Cloud9 beat CLG in Broxah’s debut to stay atop LCS

Two of NA's signature franchises fought to the end in an absolute banger.

Photo by Colin Young-Wolff via Riot Games

Cloud9 had their work cut out for them in a wild, 40-minute win against CLG in week three of the 2021 LCS Spring Split.

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CLG jungler Broxah, who finally joined his new team after getting visa issues sorted out, aided his team in their fight against one of the top teams in the region. CLG, with their veteran-heavy roster, pushed C9 to the limit and can take positives away from their play despite the loss.

Import top laner Finn strung together another good game on Aatrox after dominating with the champion in a week-two win over Golden Guardians. ADC WildTurtle notched the third pentakill of the split on Kai’Sa, and his first since his TSM days in 2015.

Despite just one win to their name, CLG’s bottom lane has been playing about as well as one can given the team’s struggles. WildTurtle continues to be a resource-heavy carry, but rarely lets those resources go to waste.

Cloud9 has been looking more and more like the team everyone thought they were going to be after signing Perkz. Rookie Fudge seems to be finding his footing after a rough start, and the consistency of Zven and Vulcan in the bottom lane shows no signs of slowing down.

The two teams were tied at one kill apiece at the 15-minute mark and CLG held a 400-gold lead. After that, however, it was nothing but haymakers thrown back and forth as Finn picked up a triple kill, and WildTurtle grabbed the aforementioned penta. It was ultimately Perkz’s monstrous side lane presence that helped get C9 going, though.

CLG, who are now 1-6 this season, looked better than their record and can prove it as they end the first round robin with games against Immortals and Evil Geniuses. C9 face just one more fellow contender, Team Liquid, Feb. 21 at 6pm CT.