All of the visual updates coming for old champions in League Patch 9.4 this week

Battle Bunny Riven is about to get a lot... bunnier.

Screengrab via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 9.4 arrives this week, and it continues the trend of recent patches upgrading visual effects for older champions. Included in this week’s update is Wukong, Riven, Olaf, and Kennen.

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The goal of the updates is to make some of League’s worst graphical offenders a little sleeker, and Riot completely changed the look of their abilities to make that happen. If you own a skin of any of these champions, don’t worry, because the skins of each champion are being updated, too. Here’s the total list of each upgraded ability, including what exactly was fixed about each.


  • Basic attack: “Shuriken model and hit VFX updated for readability between basic attack, empowered attack, and Thundering Shuriken.”
  • Passive – Mark of the Storm​: “Proc VFX updated to better indicate source of the stun. Passivemarks on minions are dimmer.”
  • Q – Thundering Shuriken: “Shuriken model and hit VFX updated for readability between basic attack, empowered attack, and Thundering Shuriken.”
  • W – Electrical Surge​: “Surge VFX updated. Empowered attack shuriken model and hit VFXupdated for readability between basic attack, empowered attack, and Thundering Shuriken.”
  • E – Lightning Rush​: “VFX updated to indicate area of effect and show Kennen’s model during the animation.”
  • R – Slicing Maelstrom​: “VFX updated to reduce visual noise.”
  • Blood moon Kennen: “Unique VFX updated based on the same principles as the above.”
  • Super Kennen: “Does a superhero pose during Lightning Rush.”
  • Shuriken: “All other skins use Kennen’s base VFX aside from changing the shape of their shuriken where applicable.”


  • SFX updates: “Base, Volcanic, General, Jade Dragon, and Underworld Wukong have received updated basic attack, Q, E, and R SFX.”
  • Basic attack: “Now has swipe VFX. Hit VFX added.”
  • Q – Crushing Blow: “Buff and swing VFX updated to reduce visual noise. Hit VFX updated to be more impactful. Armor debuff icon now appears on target.”
  • W – Decoy: “Cloud VFX on clone despawn updated to reduce visual noise.”
  • E – Nimbus Strike: “Cloud VFX on dash updated to be wispier and leave a slight trail.”
  • R – Cyclone: “VFX updated to be cloudier, less noisy, and easier to read. The tip of Wukong’s staff now leaves a bright VFX trail to better indicate area of effect.”
  • General Wukong: “Has gray recoloring on basic attack swipe and R VFX.”
  • Jade Wukong: “Has jade green recoloring on basic attack swipe, Q, and R VFX.”
  • Underworld Wukong: “Has spectral green recoloring on all VFX.”
  • Radiant Wukong: “Q uses base’s new swing and hit VFX. E dash and R VFX updated but still use skin-specific cloud effects.”


  • Basic attack: “Now has swipe VFX. Hit VFX updated.”
  • Q – Undertow: “Now has hitbox and pick-up range indicators. Pick-up VFX updated.”
  • W – Vicious Strikes: “Buff and healing VFX updated. Floating runes removed.”
  • E – Reckless Swing: “On-hit VFX updated R – Ragnarok :: New lightning VFX on activation. Buff VFX updated.”
  • Brolaf: “Has skin-specific Graggy VFX on Q, E, and R. Has the Graggy Ice logo on Q’s pick-up indicator and a keg on E hit.”
  • Pentakill Olaf: “Has firey VFX recoloring. Has the Pentakill logo on E hit and R activation.”
  • Butcher Olaf: “Q hitbox indicator recolored to be meatier.”
  • SKT T1 Olaf: “Has golden VFX recoloring. SKT T1 logo added to Q pick-up indicator, E hit, and R activation.”


  • Basic attack: “Visual noise reduced.”
  • Passive – Runic Blade: “Riven’s sword and hand now glow instead of creating a green energy ball with rune trails on top of her hand.”
  • Q – Broken Wings: “VFX updated to be less noise and unique per cast. Ground damage VFX added to indicate area of effect.”
  • W – Ki Burst: “VFX updated to reduce visual noise on the ground symbol and better indicate area of effect.”
  • E – Valor: “Dash and shield VFX updated. Shield runes changed to be the pieces of Riven’s sword.”
  • R – Blade of the Exile: “Buff VFX surrounding Riven cleaned up; stronger buff VFX added to her sword. Other ability VFX properly indicates increased area of effect while R is active. Wind Slash VFX is clearer and now appears as a single strike.”
  • Battle Bunny Riven: “VFX infused with beta keratin (they’re recolored orange). E shield runes are carrots.”
  • Dragonblade Riven: “Has skin-specific smokey/firey VFX. Passive VFX is a flame ring around her hand. E shield runes are dragon crests.”
  • Championship, Arcade, Dawnbringer, Pulsefire: “VFX unchanged.”
Image of Aaron Mickunas
Aaron Mickunas
Esports and gaming journalist for Dot Esports, featured at, Polygon, IGN, and