Best Ezreal build in League of Legends

These items and runes are ideal for Ezreal.

Ezreal splash art in league of legends
Image via Riot Games

When it comes to AD carries in League of Legends, only a few of them are as iconic as Ezreal. The Prodigal Explorer has been in the game since 2010 and has been cemented as one of the better marksmen for both newer and more experienced players.

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His unique kit allows players who are just starting their adventure with League to explore what it means to play ADC. With his set of skills, he’s one of the better champions to start with. But make no mistake, Ezreal has a high ceiling; mastering him isn’t an easy task. Rather, it’s one that demands a deep understanding of macro and perfect mechanical skills.

Here’s the best build for Ezreal in League right now.


ezreal rune tree in league of legends
Ezreal’s rune tree. Screenshot via Dot Esports


Press the Attack: There is no better rune for Ezreal right now than Press the Attack. Ezreal benefits from having a lot of mana as he constantly needs to throw out his Mystic Shot to deal damage. Whenever Ezreal damages an enemy with one of his spells, his auto attacks are buffed with extra attack speed. With PTA, you deal bonus adaptive damage after three consecutive auto attacks.

Presence of Mind: For a champion who needs to constantly use spells, Presence of Mind is the way to go. Whenever Ezreal damages an enemy, the rune increases a player’s mana regeneration. On top of this, takedowns will also regenerate 15 percent of Ezreal’s maximum mana. 

Legend: Bloodline: This rune is a solid choice for some built-in lifesteal, which Ezreal does not really build outside of a potential Bloodthirster as an optional item. Legend: Bloodline grants 0.35 percent lifesteal for every legend stack.

Coup de Grace: Ezreal benefits greatly from Coup de Grace because of his consistent poke. Ezreal can easily whittle you down, and with Coup de Grace, he will chunk even harder. On top of that, Ezreal’s Trueshot Barrage will almost certainly kill you if he has Coup de Grace as his fourth and final rune on the Precision tree.


Magical Footwear: Ezreal is quite a mobile champion because of his Arcane Shift, which allows him to teleport a small distance in the chosen direction. This means the need for boots early is not as necessary for him. Because Ezreal is such a strong poke champion, even at an early stage, he is likely to get his Magical Footwear even quicker because of the reduction of its arrival time due to takedowns.

Biscuit Delivery: Biscuit delivery is a no-brainer for a champion like Ezreal. Ezreal’s abilities use up a lot of mana early on, and will like to scrap early. Therefore, he will need biscuits to replenish his health and mana.

Bonuses: +10 percent attack speed, +9 adaptive force, +10-180 health

Starting items

Doran’s Blade: Doran’s Blade is the standard starting item for most attack-damage bottom laners in League. While you will likely get a Tear of the Goddess on your first or second back, you shouldn’t get it as your first item as you significantly weaken yourself. Doran’s Blade grants you eight attack damage, 80 health, and a small percentage of omnivamp.

Core items

Trinity Force: Trinity Force is back in action for Ezreal and is easily the strongest item for him to build on the current patch in League. This is the perfect item for Ezreal because after he uses his ability, Trinity Force enhances the next attack, which works hand in hand with Ezreal’s passive, which empowers his next auto attack after using an ability. Trinity Force also quickens basic attacks even further, granting extra movement speed.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity: Ionian boots are a smart pick-up for Ezreal. As mentioned multiple times before, he is a champion who needs to constantly use his abilities to get the most out of his kit. This is where Ionian boots come in handy. This item grants ability haste, which lowers the cooldown reduction on abilities. Ionian boots also grant summoner spell haste, meaning his flash will be off cooldown much quicker than the standard flash cooldown timer. 

Manamune: Ezreal and mana, you get the picture by now. This item does many things for Ezreal other than just granting mana. Ezreal will gain more ability haste, so his Mystic Shot will have little to no cooldown timer, meaning he can fire out as much poke as humanly possible. Ezreal will also gain bonus attack damage based on the amount of mana he has, thanks to the passive from Manamune.

Late-game items

Serylda’s Grudge

Spear of Shojin: By this stage, you should be a late-game monster; if not, you should complete Spear of Shojin. This item grants Ezreal further ability haste, meaning your abilities will be on such a short cooldown you won’t even notice they’re on one to begin with. This item specifically targets his non-ultimate abilities, as they are granted extra ability haste. This means Ezreal will be able to repeatedly bombard people with his Mystic Shot until they have to retreat. 

Serylda’s Grudge: If you thought Ezreal was obnoxious, wait until you see his potential after buying Serylda’s Grudge. Not only are you granted even more ability haste, but you also receive armor penetration. This item’s passive also slows people below 50 percent of their health, meaning they will not be able to escape Ezreal if they are damaged by him. 

Frozen Heart: Frozen Heart is a great item to round out the Ezreal build in League. It slows down the attack speed of nearby opponents while reducing incoming damage from attacks. This helps Ezreal not be caught out in the late game while also negating some of the damage the enemy team may inflict upon him. 

Situational Items

Maw of Malmortius: If you are dealing with a carry on the enemy team that is dealing a lot of magic damage, getting a Maw of Malmortius may not be the worst item in the world to get for Ezreal. You should look at this item if you feel you are getting burst down by champions like Le’Blanc, Annie, etc. Maw will also be good against consistent magic damage like a Ryze looking to use his abilities constantly.

Bloodthirster: If you feel you need more sustain, then Bloodthirster is a fine item to incorporate into your item build on Ezreal. Bloodthirster is only good if you are using a champion that has a lot of attack damage. Thankfully, Ezreal has that in spades with the build we have recommended for you. Like Maw above, this also is a good defense item against attack-damage champions that have a lot of explosive damage. Bloodthirster grants you lifesteal as well as a max-health shield if you can’t lifesteal any more. So, going into fights, you will have a maximum health shield on top of the power of the other items on this build.

Image of Mateusz Miter
Mateusz Miter
Freelance Writer at Dot Esports. Mateusz previously worked for numerous outlets and gaming-adjacent companies, including ESL. League of Legends or CS:GO? He loves them both. In fact, he wonders which game he loves more every day. He wanted to go pro years ago, but somewhere along the way decided journalism was the more sensible option—and he was right.
Image of Jordan Marney
Jordan Marney
Freelance writer covering League of Legends, VALORANT, and more. Over five years in the industry with one of my biggest highlights getting to interview Faker at the 2022 LoL World Championship. You can reach out to me via X.