All MTG Murders at Karlov Manor Limited Draft archetypes and signpost cards

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Gadget Technician makes a Thopter in MKM MTG
Image by WotC

Tap into new Magic: The Gathering mechanics through Murders at Karlov Manor Limited events like Draft, Sealed, and Prerelease

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Featured within the Murders at Karlov Manor (MKM) Draft archetypes are new and returning MTG mechanics working in conjunction with typal and evergreen strategies. Mechanics like Disguise and Collect Evidence will show up and impact multiple MTG Draft archetypes. Players attending Prerelease events can use the MKM Draft archetypes as a foundation, much like when playing in Sealed events. Draft players should lean slightly harder into the archetypes while remaining flexible when it comes to splashing a third color. And be sure to know which are the best MKM Draft and Sealed cards that can pull you into one of the 10 archetypes.

Full list of Murders at Karlov Manor Limited Draft and Sealed (Prerelease) archetypes

Juggler hanging from ropes tossing magic runes around
Don’t sleep on Aggro Limited Draft archetypes | Image via WotC

There are 10 dual-colored Draft archetypes within the MKM Limited format. Saga cards have a new twist in Murders at Karlov Manor, and keep in mind that Special Guests and cards from The List are legal to play in both Draft and Sealed, unless otherwise specified by the event holder. 

  • White and Blue (WU): Detective and Midrange strategies
  • Blue and Black (UB): Clues and Control
  • Black and Red (BR): Suspect Aggro
  • Red and Green (RG): Stompy Disguise
  • Green and White (GW): Go-wide Disguise Aggro
  • White and Black (WB): Disguise aggressive low-cost creatures
  • Blue and Red (UR): Artifact and sacrifice themes with Midrange strategies
  • Black and Green (BG): Graveyard shenanigans that Collect Evidence
  • Red and White (RW): Classic Battalion Aggro/Midrange
  • Green and Blue (GU): Collect Evidence and Ramp Midrange strategies

All MKM Draft archetypes and signpost cards, explained

Dog Walker overpowered by dogs
Know what each archetype was designed to do | Image via WotC

WU Draft archetype signpost in MKM

Tapping into Detective typal themes and synergies is the White and Blue MKM Draft archetype. Builds are mostly Midrange where sacrificing Clues improves card advantage during the late-game stages of a match. Private Eye is the Uncommon gold signpost card for the WU Draft archetype

UB Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

The Blue and Black Draft archetype in MKM was designed around Control strategies. Generating Clues improve card draw. The Uncommon gold signpost card for the UB archetype is Curious Cadaver

BR Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

Aggro players will want to lean into the Black and Red Draft archetype within MKM Limited, showcasing Suspected creatures that apply constant pressure. The gold Uncommon signpost card for the BR archetype is Rune-Brand Juggler.

RG Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

Stomp your opponents during MKM Prerelease and Draft events with the Red and Green archetype. Early game strategies include mana ramp, paired with large creatures that want to dominate the board. Tin Street Gossip is the gold Uncommon signpost card for the RG Draft archetype. 

GW Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

Sticking with the typical go-wide strategies in MTG is the Green and White Draft archetype in MKM. Many cards in the archetype have Disguise, adding value to your board state. The gold signpost Uncommon for the GW Draft archetype is Sumala Sentry

WB Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

Cards with the MTG mechanic Disguise prevail within the White and Black MKM Draft archetype, synergizing with “power of two or less” strategies. Wispdrinker Vampire is the gold signpost Uncommon for the WB archetype. 

UR Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

The Blue and Red Draft archetype has Artifact and sacrifice synergies through the creation of Clue tokens. Watch out and take advantage of Thopter tokens that have Flying as well. The gold signpost Uncommon card for the UR archetype is Gleaming Geardrake

BG Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

Graveyard shenanigans use the new Collect Evidence mechanic to take over through the Black and Green MKM Draft archetype. Kraul Whipcracker is the gold signpost Uncommon for the BG Draft archetype.

RW Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

The Red and White Draft archetype in MKM leans into nostalgic Ravnica play styles that are aggressive and synergize with “Whenever you attack with three or more” strategies. The gold signpost Uncommon MTG card for the RW archetype is Meddling Youths

GU Draft archetype signpost card in MKM

Tapping into the graveyard through Collect Evidence while buffing your team is the Green and Blue Draft archetype in MKM. The MTG gold signpost Uncommon for the GU archetype is Evidence Examiner.

Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.