Every LoL player must listen to T1 Keria’s hilarious warning about copying his Varus support pick

Will this stop League players though? Probably not.

Image via Riot Games

With over 150 champions to play in League of Legends, there’s always a champion that will suit your play style and fit the needs of your team. In essence, supports are supposed to do just that– support. In season 12, we saw a heavy enchanter meta; this season, we’re still seeing enchanters, but tanks are making a comeback. 

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However, in pro play, players tend to pick champions they know inside and out or ones that remain highly desired, like Lucian and Nami, regardless of whether they’re a viable option

One region that often chooses off-meta or out-of-the-ordinary champions is the LCK. Gen.G support Lehends chose Singed for support during their match against DWG KIA last year, and now T1’s Keria decided to play support Varus against KT Rolster in their most recent LCK 2023 Spring Season match.

During the post-game interview, Keria was asked what players should do if they want to play Varus support in solo queue games, and his response was hilarious and priceless: “You are not Keria. Your teammates are not T1. Keep that in mind.”

While this may seem like a harsh response, Keria does have a point. Keria is a professional League player who has spent countless years learning the ins and outs of the game and playing alongside others who are just as talented.

He knows he’s good and that his team can back up his off-meta pick. The same can’t be said for most gamers in non-pro solo queues. But, as the many replies suggested, this won’t stop League players from trying Varus support—and if the law of averages plays out, it’ll probably be in your promotion games too.

At the very least, next time you hover Varus, remember Keria’s advice.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.