How to make Infinity in Infinite Craft

This feels meta meta.

infinity symbol in infinite craft
Screenshot by Dot Esports

To infinity and beyond! It’s no longer just a popular catchphrase—now you can create your very own Infinity thanks to the powerful tools and versatility of Infinite Craft, so let’s show you how.

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Ever wanted to create your own President? Or Kanye West? The sheer endless possibilities in Infinite Craft, thanks to its use of AI, lets you craft countless items and combinations.

Above all, though, the Infinity recipe might be the pick of the bunch. Not just because of the sheer scale, size, and magnitude of the concept, but because it requires close to 500 elements to make.

Infinity recipe in Infinite Craft

elements for infinity in infinite craft
This is only the beginning. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The final combination to finish the Infinity recipe is Forever and Lake. The first of these is apt, as it takes almost forever to craft the Infinity element. Simply put, according to the geniuses behind Infinite Craft Solver, Infinity requires 439 steps if you’re beginning from scratch.

If you’re dedicated, and perhaps just really, really bored, here’s the recipe in its entirety:

  1. Water + Wind = Wave
  2. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  3. Earth + Water = Plant
  4. Fire + Water = Steam
  5. Earth + Wind = Dust
  6. Water + Wave = Tsunami
  7. Plant + Smoke = Incense
  8. Plant + Wave = Seaweed
  9. Earth + Steam = Mud
  10. Plant + Water = Swamp
  11. Wave + Wind = Storm
  12. Fire + Steam = Engine
  13. Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
  14. Dust + Earth = Planet
  15. Steam + Wave = Surf
  16. Smoke + Steam = Cloud
  17. Incense + Tsunami = Poseidon
  18. Mud + Seaweed = Mudweed
  19. Tsunami + Water = Ocean
  20. Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
  21. Dust + Storm = Tornado
  22. Earth + Tsunami = Island
  23. Plant + Steam = Tea
  24. Dust + Wave = Sand
  25. Engine + Wind = Windmill
  26. Earth + Plant = Tree
  27. Dust + Plant = Pollen
  28. Planet + Sandstorm = Mars
  29. Surf + Tsunami = Surfer
  30. Sandstorm + Wind = Dust Storm
  31. Cloud + Engine = Jet
  32. Earth + Fire = Lava
  33. Engine + Plant = Car
  34. Engine + Swamp = Train
  35. Earth + Engine = Tractor
  36. Engine + Seaweed = Submarine
  37. Mudweed + Poseidon = Squid
  38. Incense + Ocean = Sea
  39. Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
  40. Smoke + Swamp = Dragon
  41. Earth + Island = Continent
  42. Sand + Tea = Sandwich
  43. Tree + Windmill = Paper
  44. Pollen + Swamp = Allergy
  45. Dust + Mars = Rover
  46. Mud + Surfer = Muddy
  47. Cloud + Planet = Sky
  48. Dust Storm + Tree = Tumbleweed
  49. Jet + Poseidon = Jetski
  50. Lava + Smoke = Volcano
  51. Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  52. Car + Engine = Racecar
  53. Island + Train = Ferry
  54. Submarine + Tractor = Tank
  55. Sea + Squid = Kraken
  56. Funnel Cake + Swamp = Gator
  57. Continent + Dragon = Europe
  58. Train + Wind = Zephyr
  59. Paper + Sandwich = Wrapper
  60. Engine + Planet = Saturn
  61. Incense + Swamp = Mosquito
  62. Engine + Tree = Wood
  63. Allergy + Sand = Hay
  64. Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
  65. Muddy + Rover = Dog
  66. Sand + Venus Flytrap = Sandtrap
  67. Planet + Sky = Star
  68. Dust + Incense = Prayer
  69. Jetski + Tumbleweed = Cowboy
  70. Tree + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
  71. Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
  72. Continent + Racecar = America
  73. Smoke + Water = Fog
  74. Incense + Water = Perfume
  75. Ferry + Mars = Martian
  76. Continent + Tank = Tanktop
  77. Gator + Kraken = Gatorade
  78. Europe + Rover = Curiosity
  79. Wrapper + Zephyr = Candy
  80. Mosquito + Saturn = Saturn V
  81. Lava + Wave = Stone
  82. Storm + Water = Rain
  83. Surf + Tree = Palm
  84. Dandelion + Water = Wine
  85. Earth + Tree = Forest
  86. Hay + Wood = Straw
  87. Dog + Maple = Squirrel
  88. Incense + Sandtrap = Trap
  89. Prayer + Star = Angel
  90. Carnivore + Cowboy = Vegetarian
  91. America + Fireworks = Independence Day
  92. Mud + Windmill = Pig
  93. Fog + Tree = Ghost
  94. Tsunami + Wind = Hurricane
  95. Fog + Planet = Venus
  96. Martian + Perfume = Stink
  97. Gatorade + Tanktop = Athlete
  98. Candy + Curiosity = Kid
  99. Perfume + Saturn V = Apollo
  100. Plant + Stone = Fossil
  101. Sand + Tree = Desert
  102. Earth + Planet = Moon
  103. Tree + Water = River
  104. Rain + Submarine = Periscope
  105. Car + Palm = Coconut
  106. Car + Earth = Tire
  107. Mud + Wave = Beach
  108. Forest + Wine = Drunk
  109. Mosquito + Sandstorm = Malaria
  110. Squirrel + Straw = Nest
  111. Car + Fog = Accident
  112. Angel + Trap = Devil
  113. Planet + Tractor = Tractor Beam
  114. Car + Island = Parking
  115. Independence Day + Vegetarian = Vegetarian Day
  116. Ghost + Pig = Bacon
  117. Dandelion + Engine = Helicopter
  118. Steam + Tsunami = Titanic
  119. Earth + Pollen = Flower
  120. Ferry + Train = Bus
  121. Funnel Cake + Tractor = Tractor Cake
  122. Ghost + Jet = Pilot
  123. Hurricane + Jet = Airplane
  124. Dust + Fire = Ash
  125. Train + Venus = Vulcan
  126. Athlete + Stink = Sweat
  127. Apollo + Kid = Child
  128. Desert + Fossil = Oil
  129. Moon + Mud = Cheese
  130. River + Water = Lake
  131. Dust + Engine = Vacuum
  132. Coconut + Periscope = Monocle
  133. Periscope + Tire = Spy
  134. Tractor + Windmill = Farm
  135. Beach + Palm = Paradise
  136. Dandelion + Plant = Weed
  137. Cloud + Tsunami = Rainbow
  138. Drunk + Forest = Party
  139. Island + Malaria = Panama
  140. Accident + Nest = Egg
  141. Devil + Paper = Contract
  142. Parking + Tractor Beam = Traffic Warden
  143. Bacon + Vegetarian Day = Hypocrite
  144. Helicopter + Stone = Stonehenge
  145. Lava + Sand = Glass
  146. Mud + Tsunami = Mudslide
  147. Flower + Titanic = Rose
  148. Fire + Mud = Brick
  149. Venus Flytrap + Windmill = Wind Turbine
  150. Bus + Palm = Tourist
  151. Fireworks + Tractor Cake = Birthday
  152. Airplane + Pilot = Flight
  153. Tree + Venus = Apple
  154. Ash + Ocean = Salt
  155. Poseidon + Vulcan = Cyclops
  156. Child + Sweat = Teenager
  157. America + Ferry = Liberty
  158. Cheese + Oil = Pizza
  159. Jet + Plant = Fuel
  160. Lake + Parking = Lot
  161. Dandelion + Titanic = Iceberg
  162. Planet + Vacuum = Black Hole
  163. Allergy + Volcano = Sneeze
  164. Maple + Monocle = Professor
  165. Farm + Spy = Farmer
  166. Fog + Paradise = Heaven
  167. Ash + Tree = Pencil
  168. Train + Weed = Trainwreck
  169. Fireworks + Tire = Explosion
  170. Rainbow + Weed = Pot of Gold
  171. Panama + Party = Hat
  172. Contract + Egg = Chicken
  173. Hypocrite + Traffic Warden = Politician
  174. Glass + Stonehenge = Time
  175. Mudslide + Tsunami = Disaster
  176. Lava + Mud = Clay
  177. Hay + Rose = Sleeping Beauty
  178. Brick + Earth = House
  179. Jet + Surfer = Ironman
  180. Tea + Windmill = Dutch
  181. Island + Wind Turbine = Wind Farm
  182. Flower + Moon = Night
  183. Birthday + Tourist = Vacation
  184. Flight + Tree = Bird
  185. Seaweed + Stone = Coral
  186. Ash + Water = Puddle
  187. Moon + Nest = Owl
  188. Planet + Stone = Meteor
  189. Apple + Maple = Pie
  190. Dust + Vacuum = Clean
  191. Cyclops + Salt = Tear
  192. Drunk + Lake = Swim
  193. Liberty + Teenager = Rebel
  194. Fuel + Pizza = Delivery
  195. Lot + Lot = Village
  196. Lake + Paper = Map
  197. Black Hole + Iceberg = Dark Matter
  198. Sneeze + Train = Snot
  199. Incense + Sand = Snake
  200. Poseidon + Venus Flytrap = Medusa
  201. Farmer + Professor = Scientist
  202. Angel + Heaven = God
  203. Cowboy + Pencil = Draw
  204. Swamp + Tractor = Monster Truck
  205. River + Trainwreck = Bridge
  206. Explosion + Fuel = Bomb
  207. Pot of Gold + Smoke = Leprechaun
  208. Chicken + Hat = Chef
  209. Bus + Politician = Campaign
  210. Disaster + Time = History
  211. Planet + Surf = Surfing
  212. Cloud + Seaweed = Sushi
  213. Clay + Island = Pottery
  214. Dandelion + Planet = Sun
  215. House + Sleeping Beauty = Castle
  216. Dutch + Ironman = Robot
  217. Lava + Wind Farm = Geothermal Plant
  218. Night + Time = Dark
  219. Ash + Earth = Soil
  220. Fog + Plant = Mushroom
  221. Bird + Vacation = Migration
  222. Coral + Stone = Pearl
  223. Owl + Puddle = Wisdom
  224. Meteor + Stonehenge = Alien
  225. Clean + Pie = Whole
  226. Swim + Tear = Cry
  227. Delivery + Rebel = Strike
  228. Map + Village = City
  229. America + Dark Matter = Trump
  230. Snake + Snot = Booger
  231. Medusa + Parking = Ticket
  232. God + Scientist = Creation
  233. Draw + Explosion = Art
  234. Ironman + Maple = Ironwood
  235. America + Monster Truck = Freedom
  236. Bridge + Tree = Troll
  237. Bomb + Disaster = Terrorist
  238. Leprechaun + Plant = Shamrock
  239. Earth + Mudslide = Landslide
  240. Chef + Village = Restaurant
  241. Campaign + Ghost = Election
  242. Chef + History = Cookbook
  243. Sandstorm + Surfing = Sandboarding
  244. Poseidon + Rain = Flood
  245. Steam + Tea = Teapot
  246. Earth + Ferry = Land
  247. Rainbow + Venus = Love
  248. Pottery + Sushi = Plate
  249. Castle + Sun = Palace
  250. Stone + Swamp = Statue
  251. Geothermal Plant + Robot = Judge
  252. Dark + Steam = Shadow
  253. Cheese + Soil = Mouse
  254. Flower + Paper = Book
  255. Mushroom + Tsunami = Mario
  256. Dust + Fog = Smog
  257. Liberty + Migration = Immigration
  258. Dutch + Pearl = Gift
  259. Alien + Wisdom = Knowledge
  260. Funnel Cake + Stone = Funnel
  261. Cry + Whole = Hole
  262. City + Strike = Riot
  263. Booger + Trump = President
  264. Delivery + Ticket = Post
  265. Art + Creation = Artist
  266. Pig + Pot of Gold = Piggy Bank
  267. Malaria + Venus Flytrap = Malaria Flytrap
  268. Freedom + Ironwood = Slavery
  269. Terrorist + Troll = Internet
  270. Bus + Earth = Truck
  271. Landslide + Shamrock = Luck
  272. Clay + Flower = Vase
  273. Election + Restaurant = Voting
  274. Cookbook + Fireworks = Recipe
  275. Flood + Sandboarding = Fun
  276. Swamp + Teapot = Witch
  277. Plant + Sandwich = Salad
  278. Dandelion + Fog = Fairy
  279. Land + Prayer = Temple
  280. Love + Tree = Heart
  281. Palace + Plate = Dinner
  282. Judge + Statue = Justice
  283. Mouse + Shadow = Rat
  284. Book + Contract = Law
  285. Hay + Mario = Strawberry
  286. Smog + Wind Farm = Clean Air
  287. House + Immigration = Home
  288. Gift + Tree = Christmas
  289. City + Knowledge = University
  290. Car + Funnel = Gas
  291. Hole + Politician = Scandal
  292. President + Riot = Protest
  293. Artist + Post = Poster
  294. Malaria Flytrap + Piggy Bank = Money
  295. Cheese + Sandwich = Grilled Cheese
  296. Internet + Slavery = Social Media
  297. Luck + Truck = Fortune
  298. Lava + Stone = Obsidian
  299. Funnel Cake + Vase = Urn
  300. Planet + Sandtrap = Golf
  301. Pollen + Seaweed = Kelp
  302. Tea + Voting = Democracy
  303. Fun + Recipe = Cooking
  304. Cloud + Windmill = Energy
  305. Salad + Witch = Poison
  306. Fairy + Glass = Mirror
  307. Heart + Temple = Church
  308. Swamp + Train = Monster
  309. Dinner + Night = Date
  310. Airplane + Justice = Lawsuit
  311. Law + Rat = Lawyer
  312. Clean Air + Strawberry = Fruit
  313. Christmas + Home = Family
  314. Gas + University = Chemistry
  315. Prayer + Scandal = Politics
  316. Immigration + Sweat = Labor
  317. Poster + Protest = Protester
  318. Grilled Cheese + Money = Rich
  319. Fortune + Social Media = Fame
  320. Surfer + Vacuum = Dyson
  321. Hay + Obsidian = Scythe
  322. Submarine + Swamp = Loch Ness Monster
  323. Golf + Urn = Coffin
  324. Kelp + Train = Bullet Train
  325. Cooking + Democracy = Food
  326. Energy + Time = Light
  327. Hurricane + Steam = Steamboat
  328. Cloud + Tractor = Crop
  329. Mirror + Poison = Vampire
  330. Church + Pie = Piece
  331. Date + Monster = Romance
  332. Lawsuit + Scientist = Patent
  333. Fruit + Lawyer = Banana
  334. Chemistry + Family = Dad
  335. Labor + Politics = Union
  336. Pizza + Protester = Slice
  337. Fame + Rich = Celebrity
  338. Dyson + Stonehenge = Time Machine
  339. Cowboy + Dutch = Yodeling
  340. Car + Dust = Rust
  341. Night + Party = Sleepover
  342. Rich + Train = Orient Express
  343. Loch Ness Monster + Scythe = Grim Reaper
  344. Bullet Train + Coffin = Coffin Dodger
  345. Food + Village = Market
  346. Justice + Light = Truth
  347. Crop + Steamboat = Cotton
  348. Fuel + Vampire = Blood
  349. Mosquito + Poseidon = Skeeter
  350. Funnel Cake + Hay = Candy Cane
  351. Bomb + Piece = Peace
  352. Patent + Romance = Invention
  353. Banana + Map = Trip
  354. Dad + River = Father
  355. Steam + Venus = Life
  356. Coconut + Dandelion = Hair
  357. Slice + Union = Cut
  358. Celebrity + Tear = Drama
  359. Clean Air + Time Machine = Future
  360. Rust + Yodeling = Country
  361. Orient Express + Sleepover = Murder
  362. Coffin Dodger + Grim Reaper = Death
  363. Dad + Market = Grocery
  364. Malaria + Sushi = Sick
  365. Ash + Pollen = Cough
  366. Palace + Truth = Lie
  367. Blood + Cotton = Bandage
  368. Cloud + Fire = Lightning
  369. Golf + Skeeter = Tiger
  370. Candy Cane + Obsidian = Diamond
  371. Invention + Peace = Silence
  372. Father + Trip = Business
  373. Dandelion + Golf = Puffball
  374. Hair + Life = Mane
  375. Chemistry + Cut = Surgery
  376. Drama + Gift = Tragedy
  377. Country + Future = Nation
  378. Death + Murder = Suicide
  379. Grocery + Peace = Shopping
  380. Cough + Sick = Medicine
  381. Athlete + Lie = Cheat
  382. Bandage + Ironwood = Nail
  383. Lightning + Sushi = Electric Eel
  384. Diamond + Tiger = Ring
  385. Business + Silence = Success
  386. Mane + Puffball = Lion
  387. Post + Surgery = Recovery
  388. Gas + Tragedy = Comedy
  389. Contract + Nation = Constitution
  390. Shopping + Suicide = Sale
  391. Cheat + Medicine = Drug
  392. Electric Eel + Nail = Battery
  393. Post + Ring = Mail
  394. Lion + Success = Pride
  395. Comedy + Recovery = Laughter
  396. Constitution + Cry = Amendment
  397. Hat + Sale = Discount
  398. Battery + Drug = Speed
  399. Mail + Weed = Mailman
  400. Laughter + Pride = Satisfaction
  401. Amendment + Life = Abortion
  402. Discount + Professor = Lecture
  403. Cotton + Speed = Race
  404. Kraken + Mushroom = Soup
  405. Lawsuit + Palm = Slap
  406. Mailman + Perfume = Stamp
  407. Mud + Weed = Pot
  408. Stone + Windmill = Flour
  409. Clay + Sandtrap = Claymore
  410. Internet + Satisfaction = Impossible
  411. Abortion + Fun = Funding
  412. Delivery + Lecture = Speech
  413. President + Race = Racist
  414. Slap + Soup = Fight
  415. Pot + Stamp = Coin
  416. Claymore + Flour = Bread
  417. Funding + Impossible = Possible
  418. Racist + Speech = Hate
  419. Fight + Pilot = Fighter
  420. Bread + Coin = Economy
  421. Possible + Whole = Potential
  422. Fighter + Hate = Enemy
  423. Economy + Scandal = Recession
  424. Enemy + Potential = Friend
  425. Planet + Tsunami = Earthquake
  426. Recession + Sandwich = Depression
  427. Earthquake + Friend = Fault
  428. Depression + Prayer = Hope
  429. Monster + Perfume = Beauty
  430. Business + Fault = Bankruptcy
  431. Hope + Lion = Courage
  432. Bankruptcy + Beauty = Ugly
  433. Courage + Suicide = Hero
  434. Hero + Ugly = Beast
  435. Dust + Mosquito = Dengue
  436. Beast + Date = Together
  437. Dengue + Hay = Fever
  438. Fever + Together = Forever
  439. Forever + Lake = Infinity

Bravo if you made it to the end of this walkthrough. If you did, you now have Infinity added to your recipe playbook.

Infinity combinations in Infinity Craft

Now that you’ve got Infinity in your hands, you’ve opened the door to endless possibilities of using it to create even more weird and wonderful elements. Here are some of the most fun combinations we’ve discovered:

  • Infinity + Engine = God
  • Infinity + Diamond = Forever
  • Infinity + Stone = Ouroboros
  • Infinity + Steam = Time
  • Infinity + Civil War = Infinity War
  • Infinity + Love = Forever
  • Infinity + Time = Eternity

You should also check out our list of all Infinite Craft recipes, as it’s ever-expanding.

Image of Andrew Highton
Andrew Highton
Andy is a Game Guides Writer at Dot Esports with a host of experience working at Dexerto, Twinfinite, Keengamer, and more. He's about as passionate a gamer as you're likely to find and spreads that love across a ton of different titles, but will also talk everything football, golf, and wrestling! Be sure to follow his thoughts and ramblings over at @AndyHighton8 on Twitter.