In-depth Interview with Fusion Gleebglarbu (Time on TSM, MakNoon, Nien as ADC, etc.)

There was a recording issue where the beginning of my questions aren't synced perfectly with Gleeb's answers. Near the end of each Q/A the questions and answers may run together.

There was a recording issue where the beginning of my questions aren’t synced perfectly with Gleeb’s answers. Near the end of each Q/A the questions and answers may run together. If you have some problem understanding it, it may be easier to consult the transcript!

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Part 1: Time on TSM

Part 2: Fusion Gaming

0:44 – Circumstances of joining TSM

2:20 – The pressure of replacing a well-known name in Xpecial

2:48 – TheOddOne’s communication abilities

4:00 – Was Gleebglarbu an inconsistent player while on TSM?

5:20 – Addressing TSM’s weak record against the top tier teams

7:12 – Discussing Amazing’s time on TSM

9:23 – Did WildTurtle fall off in Season 4? Were there any synergy issues?

12:03 – Locodoco as a coach

13:10 – Putting Fusion Gaming together

14:31 – Playing with MakNoon

15:52 – Switching Nien back to ADC

19:56 – Huhi, the Korean midlaner for Fusion Gaming

21:01 – Expectations for Fusion Gaming

22:00 – Final words and thoughts

