Solo Queue vs. Competitive: Top 10 Win Rates

Comparing competitive and solo queue win rates

Top Lane (One role on each page)

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Solo Queue Win Rate Competitive Win Rate
Wukong 54.21% Ekko 75.00%
Heimerdinger 53.71% Nautilus 72.70%
Tryndamere 53.56% Vladimir 66.70%
Akali 53.31% Ryze 53.80%
Fiora 53.04% Rumble 52.90%
Riven 52.45% Fizz 51.50%
Darius 52.34% Maokai 50.70%
Malphite 52.33% Irelia 50.00%
Rengar 52.29% Gnar 45.70%
Irelia 51.89% Hecarim 45.60%

For competitive, we use a minimum of 10 games played per champion.

All stats taken from (competitive) and (Solo Queue, Platinum+ only)

Here’s another chart for competitive play, disregarding the 10 games minimum

Champion Games Played Win Rate
Cho’Gath 1 100.00%
Nocturne 1 100.00%
Nunu 1 100.00%
Sion 1 100.00%
Yasuo 2 100.00%
Riven 6 83.30%
Ekko 12 75.00%
Nautilus 11 72.70%
Vladimir 15 66.70%
Jax 5 60.00%
Ryze 26 53.80%
Rumble 136 52.90%
Fizz 33 51.50%
Maokai 152 50.70%
Irelia 18 50.00%
Jarvan IV 2 50.00%
Lulu 8 50.00%
Morgana 2 50.00%
Gnar 92 45.70%
Hecarim 90 45.60%
Shen 29 41.40%

Interestingly, none of the top 10 solo queue win rate champions see play in competitive, other than Irelia.

Some of the most successful picks in competitive are actually pocket picks. Of commonly picked champions, Gnar, Hecarim, and Shen all have quite poor win rates in spite of many tries.


Solo Queue Win Rate Competitive Win Rate
Nunu 55.26% Jarvan IV 66.70%
Amumu 53.31% Gragas 56.70%
Shyvana 53.25% Rek’Sai 52.70%
Shaco 52.98% Nunu 50.00%
Nidalee 52.92% Evelynn 47.90%
Wukong 52.57% Nidalee 47.70%
Warwick 52.48% Sejuani 40.30%
Sion 52.45% Ekko 40.00%
Skarner 52.26% Lee Sin 34.20%
Diana 51.99%    

For competitive, we use a minimum of 10 games played per champion. Jungle doesn’t have 10 champions with more than 10 games played.

All stats taken from (competitive) and (Solo Queue, Platinum+ only)

Here’s another chart for competitive play, disregarding the 10 games minimum

Champion Games Played Win Rate
Wukong 1 100.00%
Zac 3 100.00%
Jarvan IV 12 66.70%
Olaf 6 66.70%
Gragas 180 56.70%
Rek’Sai 186 52.70%
Nunu 30 50.00%
Xin Zhao 2 50.00%
Evelynn 73 47.90%
Nidalee 44 47.70%
Rengar 7 42.90%
Sejuani 62 40.30%
Ekko 25 40.00%
Lee Sin 38 34.20%
Fizz 2 0.00%
Nautilus 1 0.00%
Nocturne 3 0.00%
Vi 1 0.00%
Volibear 2 0.00%

Azingy’s 3/3 win rate on Zac accounts for all of the champion’s picks this split

For jungle, we don’t even have 10 champions with more than 10 games played. Majority of games on Gragas/Rek’Sai (180 and 186 respectively.)

Very few junglers have seen competitive success. Only 7 junglers have a 50%+ win rate, and 3 of those (Wukong, Zac, and Olaf) have seen almost all their games at the hands of a single player. (Fr3deric played the lone Wukong game, Azingy’s Zac has already been discussed, and ReignOver has gone 3/3 on Olaf.)


Solo Queue Win Rate Competitive Win Rate
Heimerdinger 55.22% Kog’Maw 70.60%
Annie 54.86% Twisted Fate 65.20%
Ahri 53.86% Zed 63.60%
Talon 53.84% Ahri 61.50%
Malzahar 53.62% Varus 57.40%
Lux 53.62% Cho’Gath 57.10%
Morgana 53.09% Fizz 57.10%
Twisted Fate 53.01% Cassiopeia 54.00%
Diana 52.77% LeBlanc 54.00%
Galio 52.69% Azir 50.50%

*Cho’Gath is 11th in solo queue win rate, with a win rate of 52.30%

*Many of LeBlanc’s wins came prior to the speed nerf on her W.

For competitive, we use a minimum of 10 games played per champion.

All stats taken from (competitive) and (Solo Queue, Platinum+ only)

Here’s another chart for competitive play, disregarding the 10 games minimum

Champion Win Rate Games Played
Hecarim 100.00% 1
Jarvan IV 100.00% 2
Lissandra 100.00% 1
Malphite 100.00% 1
Master Yi 100.00% 2
Talon 100.00% 1
Ryze 83.30% 6
Diana 71.40% 7
Kog’Maw 70.60% 17
Twisted Fate 65.20% 23
Zed 63.60% 11
Ahri 61.50% 26
Varus 57.40% 47
Cho’Gath 57.10% 14
Fizz 57.10% 14
Cassiopeia 54.00% 63
LeBlanc 54.00% 50
Azir 50.50% 103
Urgot 50.00% 4
Yasuo 50.00% 6
Jayce 48.30% 29
Kassadin 47.80% 23
Orianna 45.80% 24
Ezreal 45.50% 11
Lulu 44.40% 36

Some of the more notable new picks, Ezreal and Jayce, have sub-par win rates. However, this may come from a small sample size/players learning the champion.

Only Twisted Fate and Ahri top both the competitive and solo queue win lists, but both champions are seen somewhat infrequently in competitive play. When we remove the 10 game limit, Diana also shows up with a 6/7 record.

AD Carry

Solo Queue Win Rate Competitive Win Rate
Sivir 53.46% Ezreal 60.00%
Ashe 53.17% Sivir 57.10%
Jinx 52.66% Kalista 56.30%
Vayne 51.65% Jinx 56.10%
Draven 51.59% Ashe 55.60%
Kog’Maw 51.11% Urgot 55.20%
Caitlyn 50.49% Graves 50.00%
Miss Fortune 50.38% Kog’Maw 50.00%
Varus 50.25% Corki 46.80%
Twitch 50.10% Vayne 45.00%

*Tristana and Lucian have seen a good amount of competitive play. Trist has a 30% win rate in 20 tries. Lucian’s struggles are well-documented. He has a 26.8% win rate in spite of 63 attempts

For competitive, we use a minimum of 10 games played per champion.

All stats taken from (competitive) and (Solo Queue, Platinum+ only)

Here’s another chart for competitive play, disregarding the 10 games minimum

Champion Games Played Win Rate
Ezreal 20 60.00%
Sivir 196 57.10%
Kalista 87 56.30%
Jinx 41 56.10%
Ashe 18 55.60%
Urgot 29 55.20%
Caitlyn 4 50.00%
Graves 10 50.00%
Kog’Maw 12 50.00%
Corki 109 46.80%
Vayne 60 45.00%
Draven 3 33.30%
Tristana 20 30.00%
Lucian 63 28.60%
Varus 6 16.70%

Ezreal has a surprisingly high win rate in competitive play (AD Carry stats are tracked separately from mid stats)

Although Urgot has fallen out of the meta, his strong win rate suggests that pros perhaps shouldn’t be so fast to move away from the anti-carry.

Sivir is probably the strongest champion in the meta right now. Now other champion boasts the same fantastic win rate in spite of so many games played. In nearly 200 tries, Sivir still maintains a 57% win rate. She also tops the solo queue win rate charts.


Solo Queue Win Rate Competitive Win Rate
Janna 54.42% Morgana 55.00%
Brand 54.26% Janna 54.10%
Nautilus 53.32% Annie 52.20%
Blitzcrank 52.88% Bard 50.00%
Sona 52.65% Alistar 49.40%
Soraka 52.51% Thresh 48.90%
Zilean 52.21% Nautilus 45.40%
Zyra 52.02% Braum 40.00%
Leona 50.88%    
Braum 50.86%    

For competitive, we use a minimum of 10 games played per champion. Support doesn’t have 10 champions with more than 10 games played.

All stats taken from (competitive) and (Solo Queue, Platinum+ only)

Here’s another chart for competitive play, disregarding the 10 games minimum

Champion Games Played Win Rate
Gragas 1 100.00%
Leona 6 100.00%
Shen 2 100.00%
Karma 3 66.70%
Morgana 40 55.00%
Janna 74 54.10%
Annie 67 52.20%
Bard 20 50.00%
Kennen 4 50.00%
Nami 2 50.00%
Taric 2 50.00%
Trundle 2 50.00%
Alistar 176 49.40%
Thresh 139 48.90%
Nautilus 119 45.40%
Lulu 7 42.90%
Braum 10 40.00%
Malphite 1 0.00%
Nunu 1 0.00%
Veigar 2 0.00%

2/2 Shen support picks come from BunnyFuFuu.

The 3 most popular supports in competitive play (Alistar, Thresh, Nautilus) all have sub-50% win rates. The champion that counters their hard engages, Morgana, has the highest win rate for champions with more than 10 games played.
