Rumble.
Bandai Namco promises updated content with every new season, and this will consist of an updated roster of playable heroes and villains, new costumes, and new events.
Despite mixed reviews, the game is experiencing a peak of around 30,000 players daily, placing it in the top 50 of the most-played games on Steam.
Whether this trend will continue is uncertain, but the popularity it is experiencing right now is impressive. It can have a bright future with the proper updates and new season releases.