Playing League of Legends has become a lonely experience, and nobody is quite sure why

There is no I in team, but there is I in win.

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Image via Riot Games

Remember the good old days when League of Legends was supposed to bring people together, have fun, and win a couple of games along the way? Now, players claim it has become solely about winning, and they can’t recall the last time they had a meaningful interaction.

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In a Reddit thread dated Oct. 3, players discussed where and why League went wrong, leaving them feeling lonely after playing.

Compared to other multiplayer games, it seems that League has lost many characteristics that made millions of players fall in love with it in the first place. For starters, the in-game chat has become obsolete, filled with dry interactions and negative comments. Jokes and friendly banter between teammates are now rare.

Players convene with the sole purpose of winning, grinding, and focusing only on the final goal of victory. This seems to be the main reason most of them don’t feel the sensation of satisfaction after a successful match but more one of relief.

League players blame Riot Games for this, claiming it has developed the game to feel more like a sport and less like a game. This, in return, has raised the level of competitiveness, where strong players can’t stand the weaker, less experienced ones, making toxic interactions more common.

Another argument is that streamers are spreading and encouraging a toxic culture. Being followed by millions means there are a lot of players who emulate their toxic behavior, which creates a vicious cycle that seems impossible to break.

This environment might be why many players mute the chat, which enhances the sense that you are playing alone instead of being part of a team. If you cannot interact with your teammates, ask for advice, or make a joke, then what is the purpose of playing in a team?

This might be why more players feel lonely while playing League, not seeking to interact but merely grinding out a win and moving on to another match. It is undoubtedly not its original purpose, so something should be done to resolve this issue.

Image of Elmaz Sabovic
Elmaz Sabovic
Freelance Writer at Dot Esports. Covering AAA releases, indie games, and esports. Fell in love with video games at age 7, and never been the same since.