How to solve Wordle puzzles: Words with ‘A’, and ‘I’ on them

How could you find this combination?

Image via New York Times

Wordle, like many other games, can be played in many different ways depending on the preferences of its players. You can be a casual player who plays once in a while without too many worries and the game won’t punish you for not playing every day. You can be more hardcore and play every day trying to accumulate as many win streaks as possible. Or you might even be a player who likes to compete with friends to see who gets the answer with the fewest guesses.

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Regardless of your style, Wordle will always be there for you to enjoy.

Undoubtedly, its simplicity and flexibility made Wordle the success it is today, having even been acquired by the New York Times. But being a simple game doesn’t mean it’s not a game that can be difficult. At some point, you may find yourself struggling to find the right word. The situation becomes even more difficult when in the first few attempts we do not find any green letters, only yellow ones. If you’ve reached the point where you find an ‘A’ and an ‘I’, but you don’t know their position yet, we have the right list to help you. All five-letter words containing the letters ‘A’ and ‘I’, regardless of their position. With this, you’ll be able to choose words with other letters than the ones you’ve already tried to narrow down your options.

Five-letter words with ‘A’, and ‘I’ on them to try on Wordle

  • aalii
  • abaci
  • abide
  • aboil
  • abris
  • acais
  • acari
  • acids
  • acidy
  • acing
  • acini
  • acmic
  • acrid
  • actin
  • adieu
  • adios
  • adits
  • admin
  • admit
  • admix
  • aecia
  • aegis
  • aerie
  • affix
  • afire
  • afrit
  • again
  • aggie
  • agile
  • aging
  • agios
  • agism
  • agist
  • agita
  • agria
  • ahing
  • aided
  • aider
  • aides
  • ailed
  • aimed
  • aimer
  • aioli
  • aired
  • airer
  • airns
  • airth
  • airts
  • aisle
  • aitch
  • aiver
  • aiyee
  • ajies
  • ajiva
  • alcid
  • algid
  • algin
  • alias
  • alibi
  • alien
  • alifs
  • align
  • alike
  • aline
  • alist
  • alive
  • aliya
  • alkie
  • aloin
  • amain
  • ambit
  • amias
  • amice
  • amici
  • amide
  • amido
  • amids
  • amies
  • amiga
  • amigo
  • amine
  • amino
  • amins
  • amirs
  • amiss
  • amity
  • amnia
  • amnic
  • amnio
  • amrit
  • anile
  • anils
  • anima
  • anime
  • animi
  • anion
  • anise
  • antic
  • antis
  • anvil
  • aphid
  • aphis
  • apian
  • aping
  • apish
  • apsis
  • archi
  • areic
  • argil
  • arias
  • ariel
  • arils
  • arise
  • aroid
  • arris
  • arsis
  • asdic
  • aside
  • askoi
  • aspic
  • aspis
  • assai
  • astir
  • aswim
  • atigi
  • atilt
  • atria
  • atrip
  • attic
  • audio
  • audit
  • aulic
  • aurei
  • auric
  • auris
  • auxin
  • avail
  • avian
  • avion
  • aviso
  • avoid
  • await
  • awing
  • axial
  • axile
  • axils
  • axing
  • axiom
  • axion
  • axite
  • ayins
  • azide
  • azido
  • azine
  • azoic
  • azuki
  • bails
  • baing
  • bairn
  • baith
  • baits
  • baiza
  • baize
  • balti
  • barfi
  • baric
  • basic
  • basil
  • basin
  • basis
  • bassi
  • batik
  • bhaji
  • biali
  • bialy
  • bimah
  • bimas
  • binal
  • biota
  • blain
  • braid
  • brail
  • brain
  • bravi
  • briar
  • cabin
  • cacti
  • cadis
  • caids
  • cains
  • caird
  • cairn
  • calif
  • calix
  • camia
  • camis
  • campi
  • canid
  • capiz
  • capri
  • carpi
  • cauri
  • cavie
  • cavil
  • ceiba
  • ceria
  • chain
  • chair
  • chais
  • chiao
  • chias
  • chica
  • china
  • cigar
  • cilia
  • circa
  • claim
  • clavi
  • cnida
  • coati
  • cobia
  • coria
  • curia
  • daily
  • dairy
  • daisy
  • danio
  • daric
  • dashi
  • davit
  • deair
  • dials
  • diary
  • diazo
  • dicta
  • dinar
  • diram
  • ditas
  • divan
  • divas
  • diwan
  • dosai
  • drail
  • drain
  • dulia
  • elain
  • email
  • entia
  • erica
  • facia
  • fails
  • faint
  • fairs
  • fairy
  • faith
  • fakie
  • fakir
  • faqir
  • farci
  • feria
  • fiars
  • fiats
  • filar
  • final
  • finca
  • flail
  • flair
  • folia
  • frail
  • friar
  • gaddi
  • gadid
  • gadis
  • gaily
  • gains
  • gaits
  • gamic
  • gamin
  • garni
  • ghazi
  • giant
  • gigas
  • glair
  • glial
  • glias
  • gonia
  • grail
  • grain
  • habit
  • hadji
  • hafiz
  • haick
  • haika
  • haiks
  • haiku
  • hails
  • haint
  • hairs
  • hairy
  • hajis
  • hajji
  • hakim
  • halid
  • happi
  • hijab
  • hijra
  • hilar
  • iambi
  • iambs
  • ideal
  • ideas
  • ihram
  • ikats
  • ileac
  • ileal
  • iliac
  • iliad
  • ilial
  • image
  • imago
  • imams
  • imaum
  • inane
  • inapt
  • inarm
  • infra
  • inlay
  • invar
  • iotas
  • irade
  • irate
  • isbas
  • ixias
  • ixnay
  • ixora
  • izard
  • izars
  • jails
  • jibba
  • jihad
  • kadis
  • kafir
  • kaiak
  • kaifs
  • kails
  • kains
  • kakis
  • kalif
  • kamik
  • kanji
  • karri
  • kauri
  • khadi
  • khaki
  • kiack
  • kiang
  • kibla
  • kinas
  • kippa
  • kivas
  • korai
  • krais
  • krait
  • laari
  • labia
  • laich
  • laics
  • laigh
  • laird
  • lairs
  • lairy
  • laith
  • laity
  • lamia
  • lanai
  • lapin
  • lapis
  • laris
  • lassi
  • lathi
  • layin
  • liana
  • liane
  • liang
  • liard
  • liars
  • libra
  • lidar
  • ligan
  • lilac
  • liman
  • limas
  • limba
  • limpa
  • linac
  • linga
  • lipas
  • liras
  • litai
  • litas
  • logia
  • mafia
  • mafic
  • magic
  • maids
  • maile
  • maill
  • mails
  • maims
  • mains
  • mairs
  • maist
  • maize
  • makis
  • malic
  • mamie
  • mania
  • manic
  • maqui
  • maria
  • matin
  • mavie
  • mavin
  • mavis
  • maxim
  • maxis
  • mbira
  • media
  • miaou
  • miaow
  • miasm
  • miaul
  • micas
  • micra
  • mikra
  • mikva
  • milia
  • milpa
  • minae
  • minas
  • mirza
  • moira
  • nabis
  • nadir
  • naevi
  • naiad
  • naifs
  • nails
  • naira
  • nairu
  • naive
  • naric
  • naris
  • nicad
  • nidal
  • nikah
  • ninja
  • nipas
  • niqab
  • nival
  • nizam
  • noria
  • nubia
  • oasis
  • obias
  • ohias
  • oidia
  • okapi
  • ossia
  • ostia
  • padis
  • padri
  • paiks
  • pails
  • pains
  • paint
  • pairs
  • paisa
  • paise
  • palis
  • palpi
  • panic
  • pappi
  • pardi
  • paris
  • patin
  • patio
  • pavid
  • pavin
  • pavis
  • phial
  • piani
  • piano
  • pians
  • pibal
  • pical
  • picas
  • pieta
  • pikas
  • pilaf
  • pilar
  • pilau
  • pilaw
  • pilea
  • pimas
  • pinas
  • pinna
  • pinta
  • pipal
  • pipas
  • pitas
  • pitta
  • pizza
  • plaid
  • plain
  • plait
  • plica
  • podia
  • prima
  • psoai
  • qadis
  • qaids
  • qapik
  • qibla
  • quail
  • quais
  • quasi
  • rabbi
  • rabic
  • rabid
  • radii
  • radio
  • radix
  • ragis
  • raias
  • raids
  • rails
  • rains
  • rainy
  • raise
  • raita
  • rakis
  • ramie
  • ramin
  • ranid
  • ranis
  • rapid
  • ratio
  • ravin
  • rawin
  • reais
  • redia
  • retia
  • rials
  • riant
  • riata
  • rioja
  • rival
  • riyal
  • sabin
  • sabir
  • sadis
  • sahib
  • saice
  • saids
  • saiga
  • sails
  • sains
  • saint
  • saith
  • sakis
  • sakti
  • salic
  • salmi
  • sapid
  • sarin
  • saris
  • sasin
  • satin
  • satis
  • savin
  • sayid
  • seiza
  • sepia
  • serai
  • shiva
  • sials
  • sigla
  • sigma
  • signa
  • sikas
  • silva
  • simar
  • simas
  • sirra
  • sisal
  • sitar
  • sizar
  • slain
  • snail
  • spahi
  • spail
  • spait
  • spica
  • staid
  • staig
  • stain
  • stair
  • stoai
  • stria
  • swail
  • swain
  • swami
  • tabid
  • tacit
  • tafia
  • taiga
  • taiko
  • tails
  • tains
  • taint
  • takin
  • tamis
  • tapir
  • tapis
  • tarsi
  • tawie
  • taxis
  • telia
  • tenia
  • terai
  • thali
  • tians
  • tiara
  • tibia
  • tical
  • tidal
  • tikka
  • tilak
  • tinea
  • titan
  • tragi
  • traik
  • trail
  • train
  • trait
  • triac
  • triad
  • trial
  • tsadi
  • twain
  • umami
  • umiac
  • umiak
  • umiaq
  • unais
  • uncia
  • unica
  • uraei
  • urari
  • urbia
  • urial
  • vails
  • vairs
  • vakil
  • valid
  • vapid
  • varia
  • varix
  • vatic
  • vials
  • viand
  • vicar
  • vigas
  • vigia
  • villa
  • vinal
  • vinas
  • vinca
  • viola
  • viral
  • virga
  • visas
  • vista
  • vitae
  • vital
  • vitta
  • vivas
  • vivat
  • voila
  • wadis
  • waifs
  • wails
  • wains
  • wairs
  • waist
  • waits
  • waive
  • walie
  • walis
  • wicca
  • wigan
  • wirra
  • wisha
  • witan
  • xenia
  • yagis
  • yaird
  • zaida
  • zaidy
  • zaire
  • zamia
  • zayin
  • ziram

All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and are sure to give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right. Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to start looking to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Don’t forget to try words you already know first, as Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer, at least in most cases.

These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.

Image of Raul Rocha
Raul Rocha
Freelance writer for Dot Esports. Playing video games since childhood, Raul Rocha has over twenty years experience as a gamer and four years translating and writing gaming news.