League of Legends Patch 10.4: Full notes and updates

New jungle champions are on the way.

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Riot Games is adding additional jungle power to certain champions in its latest League of Legends patch.

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Aphelios, the five-weapon wielding ADC, is receiving some much-needed clarity to his kit, which will allow opponents to understand his potential and play around it.

Here are the full notes for League Patch 10.4.



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Q – Bandage toss

  • Dash speed increased from 1,350 to 1,800 after hitting an enemy.

R – Curse of the sad mummy

  • Cooldown decreased from 150/130/110 to 130/115/100 seconds.
  • New mechanic: R stops enemies in the middle of their dashes.


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Passive – Weapon of the Unfaithful

  • Players can now see both guns Aphelios is holding next to his health bar.

Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle

  • Aphelios no longer resets his attack timer right after consuming a mark (his attack timer still resets for the mark attack).

Crescendum, the Chakram

  • Aphelios’ sentry’s range indicators are now red for enemies when it’s inactive.
  • Base number of sentry attacks decreased from four to three (the number of attacks still scale with attack speed).
  • Ranged basic attacks deal three damage instead of two (Sentries have six health).
  • AoE attacks deal four damage instead of two (Sentries have six health).
  • Aphelios’ sentries no longer occasionally die upon being activated.

R – Moonlight Vigil

  • Range decreased from 1,600 to 1,300.

Aurelion Sol

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W – Celestial Expansion

  • Active increased star damage decreased from 40 percent to 50 percent.


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Base Stats

  • Bonus attack speed increased from 10 percent to 20 percent.


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Q- Decisive Strike

  • Empowered basic attack damage ratio increased from 0.4 to 0.5.

W- Courage

  • New mechanic: At max resistances from enemy kills, Garen increases his bonus armor and magic resist by 10 percent.
  • Reworked shield: from 0.1 maximum health to 70/95/120/145/170 (+0.2 bonus health).


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Base stats

  • Movement speed increased from 325 to 335.

Passive – Rage Gene

  • Bonus movement speed reduced from 10-30 (lvl 1-18) to 0-20 (lvl 1-18) in Mini Gnar form.


  • Damage ratio increased from 0.2 attack damage, 0.5 ability power to 0.5 attack damage, one ability power.


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Base stats

  • Mana increased from 357 to 375.
  • Mana growth increased from 37 to 45.

Q – To the Skies

  • Base damage increased from 45/80/115/150/185/220 to 55/95/135/175/215/255.


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Q – Light Binding

  • Base damage increased from 70/115/170/205/250 to 80/125/170/215/260.
  • Damage ratio decreased from 0.7 ability power to 0.6 ability power.
  • Cooldown decreased early from 13/12/10/11/9 seconds to 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds.

R – Final Spark

  • New mechanic: Lux can now Flash while casting Final Spark.


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Base stats

  • Attack speed increased from 0.625 to 0.656.
  • Attack speed ratio increased from 0.625 to 0.656.


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Base stats

  • Health decreased from 610 to 580.
  • Armor decreased from 37 to 34.


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Q – Hymn of Valor

  • Cost increased from 50/55/60/65/70 mana to 75/80/85/90/95 mana.
  • New mechanic: Sona now gains 30 mana the first time she tags an ally with her aura.

W – Aria of Perseverance

  • Cost increased from 80/85/90/95/100 mana to 105/110/115/120/125 mana.
  • New mechanic: Sona now gains 30 mana the first time she tags an ally with her aura.

E – Song of Celerity

  • Cost increased from 65 to 90 mana.
  • New mechanic: Sona now gains 30 mana the first time she tags an ally with her aura.


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Base stats

  • Health increased from 520 to 535.
  • Health growth decreased from 78 to 74.
  • Mana increased from 350 to 375.
  • Mana growth decreased from 60 to 40.

Q – Starcall

  • Self-heal amount decreased from 60/80/100/120/140 (+0.5 ability power) to 40/50/60/70/80 (+0.3 ability power).
  • Heal duration decreased from five seconds to 2.5 seconds.
  • Cost increased from 40/45/50/55/60 mana to 60/65/70/75/80 mana.
  • Bonus movement speed amount decreased from 15/20/25/30/35 percent to 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 percent.

W – Astral Fusion

  • New mechanic: While Soraka is Rejuvenated, the 10 percent maximum health cost for casting Astral Infusion will be reduced by 40/55/70/85/100 percent.
  • Heal amount increased from 80/110/140/170/200 to 80/115/150/185/220.


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Q – Chain Lash 

  • Base damage increased from 40/55/70/85/100 to 40/60/80/100/120.


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Passive – Monkey’s Agility

  • New mechanic: Udyr now gets 5% off his global cooldown (the time between when he can switch stances) per Cloud Drake buff

Jungle champions


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Passive – Hemorrhage Damage

  • New mechanic: Now deals 120 percent damage to all monsters.

Q – Decimate Heal

  • New mechanic: Now heals from large monsters.


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Passive – Moonsilver Blade Damage

  • New mechanic: Increased by 150 percent on non-Epic monsters.


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E – Judgement Damage

  • New mechanic: Increased by 150 percent to non-Epic monsters.


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W – Hyper Base maximum bonus damage to monsters

  • Increased from 100/150/200/250/300 to 300 at all levels.


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Passive – Darkness Rise maximum damage to monsters

  • Increased from 15-100 (levels 1-18) to 25-120 (levels 1-18).


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Passive – Blade’s End monster damage

  • Abilities now wound all monsters for 120 percent damage.


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Passive – Contempt for the Weak

  • Damage increased by 100 percent against monsters.
  • Maximum damage increased from 120/240/360 (levels 1, 7, 17) to 200/350/500 (levels 1, 7, 17).

Runes and Summoner Spells

Hail of Blades

  • Maximum time between attacks increased from two to three seconds.
  • Cooldown reworked from four seconds out of combat to eight seconds regardless of combat.

Legends Runes

  • Stack minion kill requirement increased from 20 to 25.

Perfect Timing

  • Rework: Now grants a Commencing Stopwatch that becomes a Replica. Stopwatch at 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by two minutes.
  • Removed: No longer additionally reduces the cooldown of Guardian’s Angel, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Zhonya’s Hourglass by 15 percent.
  • Stopwatch Cost: increased from 600 to 650 gold.

Phase Rush

  • Maximum time between attacks increased from three to four seconds.
  • Movement speed increased from 25 to 40 percent to 25 to 40 percent, increased to 30 to 50 percent for melee champions.

Prototype: Omnistone

  • Will no longer give the player Press the Attack or Conqueror as their first rune.


  • Now properly grants 10 percent slow resistance per Summoner Spell on cooldown.


  • Duration increased from 2.5 to three seconds.
  • New mechanic: shows how much damage was reduced.


Bami’s Cinder

  • New mechanic: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 6-23 (+0.02 bonus health) and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you.


  • New mechanic: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 12-29 (+0.04 bonus health) to all enemies it hits and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you.

Sunfire Cape

  • New mechanic: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 26-43 (+0.05 bonus health) to all enemies it hits and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you.


Slow Resistance Calculation Adjustment

  • Rework: Slow resistance will stack multiplicatively instead of linearly. As an example of the change, two 30 percent slow resistance effects will now reduce slows by 51 percent rather than 60 percent.

Login Region Selector

  • When you log in, you’ll automatically be directed to the server associated with your account (so if you log in using your PBE account, you’ll be sent straight to PBE). You’ll also be able to change your language by going to the settings on the login screen (the little cog on the bottom right).


  • Bird of Prey Anivia’s W – Crystallize is now using its proper skin.
  • Fixed an issue where Dr. Mundo’s damage penalty was not properly applying in ARAM.
  • Pyke’s, Cho’Gath’s, and Urgot’s execute indicators appear as intended and are properly visible.
  • PROJECT: Pyke’s W – Ghostwater Dive is no longer missing its PROJECT HUD screen overlay.
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn’s R – Ace in the Hole UI overlay now properly appears when she casts the ability.
  • PROJECT: Vayne’s R – Final Hour HUD no longer disappears prematurely.
  • Removing a friend, being removed by someone else, or being blocked by someone else will no longer break the Social panel and chat window.
  • Sett now properly becomes Unstoppable and suppresses Tahm Kench when casting R – The Show Stopper while Tahm Kench casts W – Devour.
  • Attacking a non-revealed R – Noxious Trap from Teemo with Umbral Glaive will now properly do triple damage.
  • Qiyana’s R – Supreme Display of Talent no longer breaks Unstoppable animations/abilities when cast in the river or in a brush.
  • Sett’s E – Facebreaker will only stun enemies if he successfully grabs one on each side.
  • When Qiyana casts R – Supreme Display of Talent towards a wall just barely within Yasuo’s W – Wind Wall, she should no longer be able to successfully explode the targeted wall.
  • Champions will no longer be in a T-pose for the remainder of the game if they get eaten by Tahm Kench’s W – Devour.
  • Battle Boss Qiyana’s Passive – Royal Privilege cooldown indicator is no longer barely visible in brush.
  • Abilities that cannot target allies will not proc Guardian.
  • Lee Sin’s abilities now properly count per use towards Electrocute.
  • Wukong can properly cast R – Cyclone even after he’s used it immediately before getting killed by a knock-up.
  • Vi’s Q – Vault Breaker will no longer cause her next basic attack to fail triggering runes.
Image of Cristian Lupasco
Cristian Lupasco
Finance expert by the day, cooking enthusiast by the night. Found a passion for writing about video games last year.