Legends of Runeterra Patch 2.11.0 notes: Rise of the Underworld and most balance changes in the game’s history

With over 40 new cards and 40 balance changes, it will be difficult to predict what upcoming meta lurks in the future.

Image via Riot Games

Legends of Runeterra’s Patch 2.11.0, releasing tomorrow, June 30, is adding the Rise of the Underworld expansion, over 40 new cards, and three champions: Ekko, Pyke, and Rek’Sai. While the next set is a highly anticipated time for many fans, a massive number of balance changes should also excite the community.

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Within the patch notes, Riot’s live design team detailed its past philosophies for its smaller number of card changes, in addition to explaining what its aim was for this massive wave of balance changes. Riot is hoping that it can both bolster weaker decks and nerf the top-tier options without simply replacing a dominant strategy with another.

Riot also teased the schedule for LoR’s patches and what each update will bring regarding events and new cards. Patch 2.12 will add the summer event while Patch 2.14 will debut the next set.

Though the expansion and balance changes take up the main spotlight in Patch 2.11, there are also highlights for Lab of Legends enthusiasts. The single-player game mode will be adding five more playable champions to the ring. The new decks added to the mode are the three newcomers Ekko, Pyke, and Rek’Sai, in addition to Shyvana and Swain.

Here are the notes for Legends of Runeterra Patch 2.11.0.

Card updates

Champion changes


  • Miss Fortune (Level 2)
    • Change: No Keywords → Overwhelm
  • Jarvan IV (Level 1)
    • Level Up Requirement: Allies have survived 4+ strikes from enemy blockers. → Allies have survived 3+ strikes from enemy blockers.
  • Tryndamere (Level 2)
    • Change: Overwhelm, Fearsome → Overwhelm, Fearsome, Tough
  • Karma (Level 1 & 2)
    • Cost: 6 → 5
  • Heimerdinger (Level 1 & 2)
    • Base Stats (Level 1): 1|3 → 2|4
    • Base Stats (Level 2): 2|4 → 3|5
  • Hecarim (Level 1 & 2)
    • Base Stats (Level 1): 5|5 → 5|6
    • Base Stats (Level 2): 6|6 → 6|7
  • Sivir (level 1)
    • Level Up Requirement: You’ve dealt 35+ damage. → You’ve dealt 30+ damage.
  • Taliyah (Level 2)
    • Change: Attack: Deal 2 to my blocker. If it’s dead or gone, deal 2 to the enemy Nexus instead. If you have a landmark, do this 2 more times. → Attack: Deal 2 to my blocker three times. If it’s dead or gone, deal 2 to the enemy Nexus instead.
  • Taric (Level 1 & 2)
    • Base Stats (Level 1): 3|4 → 3|5
    • Base Stats (Level 2): 4|5 → 4|6
  • Aphelios (Level 1 & 2)
    • Base Stats (Level 1): 3|2 → 3|3
    • Base Stats (Level 2): 4|3 → 4|4


  • Azir (Level 1)
    • Level Up Requirement: You’ve summoned 10 units. → You’ve summoned 13 units.
  • Nasus (Level 1)
    • Change: Fearsome → No Keywords (Nasus level 2 & 3 still have Fearsome)
  • Irelia (Level 1)
    • Level Up Requirement: 12+ allies have attacked. → 14+ allies have attacked.


  • Riven (Level 1 & 2)
    • Change: When you gain the attack token, Reforge. → When I’m summoned, if you have an attack token, Reforge.

Follower changes


  • Black Market Merchant
    • Base Stats: 2|1 → 2|2
  • Slotbot
    • Change: Round Start: Grant me +0|+1 for each card you drew last round, then shuffle my Power and Health. → On Summon and Round Start: Grant me +0|+1 for each card you drew last round, then shuffle my Power and Health.
  • Mageseeker Inciter
    • Base Stats: 4|3 → 4|4
  • Laurent Bladekeeper
    • Base Stats: 2|3 → 3|3
  • Ren Shadowblade
    • Base Stats: 3|3 → 4|3
  • Greenglade Lookout
    • Base Stats: 2|1 → 2|2
  • Young Witch
    • Base Stats: 1|1 → 1|2
  • Incisive Tactician
    • Base Stats: 4|5 → 5|5
  • Citybreaker
    • Base Stats: 0|5 → 1|5
  • Jae Medarda
    • Base Stats: 4|4 → 5|5
  • Midenstokke Henchman
    • Base Stats: 5|3 → 5|4
  • Rhasa the Sunderer
    • Base Stats: 7|5 → 8|6
  • Duskrider
    • Base Stats: 2|5 → 3|5
  • The Clock Hand
    • Base Stats: 4|7 → 7|7
  • Raz Bloodmane
    • Base Stats: 6|6 → 7|7
  • Mountain Sojourners
    • Base Stats: 2|5 → 4|5
  • Sun Guardian
    • Base Stats: 4|3 → 4|4


  • Watcher
    • Change: I cost 0 if you’ve summoned 4+ allies that cost 8+ this game. Attack: Obliterate the enemy deck. → I cost 0 if you’ve summoned 5+ allies that cost 8+ this game. Attack: Obliterate all but 3 non-champion cards in the enemy deck.
  • Dancing Droplet
    • Change: Elusive, Attune → Elusive
  • Escaped Abomination
    • Base Stats: 4|3 → 4|2
  • The Serpent
    • Base Stats: 2|1 → 1|1
  • The Fangs
    • Base Stats: 3|2 → 2|2


  • Dunekeeper
    • Base Stats: 2|1 → 1|2

Spell changes


  • Make it Rain / Miss Fortune’s Make it Rain
    • Cost: 3 → 2
  • Double Up
    • Cost: 6 → 5
  • Confront / Shyvana’s Confront
    • Cost: 3 → 2
  • Will of Ionia
    • Cost: 5 → 4
  • Twin Disciplines
    • Cost: 3 → 2


  • Rummage
    • Cost: 1 → 2
  • Tri-Beam Improbulator
    • Cost: 4 → 5
  • Stalking Shadows
    • Cost: 2 → 3
  • Starshaping
    • Amount Healed: 5 → 4

Landmark changes


  • Howling Abyss
    • Cost: 7 → 6

Region Road updates

⦁ Shurima, Piltover and Zaun, and Bilgewater’s Region Roads have been extended by four levels each to coincide with the release of their new champions.

Labs updates

Lab of Legends has been updated with new selectable champions:

  • Ekko, Pyke, Rek’sai, Swain, and Shyvana have been added as selectable champions in Lab of Legends.

Prologue update

“This patch brings a big update to the prologue, the part of a new player’s journey that happens after the first four tutorial games and guides them until they unlock the region reward roads.

A lot has been added to Legends of Runeterra in the year since launch, and even before then, the early game could be tough for people not familiar with card games. To help new players find the fun of LoR, we’ve updated the prologue with three guiding principles:

  • Unlocking modes step by step: There are a lot of modes in LoR now, many of them expecting a more advanced understanding of the game. The new prologue introduces the modes in a more structured way, so players can practice VS AI, use Challenges to learn, then unlock PVP before finishing with the rest of the competitive and advanced modes. It’s still a quick journey to unlock everything, but it’s not all at once right from the start.
    • Current players who’ve already completed at least step two of the prior prologue will have every mode unlocked, so you won’t see any changes!
  • Improve the pace of progress: The update utilizes introductory quests that award XP, win or lose, so everyone makes progress and keeps a good pace towards the next reward.
  • More deck rewards: LoR has a lot more cards now than it did at launch, and we want new players to be able to try a variety of playstyles early on to find what they enjoy. We’ve added four additional complete decks as rewards into the prologue, and fewer random card capsules, so players will end the prologue with a total of seven different starter decks. A discounted A Watery Grave deck is also available in the Store designed for new players who want to explore more options.
    • Current players will also get all of the new decks in their Loot inbox, if you don’t have the cards already. If you already own three copies of each card, you’ll still get the decklists in your deck collection (if you have the space for them against the 50 deck limit).”


Champion skins

  • Sandstorm Ekko
    • Alternate art
  • Sandstorm Pyke
    • Alternate art


Image via Riot Games
  • Sunken Shipyard
  • For legends who hunger for vengeance. 
  • This board has special visual effects and music.

Card backs

  • The Bloodharbor Ripper
  • The Void Burrower


Image via Riot Games
  • Unlucky
  • “Can I get a do-over?”
Image via Riot Games
  • This Right Here
  • Absolutely.
Image via Riot Games
  • None of That
  • Just… no.


The Curse of the Deep bundle is available in the Store for 2,403 Coins, prorated for any items you already own. The bundle includes:

  • Sunken Shipyard Board
  • The Bloodharbor Ripper Card Back
  • Unlucky Emote
  • Wraith Pyke Champion Skin
  • Pyke Champion Card
  • Exclusive The Bloodharbor Ripper Icon

The Dueling Timelines deck bundle is available in the Store for 3,173 Coins, prorated for any items you already own. The bundle includes:

  • A premade deck centering around Ekko and Zilean, as well as the Sandstorm Ekko champion skin and Ekko emotes! Double down on Predict and set up combos, examining all the possible timelines before making your move.

Legends of Runeterra: Rise of the Underworld releases tomorrow, June 30, with Patch 2.11.0.

Image of Dylan Ladd
Dylan Ladd
My name's Dylan! I play card games, write about them, and I'm making one too! I'm also into a ton of other competitive games (MOBAs and Fighting Games especially). Sometimes you can catch me streaming on Twitch!