Best supports for Jhin in League of Legends

The Virtuoso remains inevitable.

League of Legends champion Jhin's original splash art.
Image via Riot Games

Jhin, the Virtuoso, may be a powerful League of Legends champion on his own, but when paired with the right support partner, he can enact his murderous intentions on all opponents with ease. Whether it be an enchanter, mage, engage, or tank champion alongside him in the support role, nearly every member of the support champion pool has the tools to accompany Jhin and make up for what the Virtuoso lacks.

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Best supports to pair with Jhin in LoL

Regardless of the variations in the meta, particularly those impacting the fragility of ADCs, Jhin is a powerful, easy-to-pick-up champion who can provide his team with an ample amount of damage from a distance and decent crowd control.

Here are the best support champions to play with Jhin that will ensure the Virtuoso great success in his artistic and violent ventures.


Rell, the Iron Maiden, sits atop her horse made entirely of metal—by her hand.
Rell’s gameplay changes have made her a true cavalier ready to storm Summoner’s Rift. Image via Riot Games
  • 49.90 percent win rate
  • Pros: Great at buffing and combining skills with Jhin and rushing enemies.
  • Cons: Not great at range.

Since her midscope update earlier this year, Rell has become the staple support option for nearly every ADC in League of Legends—especially those that are capable of dealing tons of damage without needing help. While her identity as an engage champion remains the same, many of her abilities have been given new effects that remove the clunkiness she used to be associated with.

One of the newer aspects of her kit lays in her E, now known as Full Tilt, which provides a slight Shurelya’s Battlesong speed boost to her and a nearby ally, allowing the pair to either catch up to an escaping enemy or retreat safely. Combined with the innate movement speed boost that Jhin receives from his passive, Rell can turn Jhin into an efficient disengage champion who does not have to worry too much about his surroundings.

And, of course, as an engage champion, Rell still has access to an abundance of crowd control tools to lock her opponents in place that can then be combo’d with a W from Jhin for a chain of stuns and roots. Should Rell lock her opponents in place from a safe distance, Jhin will have ample space to unleash his ultimate on the immobile target, almost always forcing them to expend their summoner spells—or suffer a beautiful death.


League of Legends champion Soraka as she appears in official splashart.
Image via Riot Games
  • 51.60 percent win rate
  • Pros: Great at creating setups for Jhin and offering loads of heals.
  • Cons: Horrible at escaping on her own.

While she’s not necessarily a killer, Soraka is a fantastic support option for Jhin thanks to her strong healing abilities and the debuffs she can inflict on enemies.

Soraka’s passive will help her keep up with Jhin if he ever gets low health, and both Astral Infusion (W) and Wish (Soraka’s Ultimate), can be used to offer loads of healing to Jhin. When Soraka doesn’t need to do any healing, Starcall (Q) can slow enemies to make them targets for Jhin. Additionally, Equinox (E) can be used to silence enemies inside an area. Combining Equinox with Jhin’s abilities can make the ability even more potent as any foe left in Equinox when it ends will be rooted to the spot.

While Soraka is excellent at helping Jhin stay alive and setting up foes for Jhin to finish off, she’s exceptionally squishy. Other than slowing and silencing enemies, her escape options aren’t great. If she’s caught out of position or alone, it’s not going to be good. Thankfully, her abilities are all long-ranged enough for her to stay comfortably outside of battle.


Nami, the Tidecaller, controls the waters using her staff.
Say hello to more healing, movement speed, and extra damage with Nami. Image via Riot Games
  • 50.83 percent win rate
  • Pros: Offers speed boosts and heals to Jhin.
  • Cons: Very squishy and prone to death from large damage bursts.

Nami offers Jhin extra movement speed and various means of crowd control that he can capitalize on. But Nami also possesses ways to directly heal Jhin and empower both his basic attacks and abilities—all while being one of the most consistent support champions.

In the past, Nami’s major power spike would emerge upon purchasing Imperial Mandate, which used to be a Mythic item. Though the item remains the most important part of Nami’s build, it is now a Legendary item, meaning players can pair it with a Mythic like Shurelya’s Battlesong or Moonstone Renewer—or even the new enchanter Mythic, Echoes of Helia, which favors the aggressive nature of the pairing of Nami and Jhin.

Ultimately, Nami players should focus on empowering Jhin’s autos with an E as much as possible during the laning phase, landing Qs when necessary but not overusing the ability to ensure they and Jhin have an escape tool. As Nami reaches level six, players can become even more aggressive than before with the usefulness of her ultimate to immobilize enemies either offensively or defensively.

Players should be wary of Jhin preparing to use his ultimate, however, as Nami is incredibly frail and will not survive large bursts of damage. Therefore, this bot lane should ensure they either have an incoming gank before expending Jhin’s ultimate or have Nami unleash the power of the waters on low-health opponents that Jhin can snipe from afar.


League of Legends champion Leona in official splash art.
Engage tanks like Leona are great for setup and snowballing. Image by Riot Games
  • 51.28 percent win rate
  • Pros: A tanky support that can immobilize enemies at a distance.
  • Cons: Not as great in supporting Jhin during the laning phase.

Jhin enjoys attacking enemies from a distance, so if he wants a lane partner to set him up via engage and catch spells, it’s best to opt for Leona—who can immobilize enemies at a distance—rather than champions that pull enemies, like Blitzcrank and Pyke.

Thanks to the abundance of crowd control that she has in her kit, Leona can synergize well with Jhin to ensure that enemies remain immobile for large amounts of time. As a tank, she’s also able to soak up much of the damage that can quickly remove Jhin from important situations due to his low defenses as an ADC.

But players must be aware that Leona doesn’t provide Jhin with any buffs before they purchase items, meaning he is entirely reliant on his own damage and movement for a portion of the laning phase. But if Leona can engage her opponents properly, Jhin will be given room to snowball into a significant early lead—meaning more gold in his pocket.


League of Legends champion Lux as she appears in official splash art.
Image by Riot Games
  • 50.33 percent win rate
  • Pros: Helpful to Jhin during all phases of the game.
  • Cons: As a mage, Lux is a bit on the squishier side.

Though most ADC players don’t enjoy playing alongside mages due to their ability to throw a wave of minions off-track, Lux has specific tools that make her a great partner for Jhin at all points of the game. Not only can she deal surprising damage from afar and offer protection through shields, but she also has access to long-distance slows that can keep opponents from escaping.

This not only protects Lux from having to step dangerously close to enemies to be effective but also allows Jhin to extend the crowd control duration with a W—or even be the cause of it should the opponents trigger his E. Lux’s ranged abilities are even more useful for Jhin to use his ultimate since the pair can unleash a barrage of attacks without opponents getting close to them at all.

However, two squishy champions in lane with little to no mobility are prime targets for an engage by opposing tank supports or enemy junglers, so Jhin players working with this Lux should be wary of their surroundings at all times—especially if they get an early lead.


Xerath charges up on the Rift in League of Legends.
Prepare for a barrage of damage from screens away with Xerath. Image via Riot Games
  • 52.50 percent win rate.
  • Pros: Loads of early-game pressure and poke.
  • Cons: Doesn’t do well against enemy engage characters.

In a similar vein to Lux, players could opt for a heavy poke bottom lane with Xerath—but only if there isn’t a ton of heavy engage on the opposite team composition. He might not have a lot of utility at his disposal, but Xerath makes up for it with a ton of early-game pressure and poke. Combined with Jhin’s long-range abilities, these two snipers can be menaces to deal with.

Xerath is still benefiting from older buffs, many of which targeted his mana sustain and ability spamming. While this was meant to assist his presence within the mid-lane, it has also turned the Magus Ascendant into an absolute powerhouse in the support role once more. He doesn’t need to return to base as frequently during the laning phase as he once used to.

Xerath and Jhin’s ultimate abilities can also pair together really well when chasing down enemies since they can cover entire areas to poke, kick off a team fight, or finish off low-health enemies. Once Jhin hits a single bullet with his Curtain Call, he’ll be able to slow the target down for Xerath to launch his Rite of the Arcane—up to seven times in succession in the later portion of the game—to whittle them down to their fountain.


Milio League of Legends
Milio has become one of the best supports in the game. Image via Riot Games
  • 51.20 percent win rate.
  • Pros: Great movement speed, attack range, and healing.
  • Cons: Not quite as powerful in the late game as he is in the early game.

Milio might be one of the best enchanters in the game at the moment—and for good reason. He helps shorter-ranged AD carries thrive thanks to his additional movement speed, attack range, and healing, making him an ideal partner for Jhin in the early game.

By keeping him healed up, shielded, and mobile, Jhin can zip around a skirmish and lay down some poke while he continues to farm up for the later stages of the match. Milio can even set up a quick trade by hitting an enemy with an Ultra Mega Fire Kick, which Jhin can combo into a quick root via his Deadly Flourish.

Later on, Milio can be Jhin’s quick getaway if he gets jumped on or locked down with crowd control since he can cleanse all CC with his ultimate ability, Breath of Life.

Image of Ethan Garcia
Ethan Garcia
Ethan Garcia is a freelance writer for Dot Esports, having been part of the company for three years. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Magazine Journalism from Syracuse University and specializes particularly in coverage of League of Legends, various Nintendo IPs, and beyond.
Image of Tyler Esguerra
Tyler Esguerra
Lead League of Legends writer for Dot Esports. Forever an LCS supporter, AD carry main, with more than five years in the industry. Sometimes I like clicking heads in Call of Duty or VALORANT. Creator of the Critical Strike Podcast.