Marvel Rivals skins: All confirmed and rumored skins

So much potential.

A close-up edited look at Storm's 97 Storm skin
Remix by Dot Esports

Marvel Rivals is already making waves after an official reveal, and excitement is steadily rising regarding what skins and cosmetics the new game is going to have.

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Though Marvel Rivals will be free-to-play, additional cosmetic items are expected to be purchasable, much like they are in other games like Fortnite and Overwatch. With over 80 years of comic book history, there are plenty of ideas for NetEase to dive into.

All characters in Marvel Rivals will have a standard look but more personalization is expected with skins—and we’ve already seen rumors starting to do the rounds alongside a bunch that were revealed in the closed alpha.

We’ll update this article accordingly with any fresh rumors of skins for Marvel Rivals, as well as confirmed skins when they are announced.

All Marvel Rivals skins released so far

You can see all of the Marvel Rivals skins released so far below, split into individual characters. As soon as additional skins are made available, we’ll update this article.

All Black Panther Marvel Rivals skins

Black Panther's Dora Panther skin in Marvel Rivals.
Rock the purple. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Dora Panther skin for Black Panther in Marvel Rivals is a simple recolor for the King of Wakanda, switching the all-black look for a color that is more akin to the red worn by the Dora Milaje.

The Dora Panther skin is unlocked in the store for 1,200 Units.

All Bruce Banner/Hulk Marvel Rivals skins

The Green Scar skin for Hulk in Marvel Rivals.
Planet Hulk. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Hulk’s Green Scar skin in Marvel Rivals is inspired by Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #102 from Marvel Comics, which is when the initial Planet Hulk story arc took place—which saw elements adapted for Thor: Ragnarok in the MCU.

The Green Scar skin is unlocked in Galacta’s Quest by reaching level 12.

All Doctor Strange Marvel Rivals skins

Doctor Strange's God of Magic skin in Marvel Rivals.
What’s a king to a God? Screenshot by Dot Esports

Doctor Strange’s God of Magic skin in Marvel Rivals is inspired by Doctor Strange Vol. 1 #383 in Marvel Comics, which was part of a story arc where Loki became Sorcerer Supreme, leaving Doctor Strange to take on a new role.

The God of Magic skin is unlocked in the Store for 2,000 Units.

All Groot Marvel Rivals skins

Groot's Abies Azure skin in Marvel Rivals.
I am Groot. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Abies Azure skin for Groot in Marvel Rivals is another recolor skin, switching the green in Groot’s standard look for a shade of blue and the brown elsewhere on his body for shades of black and gray.

The Abies Azure skin is unlocked in the Store for 1,200 Units.

All Hela Marvel Rivals skins

Hela's Ultimate skin in Marvel Rivals.
Death looks good. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Hela’s Ultimate skin in Marvel Rivals is inspired by Ultimatum Vol. 1 #2 from a 2008 event in Marvel Comics, with this version of Hela appearing in the Earth-1610 universe. In this universe, Hela and Thor have a son, Modi.

The Ultimate skin is unlocked in the Store for 1,200 Units.

All Iron Man Marvel Rivals skins

Iron Man's 1872: Steam Power skin in Marvel Rivals.
Full steam ahead. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Iron Man’s 1872: Steam Power skin in Marvel Rivals is inspired by 1872 Vol. 1 #3 in Marvel Comics, which saw an area of Battleworld set in a universe in the late 1800s. With no Arc Reactor, Iron Man’s iconic suit is instead powered by Steam.

The 1872: Steam Power skin is unlocked in Galacta’s Quest by reaching level 6.

All Loki Marvel Rivals skins

Loki's President Loki skin in Marvel Rivals.
Vote Loki. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Loki’s President Loki skin is inspired by Vote Loki Vol. 1 in Marvel Comics, a look that also appeared in the Loki series on Disney+ and is arguably one of the best skins in Marvel Rivals so far.

The President Loki skin is unlocked in the Store for 2,000 Units.

All Luna Snow Marvel Rivals skins

Luna Snow's Minty Beats skin in Marvel Rivals.
Minty fresh. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Luna Snow’s Minty Beats skin in Marvel Rivals is another recolor option, switching the standard blue for the character for a green that makes Luna Snow look like a punk rocker.

The Minty Beats skin is unlocked in the Store for 1,200 Units.

All Magik Marvel Rivals skins

The Amethyst Magik skin in Marvel Rivals.
Ore-some. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Magik’s Amethyst Magik skin in Marvel Rivals is one of the better-looking recolor skins, adding a purple Amethyst look to Magik’s attire that really pops when she switches to her Demonchilde form.

The Amethyst Magik skin is unlocked in the Store for 1,200 Units.

All Magneto Marvel Rivals skins

Magneto's Uncanny Blacksteel skin in Marvel Rivals.
Uncanny. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Magneto is another character in Marvel Rivals to receive a recolor skin, switching the white in his standard look out for black to result in the X-Men villain looking even more menacing.

The Uncanny Blacksteel skin is unlocked in the Store for 1,200 Units.

All Mantis Marvel Rivals skins

Mantis' Galactic Protocol skin in Marvel Rivals.
A new look. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Mantis’ Galactic Protocol: Mantis Habit skin in Marvel Rivals is a look that has been originally created by the game, resulting in a futuristic, space-faring, robotic look for the Guardians of the Galaxy member.

The Galactic Protocol: Mantis Habit is unlocked in Galacta’s Quest by reaching level 24.

All Namor Marvel Rivals skins

Namor's Maueve Marine skin in Marvel Rivals.
Making waves. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Namor’s recolor skin in Marvel Rivals, Mauve Marine, switching out his usual teal colors for a shade of Mauve, though it doesn’t really do the King of Atlantis justice.

The Mauve Marine skin is unlocked in the Store for 1,200 Units.

All Peni Parker Marvel Rivals skins

Peni Parker's Olive Skimmer skin in Marvel Rivals.
Olive Garden. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Peni Parker’s recolor skin in Marvel Rivals swaps the standard red for the Spider-Man multiverse character for a shade of green, resulting in Peni Parker looking more akin to Dr. Octopus than Peter Parker.

The Olive Skimmer skin is unlocked in the Store for 1,200 Units.

All Rocket Raccoon Marvel Rivals skins

Rocket Raccoon's 1872: Bounty Hunter skin in Marvel Rivals.
Stick ’em up. Screenshot by Dot Esports

While Rocket Raccoon’s 1872: Bounty Hunter skin in Marvel Rivals shares similarities with Iron Man’s 1872: Steam Power skin, the big difference is the Rocket Raccoon look is original to Marvel Rivals and did not feature in the comic.

The 1872: Bounty Hunter skin is unlocked in the Store for 2,000 Units.

All The Punisher Marvel Rivals skins

The Punisher's Thunderbolts skin in Marvel Rivals.
Aim and fire. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Punisher’s Thunderbolts skin in Marvel Rivals is inspired by Thunderbolts Vol. 2 #1 from December 2012, where The Punisher joined a new era of the team alongside Elektra, Deadpool, Venom, and Red Hulk.

The Thunderbolts skin is unlocked in the Store for 2,000 Units.

All Spider-Man Marvel Rivals skins

Spider-Man's 2099: Spider-Punk skin in Marvel Rivals.
So good. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Spider-Man’s 2099: Spider-Punk skin takes inspiration from two other versions of Spider-Man, 2099 and Spider-Punk, both of whom shone in the Across the Spider-Verse film, but the combination is a look unique to Marvel Rivals.

The 2099: Spider-Punk skin is unlocked in Galacta’s Quest by reaching level 6.

All Star-Lord Marvel Rivals skins

Star Lord's Master of the Sun skin in Marvel Rivals.
Sunshine. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Star-Lord’s Master of the Sun skin in Marvel Rivals is inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 6 #9 from January 2020, where Peter Quill, previously presumed to be dead, is revealed to be alive with a new look.

The Master of the Sun skin is unlocked in the Store for 2,000 Units.

All Storm Marvel Rivals skins

The '97 Storm skin in Marvel Rivals.
Roll it back. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Though not explicitly stated, the ’97 Storm skin in Marvel Rivals is a look consistent with the X-Men ’97 animated series and is, therefore, the first MCU crossover skin in the game. Whether this is confirmed remains to be seen.

The ’97 Storm skin is unlocked in the Shop for 1,200 Units.

All rumored Marvel Rivals skins

Hobi Brown, aka Spider-Punk, from Marvel Comics.
Rock out. Image via Marvel Comics

With the first batch of skins in Marvel Rivals revealed when the closed alpha test began, rumors are light on further skins that will be added before future tests and eventual releases—but there have been some hints.

Leaker Miller Ross stated on X (formerly Twitter) that MCU skins are “definitely on the way” as “there’s a bunch of them referenced”, while there are other recolor skins that are yet to be implemented.

Future skins will be a variation of recolors, looks inspired by Marvel Comics, and original creations. We’ll update this article with any more leaks that emerge.

Image of Josh Challies
Josh Challies
Staff Writer. Professional writer since 2014. Pokemon, Marvel, Star Wars and overall geek. Previously wrote for Yahoo Sport, Stats Perform and online news publications.