TSM signs PowerOfEvil to replace Bjergsen in the mid lane

The German mid laner wants to finally get NA out of groups.

Photo via Riot Games

TSM has acquired former FlyQuest mid laner PowerOfEvil ahead of the 2021 LCS season, the organization announced today. 

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TSM has high expectations for the German-born League of Legends player. One of his main goals is to “show everybody that North America is capable of getting out of groups [at Worlds],” PowerOfEvil said in the reveal video. 

Bjergsen, who spent six years as the mid laner for TSM, stepped down from the roster following the conclusion of Worlds 2020 earlier this year. He moved to the head coach position and retired from competition. “Having Bjergsen as the head coach has a lot of benefits for me as a mid laner,” PowerOfEvil said. 

TSM faced one of its worst years of international competition on record in 2020. The roster failed to win a match in the group stage of Worlds earlier this year. Group C included the third and fourth seed from both Korea and China in Gen.G and LGD Gaming, but TSM fell flat and finished with an 0-6 record. 

PowerOfEvil, formerly of FlyQuest, has yet to win an LCS trophy. But he’s finished third in the LCS Summer for the past two years and finished in second place in the LCS 2020 Summer Playoffs, narrowly losing to TSM 3-2 in the final. 

TSM is reportedly set to make further changes in the offseason, with bot laner Doublelift’s future reportedly uncertain, according to Jacob Wolf, as well as the top and support positions yet to be filled. 

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Image of George Geddes
George Geddes
George is an investigative journalist from the United Kingdom.