Everything you need to know about the Freljord Region in Legends of Runeterra

Cards from Freljord are forces of nature resisting and using the cold.

Freljord will feature four champions at the release of Legends of Runeterra: Anivia, Braum, Tryndamere, and Ashe. This region has many tanks who get stronger when damaged and it’s the only one to have cards with the Frostbite effect, which sets the targeted card’s power to zero.

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When using Freljord cards, the player can choose the rhythm of their games. Decks from this region can use combos that are strongest in the late game or mana ramp mechanics to cast strong spells early in the game. It’ll all rely on the synergy built with another region.

Champions of Freljord

Contrary to all of the other cards, champion cards level up and must be unique on the battlefield. Although players are able to get three copies in a deck, the additional cards transform into champion spells when the champion is already on the battlefield. But once they’re played, the spells are shuffled back as champions in the deck.

Similar to archetypes in Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone, synergies are essentially built around the leaders. To start, here are the champions and their abilities in the Freljord region.


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Tryndamere is a card with a berserker style. If you target him, he’ll get stronger. He’s the most aggressive champion from Freljord and is powerful even at the start with no less than eight power points. He’s also easy to level up.

The process of leveling him up is similar to his ultimate in League of Legends. Tryndamere has to get his health points reduced to zero. Then, he’ll gain the effects Fearsome and Tough, as well as one damage point and five health points, becoming more of a threat on the board.

  • Overwhelm: After killing a unit, the remaining damage is inflicted directly to the Nexus.
  • Fearsome: At least three attack points are needed to block the unit.
  • Tough: The card takes one less damage when attacking or blocking a unit.
  • Burst: The spell resolves before the enemy can do anything.


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Braum has no direct strength since he’s the only champion to have zero power. But he shouldn’t be underestimated. His Challenger effect can be useful to level up, and when he does, he summons an army of Mighty Poros if you can’t inflict seven damage in one round to kill him. His champion spell can also grant him power and more survivability.

To level up, Braum must survive 10 damage. It can be difficult to kill him because he has to take five damage in one round to die. Otherwise, he’ll heal entirely using his Regeneration effect. By leveling up, he’ll get two more health points and will summon a Mighty Poro, a 3/3 card with the Overwhelm effect.

  • Challenger: This ability allows the card to grab a specific enemy card to block it.
  • Regeneration: At the start of each round, the unit is fully healed.
  • Burst: The spell resolves before the enemy can do anything.
  • Overwhelm: After killing a unit, the remaining damage is inflicted directly to the Nexus.


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Ashe is a strong enemy that can inflict damage on the Nexus in the mid game. Contrary to most other champions, Ashe can level up without even being played. All you need to do is Frostbite five enemies.

Her stats don’t get much stronger by leveling up, but frostbitten units can’t block her and she summons a Crystal Arrow, a slow spell costing only two mana points that will incapacitate all weak enemies on the board.

  • Frostbite: Reduces the unit’s power to zero.
  • Burst: The spell resolves before the enemy can do anything.
  • Slow: The spell must be cast oustide of combat and the enemy can react before it resolves.


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Anivia is a complex card to play that can be strong in the mid and late game. She can level up in two ways. The player either needs to reach 10 mana points or she dies and, in her Last Breath, transforms into Eggnivia, which will hatch after one round to bring her back to life in her strongest form.

Then, she’ll gain some stats and will deal one more point to all enemies. The nightmare doesn’t end here, though. Even in this form, if she dies, she’ll transform again into Eggnivia and will be able to come back to life if the enemy doesn’t destroy the one-health point egg.

  • Enlightened: Reaches 10 mana points.
  • Can’t Block: The unit cannot perform the action of blocking.
  • Skill: The effect is cast by the unit like a spell.
  • Burst: The spell resolves before the enemy can do anything.
  • Frostbite: Reduces the Power’s unit to zero.

Region synergies

Since a deck can include up to two regions, or even three in Expeditions, synergies are numerous and considerably strengthen certain strategies. Freljord is the most effective when paired with some regions over others, but it’s a considerable asset due to its versatility and the appeal of the unique Frostbite effect.

Freljord and Shadow Isles

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This synergy is strong and can be played with a variety of styles. It mainly consists of becoming the strongest in the late game by damaging its own units to trigger their Last Breath effects with cards like Chronicler of Ruin or Commander Ledros, resurrecting others using Shadow Isles spells, or getting control of the board with Tryndamere and Anivia.

You can also use mana ramp mechanics and the Warmother’s Call 12-point spell, which summons the top unit from your deck in each round, or Thresh, who can summon a champion and spam Anivia on the board.

Freljord and Demacia

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Combining Garen and Tryndamere is a straightforward strategy relying on mana ramp spells, such as Catalyst of Eone and Wyrding Stones, and the high survivability of both champions to deal consistent damage to the enemy. The player can get a champion early in his deck by using the Babbling Bjerg, which summons units with five power or above.

The Demacian region is also the best to build a peculiar deck using the cute Poro creatures, led by the champion Braum. Both regions possess many Poro cards. This deck isn’t the most powerful, but those cute and numerous creatures can become a nightmare to the enemy.

Key Freljord mechanics and abilities

Key mechanics are at the core of every region. Players need to learn the essential Freljord abilities to build the best deck possible and to draft them on the fly in Expeditions.


Frostbite is a Freljord-only effect that reduces the target’s power to zero. Combined with Overwhelm or other spells, it can cause real havoc on the board. It’s used to get control over the board and can be combined with Winter’s Breath or Shatter, which both damage enemies with 0 power, for example.

Ashe is the most powerful Frostbite card from the region with her attack, champion spell, and level up effect. Another useful spell is Flash Freeze, which costs three mana points and frostbites an enemy. The superior version is Harsh Winds, a six-mana cost card that Frostbites two enemies. There are also numerous cards that freeze the enemies when summoned, such as Rimetusk Shaman and Icy Yeti.

Related: Everything you need to know about the Demacia Region in Legends of Runeterra

Mana ramp

The mana ramp mechanic allows a player to cast spells earlier in the game than the opponent. In Freljord, both cards that are often used to do that are Catalyst of Aeons and Wyrding Stones.

Ultimately, the Warmother’s Call can be used, costing 12 mana points and summoning the top unit from your deck at the start of each round. Avalanche and Mobilize spells can also be used when pairing your Freljord deck with Demacia, the best combination for mana ramp.


Overwhelm is an aggressive effect that can directly damage the Nexus for each power point the enemy can’t block. Freljord is the strongest region with Noxus for this strategy. And with both regions combined, the Nexus’ health will be reduced quickly.

Braum is the champion of choice to use this aggressive strategy, with his Regeneration and the Challenger effect, which is strong when combined with Overwhelm. You can use Kindly Tavernkeeper to keep your Braum alive and summon cards that get stronger when they survive, such as Scarmother Vrynna, Scarthane Steffen, and Unscarred Reaver.

Image of Eva Martinello
Eva Martinello
Eva is a Staff Writer from Paris. Her part-time job is charging into walls with Reinhardt. She has been covering League of Legends esports and other titles for six years. She still believes in a Moscow Five comeback. She also fell into the MMO pit and covers FFXIV and Genshin.