Little Kitty, Big City Local Celebrity: How to get photographed by humans

The exposure every cat deserves!

A man takes a picture of the cat in the game.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Wearing cute hats and roaming the streets in Little Kitty, Big City only feels satisfying with the glitz and glamour of people noticing the feline celebrity in town, and you’ll want humans taking photographs of you.

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If people are overly invested in their daily lives, you will have to get their attention, let them photograph you, and make you famous in the town. If the people take your picture 20 times, you’ll unlock one of the many Catchievements called Local Celebrity in the game.

But the question is, how do you grab their attention in Little Kitty, Big City, and allow them to take your picture on their cellphones?

Local Celebrity: How to get photographed by humans in Little Kitty, Big City

A human petting a cat with a phone in his hand.
Enough petting human, now take a picture! Screenshot by Dot Esports

To get photographed by humans in Little Kitty, Big City, you have to use the deadliest lethal weaponry available to every cat—a Meow and a pinch of emotional blackmail. Go to busy streets near the construction site or playground where the humans usually walk to their office and simply Meow at them by pressing F on your keyboard or any other buttons for the same based on your platform.

Not everyone who receives your Meow will take a picture of you. So, you’ll need to identify your target by looking at what they’re carrying in their hands. Some people carry items like bagels, sandwiches, soda cans, and briefcases, and meowing in front of these people is just going to invite gentle pets toward you, which isn’t a bad thing, but it wouldn’t help you get famous. 

Instead, you want to find people with phones in their hands and Meow in front of them, which makes them stop and use their phones to take a photograph of you. Once you see the flashlight shine, you know they’ve taken your picture and continue the process.


People with phones with their hands might also come to pet you after hearing your Meow. In that case, it’s best to move on because they aren’t going take your picture.

Once you’ve completed the quest, you can return to being a menace, trip people, and drop their phones in the porta-potty—typical cat behavior. 

Image of Rijit Banerjee
Rijit Banerjee
Staff Writer at Dot Esports. You'll find him grinding platinum trophies and breaking the meta with his "fun" picks in the ranked queue when he's not reading his favourite Fantasy books. Previously wrote for GG Recon, ESTNN, and many more. Contact: