Best common MTG War of the Spark cards for pre-release and Pauper

Enter pre-release prepared with knowledge of these powerful commons.

Seb McKinnon recent artwork on MTG War of the Spark card Deliver Unto Evil
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering and Seb Mckinnon

The final battle on Ravnica is upon us with War of the Spark. Unlike any expansions before it, there are 36 planeswalkers (one in each booster pack), God-Eternals, and a handful of crazy combos.

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Magic: The Gathering War of the Spark will change how the game is played across a variety of formats. Most often overlooked, however, are the common cards within an expansion. Everyone wants a bomb in a draft or pre-release but forgets the importance behind strong common cards—that is until a Pauper event on MTG Arena comes around.

To help with building a strong deck during the War of the Spark pre-release weekend and later during an MTG Arena Pauper event, here’s our breakdown of the best common cards in MTG War of the Spark.


Creatures play a major role in Pauper events, but also when drafting during a pre-release. Keeping in mind the acronym B.R.E.A.D., a creature’s mana cost should be a bargain in conjunction with its abilities, power, and defense.

For example, a two/two creature that has no abilities with a cost of three mana, is not a good common card to include in a Pauper or pre-release deck. But a card like Trusted Pegasus is due to its evasion (flying) and its ability to give another creature flying when they attack together.

Trusted Pegasus

Trusted Pegasus MTG War of the Spark Common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Pouncing Lynx

Pouncing Lynx MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering


Snarespinner MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Ob Nixilis Cruelty

Ob Nixilis's Cruelty MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Charmed Stray

Charmed Stray MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Lazotep Reaver

Lazotep Reaver MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Law Rune Enforcer

Law-Rune Enforcer MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Loxdon Seargent

Loxodon Sergeant MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Martyr for the Cause

Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Aven Eternal

Aven Eternal MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Vraska’s Finisher

Vraska's Finisher MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Grim Initiate

Grim Initiate MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Bloom Hulk

Bloom Hulk MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Wardscale Crocodile

Wardscale Crocodile MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering


Removal in a pre-release format is very important, and decent removal in a Pauper event is hard to come by. Without a balance of removal, the tempo of the game can shift quickly, and not in your favor.

Sleeper cards like Band Together combine the power of two creatures toward one target, which is important when dealing with mechanics like proliferate. Then there are cards like Jaya’s Greeting with the simple three damage and an ability to scry one.

Band Together

Band Together MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Divine Arrow

Divine Arrow MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Jaya’s Greeting

Jaya's Greeting MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Wanderer’s Strike

Wanderer's Strike MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Return to Nature

Return to Nature MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Spark Harvest

Spark Harvest MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Combat tricks

In formats like a pre-release, and especially in Pauper, combat trick cards can change the tide of a game. In the green/white proliferate War of the Spark deck, Giant Growth is a common combat trick every player should want to grab—the same goes for cards like Unlikely Aid and Steady Aim.

Nahiri’s Stoneblades

Nahiri’s Stoneblades MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Desperate Lunge

Desperate Lunge MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Giant Growth

Giant Growth MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Unlikely Aid

Unlikely Aid MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Teferi’s Time Twist

Teferi’s Time Twist MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Samut’s Sprint

Samut’s Sprint MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Steady Aim

Steady Aim MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Defiant Strike

Defiant Strike MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Spells and enchantments

In the MTG War of the Spark expansion, there are a massive amount of strong spell and enchantment cards—specifically to deal or work with the newer mechanics of amass and proliferate. Contentious Plan seems like a bland card on its own, but it shouldn’t be underestimated for its ability to proliferate and create card advantage.

On the opposite spectrum, there are cards like Kaya’s Ghostform, which protect creatures and planeswalkers, bringing them back to the battlefield after being killed or exiled. Tamiyo’s Epiphany creates card advantage for blue Ral decks and Toll of the Invasion removes a card in hand while also amassing one zombie army.  

Contentious Plan

Contentious Plan MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Kaya’s Ghostform

Kaya’s Ghostform MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Kasmina’s Transmutation

Kasmina’s Transmutation
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Tamiyo’s Epiphany

Tamiyo's Epiphany MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Callous Dismissal

Callous Dismissal MTG War of the spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Aid the Fallen

Aid the Fallen MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering

Toll of the Invasion

Toll of the Invasion MTG War of the Spark common
Image via Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering
Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.