Forget Faker and Tyler1— SaltyTeemo is the funniest League of Legends stream

SaltyTeemo reminds us that we aren't so bad at League after-all.

Image via Riot Games
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Who needs Pro View when SaltyTeemo is bringing us the best of Iron IV 24 hours a day and seven days a week? You can watch countless failed flashes, see a Soraka with Fleet Footwork, and get ready to cheer when that Draven who first built Locket claims his first Pentakill all while placing bets on which side will win.

SaltyTeemo is a 24/7 stream featuring a variety of low-elo games from multiple regions. When the channel first debuted in 2013, it was primarily comprised of matches between players around Bronze V. Thanks to Riot’s updated rank system, however, the channel now sources games hovering around Iron IV to a following of over 88,000 on Twitch.

SaltyTeemo prioritizes ranked games with the occasional ARAM and blind pick tossed in when not enough Iron games are being played. The stream pulls from all standard regions but primarily presents English-speaking matches to accommodate the channel’s viewership.

But SaltyTeemo isn’t just a place to go to feel better about your gameplay. There’s a sophisticated betting system where viewers are able to collect the fake currency known as “mushrooms.” Up until three minutes into a given match, viewers can bet on which side, red or blue, they think will win using the “mushrooms.” According to the channel’s description, the winner is “not usually who you think.”

Image via SaltyTeemo

The bets and currency mean absolutely nothing other than an added feature to enhance the viewer experience. Viewers can even keep track of their “mushroom” earnings through a website known as My SaltyTeemo.

While watching the lowest of the low duke it out in Iron, SaltyTeemo isn’t a place meant for fellow players to torment and make fun of others. During the early stages, the channel had several issues with viewers reaching out to players for the sole purpose of flaming them and the question of privacy came up in several posts, such as this thread from a League of Legends forum in 2013. SaltyTeemo now has a strict no-harassment policy to prevent anyone from taunting players seen on stream and to keep the channel running. Even jokes about adding players aren’t taken lightly.

Toxicity aside, SaltyTeemo is the perfect spot to take a break from the solo queue grind and watch endearing summoners play their hearts out.
