Worlds 2016: Meteos’s Redemption Song

After a disappointing game yesterday, Cloud9 needed to prove that they are ready to play. However, Flash Wolves weren’t ready to cut them any slack.

After a disappointing game yesterday, Cloud9 needed to prove that they are ready to play. However, Flash Wolves weren’t ready to cut them any slack.

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Here is how it went down:

                                FW                                          C9

TOP:                         MMD-Rumble                           Impact-Kennen

JNG:                         Karsa-Elise                               Meteos-Lee Sin

MID:                         Maple-Varus                             Jensen-Orianna

ADC:                        NL-Ezreal                                  Sneaky-Caitlyn

SUP:                         SwordArt-Nami                        Smoothie-Karma

BANS:                      Zac/Gnar/Cassiopeia              Nidalee/Syndra/Rek’sai

Early Game: Flash Wolves Secure an Early Lead

Karsa moved towards top lane after hitting level three to get Flash Wolves first blood. Cloud9 sent Sneaky and Smoothie top but fell into FW’s teleport trap, which resulted in three kills. On respawn, Sneaky walked down bot lane to try to gain some vision, but was quickly met by the FW and fell again. C9 tried to react and obtained an Infernal Dragon. Despite being five kills ahead, C9 was only 2k gold behind.

Mid Game: Cloud9 Start to Make a Comeback

Impact caught out MMD and got a solo kill. After winning the vision war, C9 made an effort to take another drake, getting a Cloud Drake. With three drakes under their belt, C9 looked to start some fights. But, FW was one step ahead of C9, denying them a chance to close the gap in gold. FW forced C9 off dragon to get another kill.

Late Game: Vision Battles and Turtling Trades

After 10 minutes of fighting for vision, Impact secured a solo kill against MMD while Meteos got a pick in the mid lane. Impact applied pressure in the bot lane, but FW reacted immediately and obtained Baron. FW forced their way into C9’s base to secure an inhibitor and slowly started starving C9.

However, C9 refused to let FW run all over them. Constant skirmishes back and forth saved C9 enough time for their inhibitors to respawn. After Jensen stole Baron, C9 forced FW into a turtling position. After a standoff for 15 minutes, C9 shoved in FW and forced a bad fight.

After 70 grueling minutes, C9 secured their first win in the group stage. C9 is now 1-1, while FW fell to 0-2. 

What has been your favorite moment from Worlds so far? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom
