While the 2022 League of Legends World Championship action continues, Riot Games is working on bringing some exciting changes to the live servers that will be hitting the game in Patch 12.20.
The balance team is looking to buff Rammus, as he’s currently stuck at a sub-50 percent win rate across most ranks, according to U.GG. The Armordillo will finally get some love, with expected changes on his W, which was the main cause of his low win rate.
Aside from him, three top laners are going to be buffed in Patch 12.20. Jayce and Gwen have been away from the meta for quite a while and Riot is looking to bring them back.
Jayce had already received damage increases on some of his spells in Patch 12.16 but they clearly weren’t enough to push him back into the meta as he’s still currently sitting at a 47 percent win rate at higher ranks, according to U.GG. The Defender of Tomorrow is known for being a high-rank pick, so he might make the return in solo queue games before the season ends.
Gwen was gutted in the first part of the season and now that she has been under the radar for some time, she will receive some buffs: it will be crucial to understand what the intended changes are for her. Wukong has gotten multiple nerfs as a jungler, dropping his win rate to 47.34 percent, according to U.GG, so Riot now is looking to compensate and give him back a little bit of power in the lane where he used to belong—top lane.
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To round off the list of buffs, the two AP champions Evelynn and Ziggs will receive some love. Evelynn has been performing well in solo queue, with a 51 percent win rate at high ranks. Keep an eye on her buffs as they might bring Evelynn into pick-or-ban territory.
Ziggs is also performing well in the mid lane, although his pick rate is still quite low, sitting at one percent, according to U.GG. Remember that Ziggs is known for being a flex pick in the bottom lane as well, so his value at higher ranks might go up more than expected.
League Patch 12.20 is set to hit the live servers on Oct. 19, according to the game’s official patch schedule.