All the crazy Tiebreaker Scenarios possible at the NA LCS this Weekend.

A 3-way tie for 2nd between TiP, CLG and Cloud 9 is possible if... CLG beats Team 8 and loses to TiP. TiP beats CLG and Dignitas Cloud 9 beats TSM and Gravity A 3 way tie for 5th between Gravity, Liquid and Team 8 is then possible if...

A 3-way tie for 2nd between TiP, CLG and Cloud 9 is possible if…

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  • CLG beats Team 8 and loses to TiP.
  • TiP beats CLG and Dignitas
  • Cloud 9 beats TSM and Gravity

A 3 way tie for 5th between Gravity, Liquid and Team 8 is then possible if…

  • Gravity loses to C9 and beats Team 8
  • Team 8 loses to Gravity and beats CLG
  • Liquid beats Dignitas and Winterfox

Below you’ll find Rule 7.3.3, which governs 3-way tiebreakers

Three-way tie: A single round-robin will be played among the three teams. If this does not result in a hierarchical ranking of teams (i.e., distinct 2-0, 1-1, and 0-2 team records), then the three teams will be randomly drawn into a single-elimination bracket where one team has a bye into the finals.

*shoutout to Skyzas for the two above tie breakers

A 4-way tie for 1st place between TSM, CLG, Cloud 9 and TiP will be forced if…

  • TSM goes 0-2
  • CLG goes 1-1-
  • Cloud 9 and TiP both go 2-0

A 4-way tie for 2nd place between CLG, Cloud 9, TiP, and either Gravity or Team 8 is possible if…

  • TSM beats Coast and loses to Cloud 9.
  • Cloud 9 beats TSM and loses to Gravity
  • CLG loses to TiP and Team 8.
  • TiP beats CLG and loses to Dignitas.
  • Team 8 if they beat CLG and Gravity, or Gravity if they beat Cloud 9 and Team 8.

A 4-way tie for 3rd place between TiP, Gravity, Liquid and Team 8 is possible if…

  • CLG beats TiP and loses to Team 8.
  • Team 8 beats CLG and loses to Gravity.
  • Gravity beats Team 8, but loses to Cloud 9.
  • TiP loses to both Dignitas and CLG.
  • Liquid beats Winterfox and Dignitas.

Below you’ll find Rule 7.3.4, which governs 4-way tiebreakers.

Four-way tie: The teams will be randomly drawn into a “Korean-style” or “dual” bracket, where teams play Bo1 matches throughout the tournament. The four teams will be split into two first-round matches; ersion 2.01; January 8, 2015 29 the winners will then face off in Game 3 while the losers face off in Game 4. The winner of Game 3 will be declared the top seed; the loser of Game 3 will face the winner of Game 4 in a contest to determine 2nd/3rd place; and the loser of Game 4 will be declared 4th place.

A 5 way tie for 3rd between Team 8, Gravity Cloud 9, TiP and Liquid is possible if

  • CLG beats TiP and Team 8.
  • Team 8 loses to CLG and beat Gravity
  • Cloud 9 loses to TSM and Gravity.
  • Gravity beats Cloud 9 and loses to Team 8.
  • Liquid beats Winterfox and Dignitas
  • TiP loses to both Dignitas and CLG.

Below you’ll find Rule 7.3.5. which governs 5-way tiebreakers.

Five-way tie: The teams will be randomly drawn into a single elimination bracket, where there is a play-in between two teams for the fourth semi-final spot. The tournament will require a 3rd -place match to determine seeding.

Either Team 8 or Gravity can still earn a first round bye if…

  • they go 2-0
  • CLG goes 0-2
  • TiP and Cloud 9 win no more than one game each.

This would result in a tie between either Gravity or Team 8, CLG and TiP and Cloud 9 if either team goes 1-1.  This could mean either a 3-way, which is governed by rule 7.3.3or a 4-way tie which is governed by the above rule 7.3.4.

Team Liquid can still qualify for the playoffs if…

  • They go 2-0, and either Gravity or Team 8 go 0-2
  • They go 2-0, and either Gravity, Team 8 or both go 1-1, forcing a tiebreaker.
  • They go 1-1, and either Gravity or Team 8 go 0-2, forcing a tiebreaker.

In the case of a 2-way tie, a simple tiebreaker match will be played. If Liquid goes 2-0, and Gravity and Team 8 go 1-1-, this would result in a 3-way tie as governed by Rule 7.3.3.

Both of the above scenarios actually have a realistic chance of happening since Liquid plays Winterfox and Dignitas, while Team 8 and Gravity play each other, Team 8 plays CLG, and Gravity plays Cloud 9.


