The most popular champs in each role are Riven/Lee/Ahri/Vayne/Thresh. How much does competitive popularity influence soloqueue?

A look at the most popular champs in each role in solo queue and competitive play.

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Fans frequently talk about the influence between competitive play and solo queue. The most common examples are solo queue players who try out the champions they see in competitive play but this is a process which goes both ways. I looked at stats from (competitive) and (solo queue, Plat+ only) to examine if there is a correlation. These statistics are taken from Patch 5.12, as Patch 5.13 has only been on for a while and still hasn’t been patched to the pro leagues.

Each page will contain pick rates for each role. There will also be an included ban rate in case champs would be popular but have been shut down in the pick+ban phase. Ban rates include bans for champions that play multiple roles. For example, Ryze appears in the most-banned list for both top and mid, even though most of the bans are likely directed at Ryze top.

Overall Solo Queue Pick Rate

Perhaps due to the lower selections available, all of the top 10 most popular champions are bot laners save for jungle Lee Sin. For individual role breakdowns, check out the other pages.

Champion Pick Rate
Thresh 39.85%
Vayne 32.61%
Jinx 24.10%
Caitlyn 22.52%
Janna 20.25%
Lee Sin 17.04%
Leona 16.87%
Graves 14.98%
Lucian 14.17%
Alistar 14.09%

 Overall Competitive Pick Rate

Competitive play is relatively better balanced, with every role making at least one appearance in the most-often picked list.

Champion Pick Rate Games Played
Sivir 58.10% 226
Gragas 53.00% 206
Rek’Sai 52.70% 205
Alistar 52.20% 203
Maokai 46.00% 179
Thresh 38.30% 149
Rumble 38.00% 148
Corki 33.90% 132
Nautilus 32.60% 127
Azir 31.10% 121

Top Lane Solo Queue Pick Rate

Champion Pick Rate
Riven 13.80%
Irelia 12.94%
Gnar 12.32%
Vladimir 11.41%
Renekton 8.25%
Nasus 7.52%
Malphite 6.80%
Shen 6.69%
Jax 6.33%
Rumble 5.90%

Top Lane Solo Queue Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Ekko 71.67%
Ryze 39.58%
Hecarim 26.28%
Cho’Gath 24.80%
Vladimir 20.23%
Irelia 19.62%
Fizz 11.02%
Rengar 10.33%
Riven 9.07%
Yasuo 5.46%

*Some of the banned champions play multiple roles. For instance, Ekko can be used top, jungle, and mid. Most likely, these bans are not directed towards top lane Ekko in this specific instance.

Top Lane Competitive Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate Games Played
Maokai 44.80% 152
Rumble 40.10% 136
Gnar 27.10% 92
Hecarim 26.50% 90
Fizz 9.70% 33
Shen 8.60% 29
Ryze 7.70% 26
Irelia 5.30% 18
Vladimir 4.40% 15
Ekko 3.50% 12




Top Lane Competitive Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Ryze 56.90%
Gragas 43.10%
Rek’Sai 26.50%
Cassiopeia 22.70%
Rumble 18.30%
Maokai 17.70%
Hecarim 12.40%
Fizz 12.40%
Varus 11.20%
Vladimir 8.80%

Jungle Solo Queue Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate
Lee Sin 17.04%
Rek’Sai 13.05%
Vi 12.65%
Rengar 9.21%
Amumu 8.89%
Gragas 8.75%
Evelynn 8.60%
Nidalee 8.13%
Sejuani 7.43%
Jarvan IV 6.68%

Jungle Solo Queue Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Ekko 71.67%
Gragas 64.92%
Sejuani 55.61%
Hecarim 26.28%
Rek’Sai 15.77%
Vi 13.61%
Fizz 11.02%
Rengar 10.33%
Evelynn 7.84%
Nautilus 5.05%

Jungle Competitive Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate Games Played
Rek’Sai 54.90% 186
Gragas 53.10% 180
Evelynn 21.50% 73
Sejuani 18.30% 62
Nidalee 13.00% 44
Lee Sin 11.20% 38
Nunu 8.80% 30
Ekko 7.40% 25
Jarvan IV 3.50% 12
Rengar 2.10% 7

Jungle Competitive Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Gragas 43.10%
Rek’Sai 26.50%
Fizz 12.40%
Nidalee 10.00%
Sejuani 8.00%
Ekko 8.00%
Evelynn 5.60%
Nautilus 3.80%
Jarvan IV 1.50%
Nunu 1.20%

Mid Solo Queue Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate
Ahri 13.76%
Azir 11.56%
Yasuo 9.47%
Annie 9.02%
Viktor 8.34%
Orianna 8.23%
Zed 8.19%
Lux 8.17%
Fizz 7.48%
LeBlanc 7.05%

Mid Solo Queue Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Ekko 71.67%
Ryze 39.58%
Katarina 33.04%
LeBlanc 29.73%
Cho’Gath 24.80%
Vladimir 20.23%
Zed 17.07%
Azir 12.69%
Fizz 11.02%
Annie 9.98%

Mid Competitive Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate Games Played
Azir 30.40% 103
Viktor 26.80% 91
Cassiopeia 18.60% 63
LeBlanc 14.70% 50
Varus 13.90% 47
Lulu 10.60% 36
Jayce 8.60% 29
Ahri 7.70% 26
Vladimir 7.40% 25
Orianna 7.10% 24

Mid Competitive Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Ryze 56.90%
Azir 42.80%
LeBlanc 36.60%
Cassiopeia 22.70%
Rumble 18.30%
Urgot 13.00%
Fizz 12.40%
Hecarim 12.40%
Varus 11.20%
Nidalee 10.30%

AD Carry Solo Queue Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate
Vayne 32.61%
Jinx 24.10%
Caitlyn 22.52%
Graves 14.98%
Lucian 14.17%
Sivir 13.98%
Kalista 13.96%
Ezreal 11.34%
Ashe 11.24%
Draven 8.16%

AD Carry Solo Queue Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Kalista 17.20%
Vayne 5.95%
Ezreal 2.04%
Jinx 0.84%
Varus 0.55%
Caitlyn 0.53%
Ashe 0.50%
Graves 0.41%
Kog’Maw 0.38%
Sivir 0.37%

AD Carry Competitive Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate Games Played
Sivir 57.80% 196
Corki 32.20% 109
Kalista 25.70% 87
Lucian 18.60% 63
Vayne 17.70% 60
Jinx 12.10% 41
Urgot 8.60% 29
Ezreal 5.90% 20
Tristana 5.90% 20
Ashe 5.30% 18

AD Carry Competitive Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Kalista 69.00%
Sivir 18.30%
Urgot 13.00%
Varus 11.20%
Vayne 4.10%
Kog’Maw 3.80%
Ashe 3.20%
Draven 2.70%
Lucian 1.20%
Jinx 0.30%

Support Solo Queue Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate
Thresh 39.85%
Janna 20.25%
Leona 16.87%
Alistar 14.09%
Morgana 14.07%
Blitzcrank 12.62%
Nautilus 11.74%
Braum 9.92%
Bard 7.99%
Nami 5.81%

Support Solo Queue Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Annie 9.98%
Morgana 6.72%
Nautilus 5.05%
Alistar 2.38%
Leona 1.73%
Thresh 1.58%
Blitzcrank 1.22%
Janna 0.85%
Bard 0.64%
Braum 0.41%

Support Competitive Pick Rate

Champion Play Rate Games Played
Alistar 51.90% 176
Thresh 41.00% 139
Nautilus 35.10% 119
Janna 21.80% 74
Annie 19.80% 67
Morgana 11.80% 40
Bard 5.90% 20
Braum 2.90% 10
Lulu 2.10% 7
Leona 1.80% 6

Support Competitive Ban Rate

Champion Ban Rate
Gragas 43.10%
Alistar 37.20%
Thresh 11.80%
Lulu 8.30%
Morgana 7.40%
Annie 6.50%
Bard 4.10%
Nautilus 3.80%
Shen 2.90%
Nunu 1.20%

