Can Cloud9 unseat Dignitas? The stats behind the crucial matchup

The big highlight match of week four in the North American League Championship Series is Cloud9, the spring season champions, against Dignitas, who rebuilt their squad and have climbed up the ladder to secure first place

Screengrab via Riot Games/YouTube

The big highlight match of week four in the North American League Championship Series is Cloud9, the spring season champions, against Dignitas, who rebuilt their squad and have climbed up the ladder to secure first place. We decided to turn to the stats to find out more about this exciting matchup.

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The overall team comparison gives a solid lead to Dignitas. Not only do they have a higher gold income and KDA across the board, but their objective control is solid. Compared to Cloud9’s blue side first tower rate (37.5 percent), Dignitas take down the first tower almost twice as often. Cloud9 look like they have some problems when they play on the blue side of the map.

But that’s not to say that we should discount the individual strengths of Cloud9. Outside of mid laner Hai Du Lam, each member of Cloud9 tends to get stronger as the game goes long, especially jungler William “Meteos” Hartman. Hartman is a definite threat, and if left unchecked, can quickly take over games.

Dignitas, however, have the monster player known as Danny “Shiphtur” Le. He’s a newcomer to Dignitas, but with coach William “Scarra” Li, he has taken a turn for the best. His current record for the LCS is 41 kills, 38 assists, 3 deaths. His KDA is at an astonishing 26.33, over 3 times his closest competitor. Until other teams find a way to negate his power, Le will steamroll any game he is in. Advantage, Dignitas.

Infographics by LoLStats
