Everything you need to know about Hearthstone’s new Lackey card type

These new tokens mean business.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard revealed the new Rise of Shadows expansion for Hearthstone this week alongside a bunch of cards that will be a part of it.

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Included in these card reveals was a new kind of token-esque minion called a Lackey.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

According to Blizzard, every evil mastermind needs a Lackey. This new card type will act as a brand-new kind of token within the realm of Hearthstone. You can’t put Lackeys into your decks and they’re only generated by other Rise of Shadows cards. This means coming across a Lackey may be a bit more difficult than you might expect at first glance.

There are five Lackeys in total (so far) and each one is connected to a villain from the new expansion. This means Togwaggle, Hagatha, Rafaam, Dr. Boom, and Lazul all have Lackeys running amok within the Rise of Shadows set. Each Lackey cost one mana and has a powerful Battlecry designed to help generate big tempo plays.

Related: All of the cards revealed from Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, Rise of Shadows

As more villains join the crusade against us during the Year of the Dragon, Blizzard says we can expect more Lackeys to follow them. This means Lackeys are something we should probably get used to because it looks like they’re going to play a big role in the upcoming year of Hearthstone.

Rise of Shadows looks like it’s going to shake up Hearthstone more than any expansion since Frozen Throne with its introduction of the revolutionary hero cards. If that’s the case, then we’ll have an exciting meta to look forward to on April 9.
