Have you ever wanted to be the best mid laner in the world? Carry your team to three World Championships? Be called the greatest League of Legends player of all time?
Well, now’s your chance to be a little more like the man who is, SKT’s Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok.
Faker will be releasing a series of guides via Naver, a Korean online platform, according to an Instagram post by the SKT organization. Here’s the schedule for each guide:
- July 19: Zoe
- July 26: Zed
- August 2: Ryze
- August 9: Ahri
- August 16: Map reading
- August 23: Mid roaming
The Zoe guide is already out, indicating that the dates are using Korean times. Reddit user u/andrewkim941 translated the video guide, which is in Korean. Faker goes over his rune setup and which summoner spells he takes in game, before going over tips and tricks with Zoe. For example, one of Zoe’s most iconic combos is involves casting her Q, Paddle Star, then reactivating it in another direction before using her ultimate, Portal Jump, to shoot the projectile even farther and increase its damage. Faker recommends pressing R when the second half of the Q is passing Zoe’s body in order to increase its range.
Faker says the main strategy when playing Zoe is shoving the wave and then roaming out of vision. This allows for sneakier assassination attempts, as it is difficult for the enemy to predict where her E, Sleepy Trouble Bubble, will come from. Landing the E makes the Q extremely simple to land, which can kill the opponent or force them out of lane.
The next guide will be for Zed, arguably Faker’s most iconic champion.