Altec to leave Winterfox after surprise relegation

After a disappointing relegation defeat, AD carry Johnny “Altec” Ru will part ways with Winterfox, sources close to the player tell the Daily Dot

After a disappointing relegation defeat, AD carry Johnny “Altec” Ru will part ways with Winterfox, sources close to the player tell the Daily Dot.

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Ru had already given signs that this move was imminent: He removed all Winterfox affiliated branding from his Twitter yesterday. And a temporary, mid-season switch to support demonstrated the level of stress and pressure he felt as the team’s main carry. “I felt like sometimes I couldn’t do anything productive in our matches and it was stressing me out,” Ru said in a post on Winterfox Facebook page. He moved back to the AD carry position after just one week.

Ru was recruited to join the North American organization, then known as Evil Geniuses, in the summer of 2014. In the spring, Evil Geniuses had taken down Ru’s Challenger team Cloud9 Tempest in a close defeat in the 2014 Summer Promotion Tournament. Throughout this series, the marksman demonstrated his dominance within lane alongside support player Nicholas “GleebGlarbu” Haddad.

Ru, who replaced the retired Peter “yellowpete” Wüppen, soon began to show his dominance and skill throughout the League of Legends Championship Series. But there were problems within the team, especially between certain players, all of which were laid out in a long Facebook post in which support Mitch “Krepo” Voorspoels announced he was leaving the team.

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These problems sank the team to the bottom three. They were forced to play in relegations, where they eventually prevailed over Team Coast in convincing fashion.

Rebranded as Winterfox this split, the team brought on two new players: top laner Deongyheon “Avalon” Shin and support player Jang “Imagine” Hyeonsu. But Jang Hyeonsu ran into a series of  visa issues at the beginning of the split, and so the team brought in Haddad, Ru’s former support on Cloud9 Tempest. The duo looked up to par for the LCS, with flares of Ru’s dominance shining in many games.

But this season ended poorly, too, and the team once again found itself in a relegation battle, eventually losing to MSI Team Dragon Knights and its star substitute mid laner Alexey “Alex Ich” Ichetovkin.

It’s uncertain where Ru will head next. But as one of the best in his position in North America, he likely won’t have to wait long for offers. 

Winterfox declined to comment on this story.

Photo via Riot Games/Flickr

Image of Jacob Wolf
Jacob Wolf
Chief Reporter & Investigative Lead for Dot Esports. A lifelong gamer, Jacob worked at ESPN for four and half years as a staff writer in its esports section. In 2018, the Esports Awards named Jacob its Journalist of the Year.