Gen.G’s superteam shut down DWG KIA in close LCK Spring Split series

A superteam that is actually doing fantastic.

Photo via Riot Games

Gen.G defeated DWG KIA in the 2022 LCK Spring Split today to finish the first week of the tournament on a high note.

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The legacy for both League of Legends teams competing in this match is gigantic. On one side sit DWG KIA, who won been the winner of Worlds 2020 and multiple LCK splits in the past. On the other side, there is Gen.G, which has assembled one of the greatest rosters in the history of the Korean League and is looking to forge history with the superteam. Thus, the anticipation for this match was sky-high for League fans, and it sure didn’t disappoint.

The first match started with a miscalculated dive from the DWG KIA bot lane, when Gen.G killed the enemy support player. At the same time, Doran secured a solo kill onto Hoya in the top lane, and Chovy scored a kill on a mispositioned deokdam in the jungle to put Gen.G into the driver’s seat of the match.

DWG KIA secured three dragons, but Gen.G were winning most of the teamfights. After being down in a significant kill deficit, DWG KIA still won the teamfight before the Soul Dragon to gain the Hextech Soul. Then, Gen.G secured picks on the enemy team and took the Elder Dragon for themselves to win the teamfight near Baron.

Gen.G dominated the match after getting the Baron, but they couldn’t break into the enemy base. In the end, DWG KIA won a fantastic teamfight near the second Elder Dragon to march down Gen.G’s base and end game one with a statement.

The second match was chaotic and the longest game of the 2022 LCK Spring Split so far, with 48 minutes of playtime. Gen.G had to win this match to equalize the series. The game started with DWG KIA securing multiple kills and three dragons while Gen.G struggled to grab their footing. However, Gen.G won a teamfight near Baron to come back into the match and level up with the opponents. 

Gen.G secured the fourth dragon of the match to delay the Soul for DWG KIA, and they were winning objective fights. DWG KIA were also getting their hands bloody as they traded kills at every opportunity. Though DWG KIA got the Cloud Soul, Gen.G won an amazing teamfight and marched down the base in an attempt to finish the match. DWG KIA showed incredible resilience and fought them off with fewer teammates, successfully defending their Nexus.

The second Elder teamfight was the decider where Gen.G secured the objective and marched towards the enemy base. They took a scrappy fight but finished the Nexus this time, bringing the series to a decider match three.

The decider had a very unconventional Singed support pick by Lehends. The match started with Canyon making a gank in the bot lane to secure first blood. DWG KIA was in control of the game due to good teamfights, which earned them several kills. Unlike in the last two matches, though, Gen.G made sure to secure the dragons and get into a better position moving to the late game. Though Gen.G secured three dragons, DWG KIA constantly got picks onto the enemy team and traded kills. 

DWG KIA pushed their advantage through waves and even secured the fourth dragon to delay the Soul for Gen.G. DWG KIA tried their best to deny the Soul and secure it for themselves during a teamfight near the next dragon. Gen.G won that fight, cleared the waves, and broke the Nexus to sweep DWG KIA and remain undefeated in the LCK this Split.

The match concludes the first week of the LCK Spring Split 2022, and the next matchups resume on Jan. 19, 2022, with Nongshim RedForce taking on DWG KIA.

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