Ning shows that jungle Camille still works

Just farm champions, duh.

Image via Riot Games

Gao “Ning” Zhen-ning was blown away by the skin Riot made for his Camille. The Invictus Gaming jungler thinks it’s the best skin. “Go buy it,” he said. “It’s so much cooler than the previous two [Camille skins].”

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The only problem, though, is that jungle Camille is dead. Riot killed her in Patch 9.3 by removing her ability to stun jungle monsters with E. The only reason she was viable in the first place was that her E gave her an easy setup on scuttle, which she desperately needed on her first clear. She simply couldn’t farm the jungle anymore, right?

That didn’t matter to Ning. He locked her in at MSI against only SK Telecom T1. You know, the best League of Legends team ever.

Ning’s solution to Camille’s farming issues was simple: farm champions instead. IG went into the bot side river at level one as a death ball and even though they actually lost first blood to SKT, they proved that they aren’t going to back down to anyone.

Ning grabbed his red buff after the shenanigans and went right into a camp of the bot side river bush. SKT mid laner Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok never saw him coming. IG vs. SKT was supposed to be an epic battle of mid laners with Faker finally getting a chance to play Rookie at a major tournament.

But instead of a straight one-vs-one, Ning flew in on Camille and stunned Faker. Following a Rune Prison from Rookie, Faker was dead.

If you’re a jungle aficionado, you might want to skip Ning’s subsequent Rift Scuttler take. Remember, his E doesn’t work anymore, so it was an extremely long and boring chase down of the heavily-armored crab. But then he turned his attention back to champions. He sauntered into the SKT blue side and bullied Kim “Clid” Tae-min out of it. That turned into a bot lane dive that swung the duo lane matchup even further into IG’s favor.

Three minutes into the game, Ning had taken only two camps, but had a hand in four IG kills. That’s the new way to play jungle Camille: just gank constantly. IG finished SKT in 16 minutes, which given the opponent and situation, could quite possibly be the most dominant League of Legends showing of all time.

Of course, it helps to have someone like Rookie on your team who can help set up river priority and an unexpected gank. Ning’s jungle Camille worked primarily because of Ning.

So you might not want to bust this out in solo queue. But you can at least enjoy how IG play their own skins at MSI.

Image of Xing Li
Xing Li
Xing has been covering League of Legends esports since 2015. He loves when teams successfully bait Baron, hates tank metas, and is always down for creative support picks—AP Malphite, anybody?