Another commercial ‘drophacking’ service targets ‘League of Legends’

The path for climbing the rankings in competitive League of Legends is simple: Don't lose

The path for climbing the rankings in competitive League of Legends is simple: Don’t lose. Dropping games will drop your rank. Some players, however, have found a convenient loophole to avoid the ratings hit that comes with losing a match. When the going gets tough, they just knock out the server the game is played on.

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Distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks have become an increasing problem in competitive League, and now there’s a new service that promises to make them easier than ever.

The website, called “Instinct Dropper” has been advertised on several major hacking forums for a few months now. It offers to give the tools to “drop hack” games to paying customers.

Drop Hacking works by DDOSing the server the game is played on rather than individual players. This attack causes everyone to simultaneously drop from the server. The game disappears from the match history completely. This enables players who find themselves losing to simply terminate the game and not have it impact on their overall rating. It’s available for just $20 per month.

The service also promises to be untraceable thanks to what it calls a “unique attack method.” While we’re not sure how popular the service is, our source, who has a background in software engineering and internet security, says it’s growing in popularity and already has hundreds of recurring subscribers.

This isn’t the first service of its kind that Riot have had to combat. The company took down a website called, which was dedicated to giving out player IPs and then offering a DDOS service to attack them, in March. The person behind that website, 21-year-old Shane Duffy of Queensland, Australia, was arrested in March and is still awaiting trial.

Image via Riot Games
