Here are the notes and updates for League of Legends Patch 11.18

The first of two Worlds-focused patches is here.

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Riot is gearing up for the 2021 League of Legends World Championship with its latest patch.

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Patch 11.18 is the “first of two Worlds-focused patches” coming to the game in the next month, according to Riot. Every year, to “unleash competition” and “breathe new life into the meta,” the devs release a set of nerfs and buffs catered to pro play.

Almost everything listed below has Worlds in mind, but the devs are “willing” to revert any balance changes if absolutely necessary. All in all, 23 champions are set to receive buffs in the patch, including Fizz, Twitch, and Zed.

Worlds 2021 is expected to take place at Reykjavík, Iceland’s Laugardalshöll Indoor Sporting Arena from Oct. 5 to Nov. 6, as reported by Dot Esports on Sept. 6. A total of 22 teams from 11 regional leagues will compete at the end-of-year tournament.

Here’s the full list of updates for League’s Patch 11.18.



Base attack damage: 57 to 55


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W – Volley

  • Cooldown: 14/11.5/9/6.5/4 seconds to 18/14.5/11/7.5/4 seconds


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Passive – Adaptive Defenses

  • Cooldown: 16/13/10 seconds (at levels 1/7/13) to 20/15/10 seconds (at levels 1/7/13)


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Passive – League of Draven

  • [Update] Draven’s Adoration stack count updates will now be displayed in All chat, not just Team chat

R – Whirling Death

  • [New] If Whirling Death drops an enemy’s health to or below Draven’s current Adoration stacks, it executes them

Dr. Mundo

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R – Maximum Dosage

  • [Update] Emiggenate: On cast, immediately, heals 20 percent of missing HP to grants 15/20/25 percent of missing HP as bonus HP for 10 seconds
  • [Update] Healimify: Heals 20/45/70 percent to 20/40/60 percent of max HP over 10 seconds


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Passive – Nimble Fighter

  • Damage reduction vs. basic attacks: four (+one percent ability power) to eight (+two percent ability power), damage reduction vs. other sources unchanged

W – Seastone Trident

  • On-hit damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+35 percent ability power) to 20/25/30/35/40 (+35 percent ability power)

R – Chum the Waters

  • Guppy damage: 150/250/350 (+80 percent ability power) to 150/225/300 (+70 percent ability power)
  • Chomper damage: 225/325/425 (+100 percent ability power) to 200/275/350 (+85 percent ability power)
  • Gigalodon damage: 300/400/500 (+120 percent ability power) to 250/325/400 (+100 percent ability power)


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Health: 540 to 570

Health growth: 82 to 90


Passive – Hextech Capacitor

  • Bonus move speed and ghost duration: 1.25 seconds to 0.75 seconds


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Q – Switcheroo!

  • Fishbones mana cost: 20 to 16/17/18/19/20


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E – Supercharge

  • Cooldown: 16/15/15/13/12 seconds to 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds


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R – Fate’s Call

  • Knockup duration: 1.5/1.75/2 seconds to 1/1.5/2 seconds


Karma focuses in League of Legends.
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Base armor: 26 to 28

E – Inspire

  • Base shield: 80/125/170/215/260 to 90/135/180/225/270


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E – Void Ooze

  • Damage: 75/120/165/210/255 (+50 percent ability power) to 75/120/165/210/255 (+70 percent ability power)

Lee Sin

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Base attack damage: 70 to 68


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Base health regen: 1.5 to 0.5

Health regen growth: 0.75 to 0.55

Passive – Dream-Laden Bough

  • Healing against large monsters: 18 to 94 (based on level) to 27 to 104 (based on level)

Q – Blooming Blows

  • Passive stack duration: 5.5 seconds to 6.5 seconds

E – Swirlseed

  • Cooldown: 18 seconds to 16 seconds

Miss Fortune

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R – Bullet Time

  • Total waves: 12/14/16 to 14/16/18


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E – Black Shield

  • Cooldown: 26/24/22/20/18 seconds to 24/22/20/18/16 seconds


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Base attack speed: 0.625 to 0.688

Health regen: 1.8 to 1.5

Q – Edge of Ixtal / Elemental Wrath

  • [New] Now does 25 percent bonus damage against monsters
  • [Update] If Qiyana’s target begins a dash or teleport during her E+Q buffer, Q will aim at their last position before dashing/teleporting
  • [Update] If Qiyana has an E+Q buffered but does not have vision of her target when the cast completes, Q will aim the last position she could see her target in

E – Audacity

  • Base damage: 60/90/120/150/180 to 50/80/110/140/170


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W – Ruthless Predator

  • Empowered stun duration: 1.5 seconds to one second
  • [Update] Empowered self-lockout duration: 0.75 seconds to 0.52 seconds (matches normal W)


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Passive – Junkyard Titan

  • Overheated attack speed: 50 percent to 20 to 80 percent (based on level)

W – Scrap Shield

  • Cooldown: 7/6.75/6.5/6.25/6 seconds to six seconds


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R – Insanity Potion

  • [New] Singed now applies Grievous Wounds on targets upon dealing any damage during Insanity Potion’s duration


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R – Wish

  • [New] Clears Grievous Wounds on allies before applying the heal


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Q – Threaded Volley

  • [New] Casting Threaded Volley on Worked Ground now refunds 50 percent of the spell’s cooldown
  • Worked ground radius: 450 to 300
  • Worked ground duration: 45 seconds to 25 seconds


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Q – Noxian Diplomacy

  • Base Damage: 65/90/115/140/165 to 65/85/105/125/145

W – Rake

  • [New] Now deals 50 percent bonus damage against monsters


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Movement speed: 335 to 330

E – Flay

  • Maximum passive bonus magic damage: 100/125/150/175/200 percent attack damage + 1 per soul to 80/110/140/170/200 percent attack damage + 1.5 per soul


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E – Pillar of Ice

  • Slow: 32/39/46/53/60 percent to 30/34/38/42/46 percent


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R – Spray and Pray

  • Bonus attack damage: 30/45/60 to 40/55/70


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Q – Corrosive Charge

  • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds to 10/9.5/9/8 seconds
  • Mana cost: 80 to 70


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Attack damage: 61 to 59

Passive – Living Vengeance

  • Bonus attack speed on non-champion kills: 20 percent to 10/15/20 percent at levels 1/7/13


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W – Spirit Cleave

  • Shielding per champion hit after the first: 25 percent of base to 50 percent of base


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Passive – Bop ‘n’ Block

  • Cooldown: 18 to six seconds (based on level) to 14 to six seconds (based on level)


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Passive – Contempt for the Weak

  • [New] Now deals 100 percent bonus damage against monsters (still capped at 300 against epic monsters)


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E – Sleepy Trouble Bubble

  • Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds to 16/15/14/13/12 seconds


Ravenous Hydra

  • [Rem] Ravenous Hydra’s cleave no longer activates on turrets

Titanic Hydra

  • [Rem] Titanic Hydra’s cleave no longer activates on turrets

Umbral Glaive

  • Cost: 2600 to 2400
  • Lethality: 12 to 10



  • Move speed ramp-up time: 1.5 seconds to one second
  • Maximum move speed: 45 percent to 60 percent

Void Clash

The second weekend of the Void-themed Clash will take place on Sept. 18 and 19. Team formation for the first weekend will open on Sept. 13.

Web match history

Riot deactivated the web match history site on Sept. 7.

“Very few players use our official match history site, and we’re okay with that,” Riot’s comms lead Paul Perscheid said. “Web match history is in a similar situation as Clubs was: Community sites have done amazing things with the match data provided by our APIs, far surpassing our site. So, as with Clubs, we’re going to fully hand things over to these experts.”

But in-client match history will still be available.

Bug fixes and quality of life changes

  • Quinn’s base voice lines have been remastered to sound clearer, cleaner, and smoother
  • Viego can no longer access Ornn’s passive – Living Forge to forge items while possessing him
  • Fixed a bug where breaking a spell shield on Akshan would interrupt his E – Heroic Swing
  • Fixed a bug where Akshan was unable to cancel E – Heroic Swing while being silenced
  • Fixed a bug where Dr. Mundo would ignore all subsequent CC from a dragon or Rift Herald after it broke his Passive – Goes Where He Pleases spell shield once
  • Fixed a bug Samira’s Q – Flair did not apply lifesteal when cast during E – Wild Rush
  • Fixed a bug where Camille’s E – Hookshot would get cancelled upon using any consumables
  • Fixed a bug where Shen’s Passive – Ki Barrier shield would break when hit by a basic attack while standing in W – Spirit’s Refuge’s zone
  • Fixed a bug where buffing an ally with Sona’s Melody aura from Q – Hymn of Valor did not grant her a Mana Charge stack on Tear of the Goddess
  • Fixed a bug where Sona’s Q – Hymn of Valor would incorrectly grant a stack of Accelerando even if negated by a spell shield
  • Updated Singed’s W – Mega Adhesive tooltip to include its slow percentage
  • Fixed Lucian’s R – The Culling tooltip so that it no longer states dealing bonus damage to monsters
  • Updated Ekko’s Passive – Z-Drive Resonance tooltip to include the additional damage dealt against jungle monsters
  • Updated Soraka’s E – Equinox tooltip to state that it deals damage to enemy champions only

Upcoming skins and chromas

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  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Yorick
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Mordekaiser
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Olaf
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Karthus
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Kayle
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Sona
  • Dissonance of Pentakill Viego
  • Hextech Tristana


  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Yorick
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Mordekaiser
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Olaf
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Karthus
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Kayle
  • Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Sona
  • Dissonance of Pentakill Viego

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Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Senior editor at Dot Esports. Jerome has been in and around the gaming industry for the last eight years, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.