Misfits close out a win in the EU LCS after a massive mistake by H2K

Though the game was slow at first, Misfits kicked it into high gear to defeat their opponents.

Photo via Riot Games

For the first time in the EU LCS 2018 Spring Split, Misfits took on H2K Gaming earlier today.

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Misfits came into the third match of the day as favorites. This was mainly due to their team strength and the fact that they kept most of their roster together. H2K, on the other hand, changed their entire roster, leading some members of the community to think they are a “budget team” and likely not to do well.

Misfits got off to a good start in today’s game after Chres “Sencux” Laursen forced fellow Dane Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen to use his stopwatch early. Santorin then went for a risky invade, which led to Sencux grabbing first blood for his team.

Misfits took that small gold lead and controlled the early game dragons, picking up both a Mountain Drake and an Infernal Drake—arguably the two strongest drakes in the game. H2K evened out the game by taking the first tower, using their Tristana to push down the objective and demolish the structure. The game then stalled out, partially due to multiple pauses.

When the game resumed from the pause H2K attempted to take the Baron, though they were behind. Misfits collapsed onto H2K and completely wiped the enemy team, getting an ace without losing a single member, and getting the added benefit of securing the Baron. After another short pause, Misfits charged down H2K’s base and ended the game quickly.

Before the Baron fight, there was only one kill throughout the entire game. The pace was slow and there were no big teamfights. This made the ending all the more surprising, as Misfits did not take long to end the game after securing Baron and the teamfight win. The game ended at 31 minutes.

With the win, Misfits move to 2-1 while H2K fall to 1-2. Misfits will play Vitality tomorrow and H2K will take on Giants Gaming in the first game of the day.
