Cloud9 withstand TSM’s top lane Neeko to earn their eighth-straight win

In the wise words of Scarra, "up until they lose the game, they're winning."

Photo via Riot Games

Cloud9 proved that no lead is insurmountable as they notched their eighth-consecutive win in the 2019 LCS Spring Split.

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Despite being down 5,000 gold and facing a three-stacked Elder Dragon and Baron combo, Cloud9 found the magic teamfight needed to make their comeback against TSM and win the game.

“I think when Zoe ulted in, she had no flash, and then we legit all screamed ‘just kill Zoe,’ and then [Svenskeren] just went ham,” said Cloud9 mid laner Yasin “Nisqy” Dinçer, explaining C9’s game-winning teamfight. “[Svenskeren] put [Zoe] at one HP, and Licorice just flashed on her, and that’s when we knew we won the game.”

For 40 of the 41 minutes of week six’s marquee match, TSM were in full control. Unveiling their top lane Neeko pocket pick for Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik, TSM had crafted a deadly poke composition with Neeko, Zoe, and Varus.

After gaining the early game edge with Broken Blade demolishing Cloud9 top laner Eric “Licorice” Ritchie’s Aatrox, TSM transitioned their lead to countless objectives, including two Barons and two Elder Dragons.

But Cloud9 stood steadfast, resolute to retain their title as North America’s second-best squad. And after 40 minutes of being TSM’s punching bag, Cloud9 found their moment to strike, and seized it without any hesitation.

Now on an eight-game win streak, Cloud9 have their chance to prove that they’re the LCS’ best as they prepare to face Team Liquid next week.

“I think we’re the better team right now at least, because I’m feeling more comfortable with [Cloud9], and I do believe that against Team Liquid I played really bad in the first week,” Nisqy said about Cloud9’s week seven matchup. “I want my revenge against Jensen, so we’re gonna win.”  

Both Nisqy and Cloud9 will have their shot at revenge against Team Liquid on March 9.

Image of Malcolm Abbas
Malcolm Abbas
Really like esports.