The 10 best Aurelion Sol counters in League of Legends

Play these champions to destroy Aurelion Sol.

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Aurelion Sol recently received his Comprehensive Gameplay Update (CGU), turning him into a completely new League of Legends champion. The Star Forger now has a revamped kit that has attracted lots of players to try him out, as his play rate spikes through the roof. 

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Despite his immense scaling and powerful AoE damage, Aurelion Sol has a couple of weaknesses that can be exploited by specific champions. Let’s see which are the 10 best Aurelion Sol counters in League.

The best League counters to Aurelion Sol 


The first champion that counters Graves hard is Katarina. The mid lane assassin is the perfect champion to destroy the Star Forger: she can burst Aurelion Sol down in the blink of an eye and dodge all the potential skills he can throw at her. 

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Aurelion Sol suffers mobile champions a lot and Katarina is one of the best champions when it comes to mobility and dashes. She can punish his weak early game with quick trades early on, and jump in for a kill as soon as the dragon oversteps. While Aurelion Sol doesn’t struggle as much later on, a fed Katarina can just single-handedly take over games by running around the map and picking up kills elsewhere. 


Zed is basically the AD version of Katarina, but even stronger against Aurelion Sol. The Master of Shadows can harass Aurelion Sol with his shurikens throughout the laning phase and then make a potential all-in as soon as he hits level six. With the lack of self-peeling Aurelion Sol has, Zed can freely use his combos to shut him down. 

If Zed gets one kill early on, the game can only get worse for Aurelion Sol: the assassin mid laner will just snowball out of control as he will get more and more attack damage and lethality. The only way to slow a potential snowball is to buy a Seeker’s Armguard for Asol so that he has more armor to lower Zed’s damage. That said, rushing this small component will inevitably slow down the champion’s scaling: regardless, it’s a no-win situation.


Aurelion Sol struggles against mobility so it’s given to see Ekko as one of his main counters. What mainly differentiates Ekko from the other champions, however, is the fact he can negate all of Aurelion Sol’s damage thanks to his ultimate. 

Firelight Ekko league of legends
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Whether the mid lane mage tries to use an ultimate or use his Breath of Flight (Q), the Boy who shattered time can cast his Chronobreak (R) to dodge the spell, reposition himself and gain a substantial heal to turn the fight in his favor. Not to mention that Ekko can apply his Z-Drive Resonance (passive) as soon as Aurelion Sol tries to reach out for minions


Jayce has been popping up more and more often as a mid laner recently due to recent buffs. Unfortunately for Aurelion Sol, Jayce also happens to be one of his main counters. 

While he doesn’t have as much mobility as other champions in this list, Jayce offers long-range poke and burst damage that is almost impossible for Asol to dodge. Since the control mage has to stand still when casting his Breath of Light (Q), it is quite easy for Jayce to cast an empowered Shock Blast (Q) onto Aurelion Sol’s face. Given the champion doesn’t have a built-in sustain, Jayce only needs a few combos to take him down.

What’s even worse is that Jayce hardly runs out of mana in this matchup: he can just use his hammer form to regenerate mana and Aurelion Sol can do little to nothing to stop him. Actually, it also raises the chances of getting engaged by Jayce’s Q and receiving hundreds of damage.


Even if Akshan is not a conventional mid laner that is played consistently in the role, he is still one of Aurelion Sol’s worst nightmares. The Rogue Sentinel has enough range thanks to his Avengerang (Q) which he can use to farm safely without getting touched, but most importantly, he can jump on Aurelion Sol when he wants with the Heroic Swing (E). Aurelion Sol has no way to respond to that, and his health bar will be depleted consistently. 

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In addition, Akshan can go into camouflage mode with his Going Rogue (W) and look to punish Aurelion Sol every time he overextends. The only way for Asol to survive is by staying consistently near his turret, but that will also mean giving up lane priority and farm. In other words, Aurelion Sol can only adjust to what Akshan does, but never have a say in the game. 


Fizz isn’t a popular mid laner but when it comes to countering Aurelion Sol, he should be one of your primary choices. Just like Ekko, he can quickly jump on the enemy thanks to his E-Q combo and deal him a chunk of damage. Not only that, but he can dodge most of Aurelion Sol’s spells by going untargetable with Playful (E).  

As soon as Fizz’s ultimate is ready, he can throw a full-range Chum the Waters (R). The slow plus the knock-up will prevent Aurelion Sol from escaping. The only way for Asol to survive this matchup is by getting some magic resist and hoping to dodge the ultimates. 


Tristana can start bullying Aurelion Sol as soon as the first minion wave crashes in the mid lane. Tristana can harass him through the minions thanks to the passive on her E, and go for a W-E combo as soon as she hits level two. Aurelion Sol has no tools to trade back, so the only choice is to give up some minions and hope that Tristana oversteps. 

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Always try to have the jungler help when the wave is bouncing back, or else Tristana will always have a window of opportunity to jump on you. While solo trades are not a great option for Aurelion Sol, it’s better to wait for assistance from your teammates and have them help you get safely through the laning phase.


While Yone doesn’t necessarily counter Aurelion Sol early on, his scaling and ultimate can be troublesome for the Star Forger later on in the game. The blademaster can dodge most of the abilities with his Soul Unbound and engage on him with his ultimate. 

While it’s not as easy for Yone to catch Aurelion Sol, the few times he does means death for mid lane mage. In the late game teamfights, it’s imperative to throw spells from safe areas and avoid getting caught by Yone. Pay attention to the fog of war and potentially flank engages.  


Cassiopeia isn’t necessarily a great lane counter to Aurelion Sol but she has a better laning phase while also scaling equally well into the late game. Both champions can farm quite safely since both have ranged spells to last-hit minions.

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Having said that, it’s easier for Cassiopeia to go for small trades. It’s crucial for Aurelion Sol to not get trapped into her Miasma (W) or get hit by a potential Flash-R combo. While it’s easier said than done, a strong positioning can neutralize Cassiopeia early on. As long as she doesn’t snowball out of control, Aurelion Sol can have his own saying once he gets to three items.


Irelia is mostly played as a top laner but she has been popping up more recently in the mid lane. This is because she’s a great counter to immobile control mages, including Aurelion Sol. 

During the laning phase, it’s nearly impossible for Aurelion Sol to walk up and try to farm the minions: all he can do is wait for the wave to crash under the turret and last-hit the remaining ones. Irelia will always look to dash in as soon as she sees an opportunity, so it’s risky to even stay near the center of the lane: stick near the turret and hope she messes up her combos.

Irelia players typically want to have early action and look to get a substantial lead: try to get some levels and wait for the jungler to come and gank. If you don’t want to lose the lane to Irelia, it’s essentially the only viable choice you have. 

Image of Davide Xu
Davide Xu
Davide is a League expert with nearly 10 years of experience and knowledge. Once a young talent that wanted to go pro, he now enjoys talking about the game and competitive scene. @Dovi_X on Twitter