Audeara wants to improve the way you hear your games

It's time to hear the audio the way the developers intended

Image provided by Audeara
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Audeara, the company behind the world’s first full-fidelity headphones with a built-in hearing test, has revealed its plans to step into the world of gaming and begin developing headphones aimed at protecting gamers’ hearing health.

Audio and hearing are usually overlooked in the world of gaming, with many gamers simply turning the volume up when they feel they can’t hear the things they need to. But turning up the audio isn’t the best solution, and it isn’t really a solution at all. Not everyone hears sound in the same way.

Dr. James Fielding, Audeara’s CEO, is worried about the damage this trend could do if something isn’t done about it quickly. Audeara wants to help gamers understand hearing is personal while making sure their hearing is protected so they can continue gaming for many more years to come.

Making adjustments to your hearing profile sounds much harder than it is. Audeara has developed a simple app for use with its headphones that allows you to hear sounds the way the audio engineers wanted you to.

The difference between winning or losing can come down to ensuring your audio settings are correct. It is these moments Audeara hopes gamers will notice the biggest difference.

Improving your hearing health has been linked to many long term benefits. Such as reducing the risk of dementia, how high you can rank in your favorite FPS title and, of course, the impact to hearing loss. Small, simple adjustments can be made to help ensure your hearing longevity both in and out of the game.

You can purchase Audeara headphones from their official website and the app is available in your favorite app store. Audeara hasn’t revealed its gaming specific model headphone just yet, however the A-01 is cross platform compatible. There will be more to come in the next few months as Audeara dedicates itself to helping gamers perform at the highest level.

Image of Aiden Hiko
Aiden Hiko
ANZ esports fan. Self-confessed Ice Coffee addict. Not farming Ashes of Al'ar anymore because it dropped last week.