Team WE dominate Oh My God, advance to face Bilibili Gaming in next round of 2021 LPL Summer Split playoffs

The team left no room for errors.

Photo via Riot Games

Team WE took down Oh My God in a quick 3-0 series in the first round of the 2021 LPL Summer Split playoffs.

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The MVP votes for today’s series were picked up by mid laner Shanks and jungler beishang. Shanks picked up the first two MVP votes of the series after destroying his laning opponent on LeBlanc in two different matchups, once against Sylas and once against Syndra. The jungler picked up his MVP vote in the last match of the series after a stellar Xin Zhao performance in which he finished the match with a KDA of 8/0/9.

Even though Team WE was favored going into this series, OMG proved to be a strong opponent during the regular season with multiple upsets against top-tier teams. They were one of the first teams to take down the unstoppable EDward Gaming with their mid-laner Creme leading the charge in most victories. He became known for his Sylas, which gave OMG multiple victories throughout the regular split.

Game one opened up with a stellar performance from Team WE, who picked up a lot of early kills thanks to Shanks’ LeBlanc and were able to convert it into huge gold leads. Even though Creme picked up his signature Sylas, he wasn’t able to put a stop to his opponent’s domination, who kept demolishing his teammates. After being in control for most of the game, Team WE went on to finish the first match convincingly in 29 minutes, leaving no room for errors. While Shanks had a stellar performance and received the MVP vote, another crucial member that led Team WE to the first game victory was the AD carry Elk, who popped off on Vayne.

In the second match, LeBlanc was left open once again, letting Shanks pick it up in the first round of the draft. Even though OMG tried to adjust their draft to counter the powerful LeBlanc player, it didn’t help since Shanks just rolled over them once again. Creme tried to go for new picks such as Syndra to stop Shanks from snowballing but was unsuccessful once again. Shanks showed another masterful display of skill and mastery on the champion, leading his team to a quick second victory.

After being dominated by LeBlanc twice, OMG learned their lesson and banned the pick away from Shanks in the last match of the series to give star player Creme a chance to succeed. It helped slightly, since Shanks couldn’t snowball as in the previous matches and had a lackluster performance, but the rest of WE picked up the slack. Beishang picked up Xin Zhao, who was left open up by OMG in order to ban LeBlanc, and took over the early game with the meta jungle pick. With constant ganks and aggressive moves, he led his team to a clean sweep.

Team WE will face Bilibili Gaming in the second round of the 2021 LPL Summer Split playoffs on Sunday, Aug. 15. The winner of the next series will advance to face Rare Atom in the third round of playoffs, one of the strongest teams during the regular season. OMG, however, are eliminated from the playoffs.

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Image of Cristian Lupasco
Cristian Lupasco
Finance expert by the day, cooking enthusiast by the night. Found a passion for writing about video games last year.