Gambit Gaming drop pair of stars in bid to retain LCS slot

Gambit Gaming is set to drop two of its biggest names in a bid to avoid dropping out of the League Championship Series

Gambit Gaming is set to drop two of its biggest names in a bid to avoid dropping out of the League Championship Series. Evgeny “Darien” Mazaev and Danil “Diamondprox” Reshetnikov will be replaced by Jakub “Kubon” Turewicz and Jean-Victor “loulex” Burgevin, respectively, sources close to the team have revealed to the Daily Dot.

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Since replacing their iconic mid-laner Alex “Alex Ich” Ichetovkin in May this year, the team has been on a terrible run of form. Currently second from bottom in the European LCS, with a record of five wins and 13 losses, the team has had to turn its attention from earning a spot at the world finals to survival in the league itself.

After losing to fellow relegation candidates ROCCAT this weekend, it seemed that all was not well with the team after, with Reshetnikov seen clutching his keyboard in shock and staring into space.

Although fans might have anticipated changes, they probably weren’t expecting two of the teams stalwarts being replaced.

Polish player Turewicz will replace Mazaev in the top lane. Turewicz was last seen playing with Reason Gaming at DreamHack Summer, where his team finished in second place. Reason Gaming was kept in the dark about his move until earlier tonight just learned. Team management confirmed the player was not under contract during his brief spell with the team, having decided to part ways with him after winning the silver medal at the Swedish event.

Burgevin has arguably bigger shoes to fill. Reshetnikov is often heralded as one of the greatest junglers in the game’s history. French player Burgevin has filled in for Gambit before, having done so when the team were made to play with four substitutes when the LCS went on the road to Wembley Stadium, London. He will now have his chance to reprise the role full time.

It’s not clear what the future holds for Mazaev or Reshetnikov—they may remain on the roster as substitutes, move into other roles within the organisation, or look for other teams. Gambit is expected to make an official statement on the changes sometime before this week’s LCS European games.

Photo via Gambit Gaming/Facebook
