Fans decide the fate of a fireteam in a new Halo Infinite adventure story

It's up to you to decide how this tale ends.

Image via 343 Industries

Halo Infinite’s new Fracture event, Entrenched, has returned for the second week of its runtime, bringing with it more free cosmetics for players to unlock as well as a new story that’s now live on Halo Waypoint.

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This new story, “The Last Sky Marshal,” comes with a twist: readers will decide the fate of its characters by choosing via social media what path in the narrative they will take next.

The story is set in the same alternate universe that the Fracture event’s armor and coatings hail from, where humanity’s fight with the Covenant is given a gritty and apocalyptic edge. With humanity on the brink of extinction due to self-inflicted nuclear war and a zealous Covenant on their doorstep that has been mutated by Earth’s intense radiation, the story follows Commander Kolby and his attempts to avert their grisly fate.

This choose your own adventure-style story will be told in five parts, with the first four offering cliffhangers and a set of choices for what Kolby and his Sky Marshal Astro-Rangers should do next. Voting is available across all social media platforms, and it’s fair to assume that the choice made will be the most popular option. Players are able to vote within a limited one-week period after a new shard of the story has been posted to Waypoint.

The first shard of “The Last Sky Marshal” is available to read here. In this opening, Kolby and the Astro-Rangers are infiltrating an old base on the Moon to prevent the complex’s new Covenant owners from finishing the construction of a human wartime project called Perpetua. Kolby’s fateful choice to make comes when they discover some human scientists remain alive at the base. Knowing they may have information that could prove crucial to humanity’s war efforts, the Commander has to choose between risking Astro-Rangers to save the scientists or proceeding with their original mission.

Voting on the story is available through Twitter, YouTube, and the official Halo Club on Xbox now.

Image of Alexis Walker
Alexis Walker
Alexis is a freelance journalist hailing from the UK. After a number of years competing on international esports stages, she transitioned into writing about the industry in 2021 and quickly found a home to call her own within the vibrant communities of the looter shooter genre. Now she provides coverage for games such as Destiny 2, Halo Infinite and Apex Legends.