Eight Hearthstone cards are getting nerfed in the upcoming Patch 17.6, Blizzard announced today in an official forum post.
Demon Hunter, Druid, Mage, Rogue, and Warrior cards are all getting nerfed. This upcoming set of changes in Ashes of Outland marks the highest number of balance iterations that a single expansion has ever received, breaking the record that Descent of Dragons previously held with five waves of adjustments.
Here are all of the card changes coming with Patch 17.6.
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Old: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, add two other random Dragons to your hand. They cost (0). → New: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, add two other random Dragons to your hand. They cost (1).
Corsair Cache
Old: Draw a weapon. Give it +1/+1. → New: Draw a weapon. Give it +1 Durability.
Old: Swap your Hero Power to “Deal five damage.” After two uses, swap it back. → New: Swap your Hero Power to “Deal four damage.” After two uses, swap it back.
Kayn Sunfury
Old: Three Attack, five Health → New: Three Attack, four Health.
Warglaives of Azzinoth
Old: [Cost five] → New: [Cost six].
Old: [Cost six] → New: [Cost seven].
Fungal Fortunes
Old: [Cost two] → New: [Cost three].
Galakrond, the Nightmare
Old: Battlecry: Draw one card. It costs (0). → New: Battlecry: Draw one card. It costs (1).
Galakrond, the Apocalypse (Rogue)
Old: Battlecry: Draw two cards. They cost (0). → New: Battlecry: Draw two cards. They cost (1).
Galakrond, Azeroth’s End (Rogue)
Old: Battlecry: Draw four cards. They cost (0). → New: Battlecry: Draw four cards. They cost (1).
All of the cards that are receiving changes were found in the upper echelons of the tier list in Hearthstone’s constructed format. Despite multiple nerfs, Demon Hunter, Warrior, and Rogue have been able to carve out a spot as efficient decks to take over the ladder. The changes to Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and the Rogue Galakrond aim to slow down the potential swing turns that they can bring due to the absurd mana cheating that those cards can provide. While Mage and Dragoncaster weren’t a top class or card on the ladder, this patch aims to nerf the power turns that Dragoncaster can bring when combined with Yogg-Saron’s Puzzle Box or Deep Freeze.
Every card on this list (except the Golden Version of the Rogue Galakrond) can be disenchanted for full dust value. Blizzard also said there are further changes coming to the Battlegrounds mode in the near future. These changes might be posted once Patch 17.6 goes live.
You can experience all these changes when Hearthstone Patch 17.6 is released on July 14.