Here are the notes and updates for League of Legends Patch 12.10

The Durability Update is here.

League of Legends image showing Akali fighting Baron Nashor.
Image via Riot Games

Written in partnership with Gamer Sensei.

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Dot Esports has teamed up with the incredibly capable coaches at Gamer Sensei to break down League of Legends Patch 12.10. This patch, also known as the Durability Update, is entirely focused on increasing tankiness across the board with changes to champion base stats while cutting down on healing and shielding to balance it out.

Gamer Sensei is a service that provides online coaching for 18 different games, including League. This week, we have two coaches giving us insight on this massive game-wide patch: Nicholas “NicoThePico” Korsgård and Justin “JalYt Justin” Robbins.

Here are the notes for League Patch 12.10, launching on Wednesday, May 25.

Champion Durability Update

Durability Base Stat Package

All champions will receive the following Durability Base Stat Package.

  • Base Health: +70
  • Health Growth: +14
  • Armor Growth: +1.2
  • Magic Resist Growth: +0.8
  • [UPDATE]: Thresh will receive an adjusted Durability Base Stat Package (see champion details)

Gamer Sensei coach insight

The Durability Update will change almost everything about League of Legends. “The consequences of this are so massive and will hopefully change the game for the better. I highly expect considerable changes to the general meta, both for solo queue and pro play,” NicoThePico said. With every champion now being considerably tankier at level one and beyond, picks that favor drawn-out fights will rise up over champions that favor burst.

NicoThePico believes that “we’re very likely going back to a bruiser-heavy meta, and the game will start feeling very different.” Everything from champion picks, to itemization, to the kind of plays you’re allowed to make (such as tower diving) will be completely shifted in a new direction.

Heals, Shields, Sustain, and Grievous Wounds

  • Healing: Reduced by ~10 percent earlier in game ~28 percent in later phases of the game (varies by champion)
  • Shielding: Reduced by ~10 percent
  • Omnivamp: Reduced by ~10 percent
  • Grievous Wounds: 40 percent reduced healing > 30 percent reduced
  • Enhanced Grievous Wounds: 60 percent reduced > 50 percent reduced

Gamer Sensei coach insight

This mass reduction in healing and shielding, as well as life steal and omnivamp, is meant to balance out the increase of durability across the board. This is necessary because “tankier champions create longer team fights, which increases the number of times you get to use your spell-rotation, including healing/shielding. In addition, these heals and shields are now more effective because the champions receiving them have more armor and MR, meaning they take less damage,” according to NicoThePico.

Riot said that its “goal is NOT to nerf sustain. Since each champion utilizes sustain differently, some will be stronger with the update and others weaker.” While the objective is to keep picks that have healing and/or shielding as power neutral as possible, some champions will inevitably be stronger than intended as a result of this patch.



  • E – Healing Against Champions: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30 percent > 18/20/22/24/26 percent of damage dealt
  • E (Empowered During R) – Healing Against Champions: 26/32/38/44/50 percent > 25/30/35/40/45 percent of damage dealt
  • R – Increased Self-Healing: 30/45/60 percent > 25/40/55 percent


  • Passive – Heal Upon Full Stacks (From Minions & Monsters): 40-120 (levels 1-18) (+25 percent AP) > 35-95 (levels 1-18) (+20 percent AP)
  • Passive – Heal Upon Champion Takedowns: 80-200 (levels 1-18) (+35 percent AP) > 75-165 (levels 1-18) (+30 percent AP)


  • Passive – Shield :: 40-300 (levels 1-18) (+40 percent bonus AD) >>> 40-280 (levels 1-18) (+35 percent bonus AD)


  • Passive – Self-Heal: 25-161 > 23-142 (levels 1-18) (note: still doubled for allies)


  • E – Shield: 40/90/140/190/240 (+40 percent AP) > 40/85/130/175/220 (+35 percent AP)


  • Severum – Healing From Basic Attacks: 3-10 percent > 2.5-9 percent (levels 1-18) of damage dealt
  • Severum – Healing From Attacks From Abilities: 9-30 percent > 8.3-30 percent (levels 1-18) of damage dealt
  • Severum – Overheal Shielding: Unchanged
  • R (Severum) – Heal Upon Champion Hit :: 275/400/525 > 250/350/450 (levels 6/11/16)


  • E – Shield: 80/120/160/200/240 (+70 percent AP) > 70/110/150/190/230 (+60 percent AP)


  • W – Minimum Heal: 30/60/90/120/150 (+30 percent AP) > 25/50/75/100/125 (+30 percent AP)
  • W – Maximum Heal: 60/105/150/195/240 (+60 percent AP) > 50/80/110/140/170/200 (+60 percent AP)


  • Passive – Adaptive Shield: 20 percent > 17 percent maximum health


  • E – Healing Against Poisoned Targets: 12/14/16/18/20 percent AP > 10/11.5/13/14.5/16 percent AP, (still reduced by 75 percent against minions and small monsters)


  • Passive – Heal :: 20-71 >>> 18-52 (levels 1-18)


  • Q – Healing Against Champions and Large Monsters :: 15 percent >>> 13 percent of missing health per enemy hit by blade, up to 3


  • W – Shield :: 30/45/60/75/90 (+30 percent AP) (+10 percent bonus health) >>> 25/40/55/70/85 (+25 percent AP) (+9 percent bonus health)

Dr. Mundo

  • R – Increased Base Health :: 15/20/25 percent >>> 10/15/20 percent missing health


  • W – Shield :: 80/100/120/140/160 (+150 percent AP) >>> 70/90/110/130/150 (+150 percent AP)


  • Passive (Spider Form) – Healing From Basic Attacks :: 4/6/8/10 (+10 percent AP) >>> 4/6/8/10 (+8 percent AP)


Image via Riot Games
  • Passive – Healing Against Vitals :: 40-115 >>> 35-100 (levels 1-18)
  • R – Heal Per Second :: 80/110/140 (+60 percent bonus AD) >>> 75/110/125 (+60 percent bonus AD)

Gamer Sensei coach insight

Fiora is one of the many champions on this list that will be helped out by this patch. Despite losing healing on her individual vitals, Fiora can now access even more of them. “Fiora loves the tankiness changes as it allows her to proc more vitals, get more healing overall, and remain longer in a fight without being bursted down,” JalYt Justin said. “Since her main counterplay is to burst her down when her W is down, Fiora will be a lot stronger after these changes.”


  • W – Healing Against Monsters :: 50 percent >>> 45 percent of damage dealt (still 15 percent against minions)
  • W – Healing Against Champions :: 30/40/50/60/70 percent >>> 25/32.5/40/47.5/55 percent of damage dealt


  • W – Magic Damage Shield :: 8/9.75/11.5/13.25/15 percent >>> 7.5/9/10.5/11/13.5 percent maximum health


  • W – Heal :: 50/75/100/125/150 (+15 percent missing health) >>> 45/70/95/120/145 (+13 percent missing health)


  • Passive – Health Regeneration :: 1.5-10.1 percent >>> 1.2-9 percent (levels 1-18) maximum health every 5 seconds
  • W – Shield :: 70/95/120/145/170 (+20 percent bonus health) >>> 65/85/105/125/145 (+18 percent bonus health)


  • Passive – Heal :: 8 percent >>> 6.5 percent maximum health


  • Passive – Healing Against Champions :: 70 percent >>> 60 percent of damage dealt
  • Passive – Maximum Healing Against Champions :: 12-30 (levels 1-18) (+7 percent AP) >>> 10-25 (levels 1-18) (+6.5 percent AP) per instance


  • Passive – Heal :: Tentacles heal Illaoi for ||| 5 percent >>> 4 percent of her missing health upon hitting at least one enemy champion


  • Q – Heal :: 8/10/12/14/16 percent AD >>> 7/8/9/10/11 percent AD


  • E – Shield :: 80/115/150/185/220 (+80 percent AP) >>> 70/100/130/160/190 (+75 percent AP)


  • E – Shield :: 80/110/140/179/200 (+65 percent AP) >>> 75/100/125/150/175 (+60 percent AP)
  • R – Heal Per Second :: 100/150/200 (+50 percent AP) >>> 90/145/200 (+45 percent AP)

Jarvan IV

  • W – Base Shield :: 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 60/80/100/120/140
  • W – Shield Increase :: 1.5 percent >>> 1.3 percent maximum health per enemy champion hit


  • R – Shield :: 75/100/125 (+100/150/200 percent AD) (+100 percent AP) >>> 70/90/110 (90/130/180 percent AD) (+90 percent AP)


  • W (R-Empowered) – Heal :: 20 percent (+1 percent per 100 AP) >>> 17 percent (+1 percent per 100 AP) missing health
  • E – Shield :: 90/135/180/225/270 (+50 percent AP) >>> 80/120/160/200/240 (+45 percent AP)
  • E (R-Empowered) – Primary Shield :: 25/80/135/190 (+50 percent AP) >>> 25/70/120/170 (+45 percent AP)


  • R – Grievous Wounds Applied :: 60 percent >>> 50 percent


  • W – Heal :: 60/90/120/150/180 (+30 percent AP) >>> 55/80/105/130/155 (+25 percent AP)


  • Passive (Darkin Slayer) – Healing From Abilities Against Champions :: 30-40 percent (levels 1-18) >>> 25-35 percent (levels 1-18) of physical damage dealt
  • E – Heal :: 100/115/130/145/160 (+40 percent bonus AD) >>> 90/100/110/120/130 (+35 percent bonus AD)
  • R (Darkin Slayer) – Heal :: 10.5 percent (+9.1 percent per 100 bonus AD) >>> 9.75 percent (+8.45 percent per 100 bonus AD) of target’s maximum health (70 percent >>> 65 percent of damage amount)


  • W – Heal :: 60/85/110/135/160 (+50 percent AP) >>> 55/75/95/115/135 (+50 percent AP)


  • W (Passive) – Healing Upon Full Stacks :: 49-100 >>> 47-81 (based on missing health)
  • R – Heal :: 250/325/400 >>> 225/300/375


  • Passive – Skaarl’s Health Upon Returning :: 50/60/70/80 percent >>> 45/55/65/75 percent (levels 1/6/11/16) of Skaarl’s maximum health
  • Q (Mounted) – Grievous Wounds Upon Pull :: 60 percent >>> 50 percent

Lee Sin

  • W1 – Shield :: 55/110/165/220/275 (+80 percent AP) >>> 50/100/150/200/250 (+80 percent AP)
  • W2 – Bonus Life Steal & Spell Vamp :: 5/10/15/20/25 percent >>> 5/9.5/14/18.5/23 percent


  • Passive – Healing Against Large Monsters :: 27-104 (levels 1-18) (+6 percent AP) >>> 24-75 (levels 1-18) (+5.4 percent AP)
  • Passive – Healing Against Champions :: 12-140 (levels 1-18) (+20 percent AP) >>> 11-125 (levels 1-18) (+18 percent AP)


  • R – Minimum Self-Heal :: 100/150/200 (+30 percent AP) >>> 90/140/190 (+25 percent AP)


Image via Riot Games
  • E – Shield :: 80/120/160/200/240 (+40 percent AP) >>> 75/110/145/180/215 (+35 percent AP)
  • R – Bonus Health :: 300/450/600 (+50 percent AP) >>> 275/425/575 (+45 percent AP)

Gamer Sensei coach insight

Lulu is the queen of buffing up a single hyper carry. This meta will heavily favor those DPS-focused-carries and Lulu naturally comes to mind despite the E and R nerfs. JalYt Justin predicts that “Lulu will be one of the best supports in the game moving forward. Her ability to enable hypercarries is second to none, and since many hypercarries in the bot lane are likely to make a resurgence, she is also going to be brought alongside that.”


  • W – Shield :: 45/65/85/105/125 (+35 percent AP) >>> 40/55/70/85/100 (+35 percent AP)


  • Passive – Shield :: 10 percent >>> 9 percent maximum health


  • Passive – Healing From Empowered Basic Attacks :: 5-65 (+5-15 percent maximum health) by level 17 >>> 5-45 (+4.5-11 percent maximum health) by level 15


  • W – Shield to Heal :: 40/42.5/45/47.5/50 percent >>> 35/37.5/40/42.5/45 percent


  • Passive – Healing From Abilities :: 20 percent >>> 18 percent of damage dealt against champions, large minions, and medium & large monsters


  • W – Heal :: 60/85/110/135/160 (+30 percent AP) >>> 55/75/95/115/135 (+25 percent AP)


Image via Riot Games
  • Passive – Life Steal :: 10/16/22 percent >>> 9/14/19 percent (levels 1/7/13)

Gamer Sensei coach insight

Nasus is a scaling champion who is very used to being bullied in the early game. The durability buffs will certainly help him earn stacks more effectively. Despite losing a bit of life steal, Nasus should be much stronger overall. “He has ways to mitigate damage taken against some of the potentially resurging picks like Irelia, Jax, and Fiora,” JalYt Justin said. “His W is an excellent safety tool for handling auto attack based champions in the laning phase.”


  • W – Shield :: 45/55/65/75/85 (+9/10/11/12/13 percent maximum health) >>> 40/50/60/70/80 (+8/9/10/11/12 percent maximum health)


  • E – Base Heal :: 35/55/75/95/115 (+32.5 percent AP) >>> 35/50/65/80/95 (+27.5 percent AP)


  • Passive – Healing From Empowered Basic Attacks :: 15-40 (levels 1-18) (+15 percent AP) >>> 13-30 (levels 1-18) (+30 percent AP) per enemy hit (still reduced by 50 percent against minions)

Nunu & Willump

  • Q – Base Healing Against Non-Champions :: 75/110/145/180/215 (+90 percent AP) (+10 percent bonus health) >>> 65/95/125/155/185 (+70 percent AP) (+6 percent bonus health) (still reduced to 60 percent against champions


  • Passive Life Steal :: 10-30 percent (levels 1-18) >>> 9-22.5 percent (levels 1-18)
  • W Shield :: 10/45/80/115/150 (+25 percent missing health) >>> 10/40/70/100/130 (+22.5 percent missing health)


  • E – Shield :: 60/100/140/180/220 (+50 percent AP) >>> 55/90/125/160/195 (+45 percent AP)


  • Q – Shield :: 15/17.5/20 percent >>> 13/15.5/18 percent maximum health (levels 1/7/13


  • Passive – Grey Health Upper Cap :: 60 percent >>> 55 percent maximum health
  • Passive – Damage to Grey Health :: 10 percent (+0.25 percent per 1 Lethality) >>> 9 percent (+0.2 percent per 1 Lethality)
  • Passive – Empowered Damage to Grey Health :: 45 percent (+0.5 percent per 1 Lethality) >>> 40 percent (+0.4 percent per 1 Lethality)


  • Passive – Shield :: 33-254 (levels 1-18) (+90 percent AP) >>> 30-225 (levels 1-18) (+85 percent AP)
  • Q – Heal :: 18-120 (levels 1-18) (+70 percent AP) >>> 18-90 (levels 1-18) (+55 percent AP)
  • E – Shield :: 40/65/90/115/140 (+80 percent AP) >>> 35/60/85/110/135 (+70 percent AP)


  • Q – Heal Per Champion Hit :: 10/15/20/25/30 (+5 percent missing health) >>> 10/15/20/25/30 (+4 percent missing health)
  • W (Crash Down) – Shield :: 40/70/100/130/160 (+13 percent maximum health) >>> 35/60/85/110/135 (+12 percent maximum health)

Renata Glasc

  • E – Shield :: 50/70/90/110/130 (+50 percent AP) >>> 50/65/80/95/110 (+50 percent AP)


  • Q – Healing Against Non-Champions :: 2/3/4/5/6 (+3 percent bonus AD) >>> 2/3/4/5/6 (+2 percent bonus AD)
  • Q – Healing Against Champions :: 12/18/24/30/36 (+16 percent bonus AD) >>> 10/14/18/22/26 (+15 percent bonus AD)
  • Q (Empowered) – Healing Against Non-Champions :: 6/9/12/15/18 (+9 percent bonus AD) >>> 6/9/12/15/18 (+6 percent bonus AD)
  • Q (Empowered) Healing Against Champions :: 36/54/72/90/108 (+48 percent bonus AD) >>> 30/42/54/66/78 (+45 percent bonus AD)


  • E – Shield :: 85/115/145/175/205 (+120 percent bonus AD) >>> 80/105/130/155/180 (+110 percent bonus AD)


  • E – Shield :: 60/95/130/165/200 (+50 percent AP) >>> 60/90/120/150/180 (+45 percent AP)


  • Q – Heal :: 40/60/80/100/120 (+40 percent bonus AD) (+40 percent AP) (+1.6 per 1 Lethality) >>> 40/55/70/85/100 (+30% bonus AD) (+40 percent AP) (+1.6 per 1 Lethality)
  • R – Shield :: 120/160/200 (+40 percent AP) (+1.5 per Soul) >>> 100/150/200 (+40 percent AP) (+1.5 per Soul)


  • W – Shield :: 60/80/100/120/140 (+40 percent AP) >>> 50/70/90/110/130 (+35 percent AP)
  • W – Heal Per Ally :: 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 percent (+0.75 percent per 100 AP) >>> 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 percent (+0.6 percent per 100 AP) of target’s missing health


  • Passive – Shield :: 50-101 (levels 1-18) (+14 percent bonus health) >>> 50-101 (levels 1-18) (+12 percent bonus health)
  • R – Shield :: 140/320/500 (+17.5 percent bonus health) >>> 130/290/450 (+16 percent bonus health)


  • Q (During R) – Grievous Wounds Applied By Poison Trail :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent


  • W – Shield :: 60/85/110/135/160 (+10/11/12/13/14 percent maximum health) >>> 60/85/110/135/160 (+8/9/10/11/12 percent maximum health)


  • W – Shield :: 10/11/12/13/14 percent maximum health (+80 percent AP) >>> 9/10/11/12/13 percent maximum health (+80 percent AP)


  • W – Shield :: 25/50/75/100/125 (+30 percent AP) >>> 25/45/65/85/105 (+25 percent AP)
  • W – Heal :: 30/50/70/90/110 (+20 percent AP) >>> 30/45/60/75/90 (+15 percent AP)


  • W – Heal :: 100/130/160/200/220 (+65 percent AP) >>> 90/110/130/150/170 (+50 percent AP)
  • R – Heal :: 130/215/300 (+55 percent AP) >>> 125/205/ 285 (+50 percent AP)


  • Passive – Heal Per Soul Fragment :: 4/5.5/7/9 percent >>> 3.5/4.5/5.5/7 percent (levels 1/6/11/16) maximum health
  • R – Drain Heal Per Second :: 15/40/65 (+25 percent AP) >>> 15/30/45 (+20 percent AP)


  • W – Heal :: 25/50/75/100/125 (+40 percent AP) >>> 20/40/60/80/100 (+35 percent AP)

Tahm Kench

  • Q – Heal :: 10/15/20/25/30 (+4/4.5/5/5.5/6 percent missing health) >>> 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 (+3/3.5/4/4.5/5 percent missing health)
  • E – Damage Stored Into Grey Health :: 15/25/35/45/55 percent >>> 13/21/29/37/45 percent
  • E – Increased Damage Stored Into Grey Health :: 45/50/55/60/65 percent >>> 40/42.5/45/47.5/50 percent


  • Q – Heal :: 10-70 (levels 1-18) >>> 9-55 (levels 1-18)


  • Q – Heal :: 30 (+20 percent AP) (+1 percent Taric’s maximum health) >>> 25 (+15 percent AP) (+0.75 percent Taric’s maximum health)
  • W – Shield :: 8/9/10/11/12 percent >>> 7/8/9/10/11 percent of target’s maximum health


  • Health Growth :: 95 >>> 115
  • Armor Growth :: Unchanged (does NOT receive Durability Base Stat Package)
  • W – Shield :: 60/90/120/150/180 (+2 per Soul) >>> 50/75/100/125/150 (+2 per Soul)


  • Passive – Heal :: 2-7 percent >>> 1.8-5.5 percent (levels 1-18) of enemy’s maximum health


  • Q – Minimum Heal :: 30/40/50/60/70 (+30 percent AP) >>> 25/33/41/49/57 (+30 percent AP)
  • Q – Additional Heal Per Fury :: 0.5/0.95/1.4/1.85/2.3 (+1.2 percent AP) >>> 0.45/0.75/1.05/1.35/1.65 (+1.2 percent AP)


  • W – Shield :: 60/95/130/165/200/235 (+50 percent AP) >>> 60/90/120/150/180/210 (+45 percent AP)
  • W – Heal :: 2.5-5 percent >>> 2-4 percent based on missing health


  • E – Shield :: 60/80/100/120/140 (+150 percent bonus AD) (+15 percent bonus health) >>> 55/75/95/115/135 (+135 percent bonus AD) (+13.5 percent bonus health)


  • E – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent


  • Passive – Shield :: 15 percent >>> 13 percent maximum health


  • Passive – Heal Upon Possession :: 3 percent (+3 percent bonus AD) (+2 percent AP) (+5 percent per 100 percent attack speed) >>> 2.5 percent (+2.5 percent bonus AD) (+2 percent AP) (+5 percent per 100 percent attack speed) of target’s maximum health
  • Q – Healing Upon Basic Attacks Against Marked Champions :: 150 percent >>> 135 percent
  • Q – Healing Upon Basic Attacks Against Marked Monsters :: 155 percent >>> 145 percent (healing against minions still reduced to 10 percent)


  • Q – Shield :: 30-115 (levels 1-18) (+20 percent AP) >>> 27-105 (levels -18) (+18 percent AP)


  • W – Shield :: 50/80/110/140/170 (+80 percent AP) >>> 50/75/100/125/150 (+75 percent AP)


Image via Riot Games
  • Q – Heal :: 20/25/30/35/40 (+35 percent AP) >>> 20/25/30/35/40 (+30 percent AP)
  • Q (Empowered) – Additional Heal :: 30-200 (levels 1-18) + (5 percent (+4 percent AP) missing health) >>> 30-200 (levels 1-18) + (5 percent (+3.5 percent AP) missing health)
  • Q (Empowered) – Additional Heal (Against Minions) :: Reduced to ||| 35 percent >>> 30 percent
  • R – Healing Against Subsequent Targets :: 50 percent >>> 40 percent of damage

Gamer Sensei coach insight

No League champion exemplifies healing more than Vladimir. Riot hit him with a bunch of nerfs to that inbuilt healing, but JalYt Justin thinks it wasn’t enough. “While they did try to remedy some of this healing, they did not end up nerfing base healing value, which means that Vladimir will be able to scale more safely into the mid and late game without consequence,” he said. JalYt Justin expects Vladimir to be a top-tier mid laner in this patch.


  • W – Heal :: 20/35/50/65/80 (+8/10/12/14/16 percent of Volibear’s missing health) >>> 20/35/50/65/80 (+7/8.5/10/11.5/13 percent of Volibear’s missing health)
  • E – Shield :: 15 percent maximum health (+80 percent AP) >>> 14 percent maximum health (+75 percent AP)
  • R – Bonus Health :: 200/400/600 >>> 175/350/525


  • Q – Heal Percentage :: 30/45/60/75/90 percent >>> 25/37.5/50/62.5/75 percent

Xin Zhao

  • Passive – Heal :: 7-92 (levels 1-18) (+10 percent AD) (+55 percent AP) >>> 6-74 (levels 1-18) (+7 percent AD) (+55 percent AP)


  • Passive – Shield :: 115-525 >>> 100 – 475 (levels 1-18)


  • W – Shield :: 40-60 (levels 1-18) (+60 percent bonus AD) >>> 35-55 (levels 1-18) (+55 percent bonus AD)


  • Q – Minimum Heal :: 12-82 (levels 1-18) >>> 10-68 (levels 1-18)


Image via Riot Games
  • Passive – Shield :: 60-400 (levels 1-18) (+30 percent AP) >>> 56-360 (levels 1-18) (+25% AP)
  • E – Heal :: 70/100/130/160/190 (+35 percent AP) >>> 65/90/115/140/165 (+25 percent AP)

Gamer Sensei coach insight

Much like Lulu, Yuumi is also fantastic at enabling hyper carries. She is one of the best scaling enchanters in the game, too. “Since champions are going to be a lot tankier, she’s going to get more value out of her heals and she’s going to be allowed to scale more safely into the late game since it’ll be easier to keep her partner alive,” JalYt Justin said.


  • Passive – Healing Upon Consuming Chunks :: 4/5/6/7 percent >>> 4/4.75/5.5/6.25 percent maximum health



  • Thorns – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent
  • Grievous Wounds Upon Immobilizing Champions :: 60 percent >>> 50 percent

Bramble Vest

  • Thorns – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent

Mortal Reminder

  • Sepsis – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent
  • Sepsis – Grievous Wounds After 3 Attacks Against Champions :: 60 percent >>> 50 percent

Chempunk Chainsword

  • Hackshorn – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent
  • Hackshorn – Grievous Wounds On Targets With Less Than 50 percent Maximum Health :: 60 percent >>> 50 percent

Executioner’s Calling

  • Rend – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent


  • Affliction – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent
  • Affliction – Grievous Wounds On Targets With Less Than 50percent Maximum Health :: 60 percent >>> 50 percent

Chemtech Putrifier

  • Puffcap Toxin – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30percent
  • Puffcap Toxin – Grievous Wounds Applied By Your and Empowered Ally’s Next Damage Instance :: 60 percent >>> 50 percent

Oblivion Orb

  • Cursed – Grievous Wounds :: 40 percent >>> 30 percent

Void Staff

  • Magic Penetration :: 45 percent >>> 40 percent

Blighting Jewel

  • Magic Penetration :: 15 percent >>> 13 percent

Lord Dominik’s Regards

  • Armor Penetration :: 35percent >>> 30 percent

Last Whisper

  • Armor Penetration :: 20 percent >>> 18 percent

Demonic Embrace

  • Burn Damage :: 2 percent (melee) / 1.2 percent (ranged) >>> 1.8 percent (melee) / 1.0 percent (ranged) maximum health

Moonstone Renewer

  • Starlit Grace – Heal :: 70 >>> 60
  • Heal and Shield Power :: 6 percent >>> 5 percent per stack (still 5 stacks maximum)
  • Mythic Passive :: +10 >>> +8 heal to Starlit Grace per Legendary item owned (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Starcaster)

Sunfire Aegis

  • Damage Amplification :: 12 percent >>> 10 percent per stack (still 6 stacks maximum) (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Forgefire Crest)

Death’s Dance

  • Heal :: 175 percent >>> 150 percent bonus AD

Divine Sunderer

  • Heal :: 7.8 percent (melee) /3.6 percent (ranged) >>> 6 percent (melee) /3 percent (ranged) maximum health

Doran’s Ring

  • Drain – Mana Regeneration :: Restore ||| 0.75 mana per second, increased to 1.25 >>> 1 mana per second, increased to 1.5 for 10 seconds
  • Healing Instead of Mana :: 50 percent >>> 45 percent of Drain value

Elixir of Wrath

  • Physical Vamp :: 15percent >>> 12 percent


  • Shield :: 100-200 (+5 percent current mana) >>> 100-180 (+4.5 percent current mana)

Gargoyle Stoneplate

  • Shield :: 100 (+100 percent bonus health) >>> 100 (+90 percent bonus health)


  • Omnivamp :: 10 percent >>> 8 percent (15% >>> 10 percent for Ornn Masterwork item, Ceaseless Hunger)
  • Heal :: 25 percent AD (+10 percent missing health) >>> 20 percent AD (+8 percent missing health)


  • Omnivamp :: 8 percent >>> 7 percent


  • Omnivamp :: 8percent >>> 7 percent

Knight’s Vow

  • Self-Heal :: 8 percent >>> 7 percent of damage dealt by Worthy ally

Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Shield :: 200-365 >>> 180-330 (target’s levels 1-18) (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Reliquary of the Golden Dawn)

Maw of Malmortius

  • Omnivamp :: 12 percent >>> 10 percent

Mikael’s Blessing

  • Heal :: 100-200 (levels 1-18) >>> 100 – 180 (levels 1-18)


  • Heal :: 2 percent (melee) / 1 percent (ranged) >>> 1.6 percent (melee) / 0.8 percent (ranged) maximum health


  • Heal :: 200-400 >>> 180-340 (target’s levels 1-18)


  • Omnivamp :: 8 percent >>> 7 percent (10 percent >>> 8 percent for Ornn Masterwork item, Icathia’s Curse)

Seraph’s Embrace

  • Heal :: 35 percent >>> 25 percent of mana spent

Shard of True Ice

  • Base Mana Regeneration :: 100 percent >>> 115 percent

Sterak’s Gage

  • Shield :: 75 percent >>> 70 percent bonus health

Vampiric Scepter

  • Life Steal :: 8 percent >>> 7 percent


  • Life Steal :: 20 percent >>> 18 percent
  • Overheal Shield :: 50-350 >>> 50-320 (levels 1-18)


  • Omnivamp :: 8 percent >>> 7percent (10 percent >>> 8 percent for Ornn Masterwork item, Syzygy)
  • Shield :: 180 (+40 percent AD) >>> 160 (+35 percent AD) (still reduced by 50 percent for ranged champions)

Immortal Shieldbow

  • Life Steal :: 8 percent >>> 7 percent (10 percent >>> 8 percent for Ornn Masterwork item, Bloodward)
  • Shield :: 275-700 >>> 250-630 (levels 1-18)



  • Total Armor and MR Increase :: 5 percent >>> 4 percent


  • Omnivamp :: 9 percent (melee) / 8 percent (ranged) >>> 6 percent (melee) / 5 percent (ranged)

Font of Life

  • Ally Heal Upon Attacking Marked Enemies :: 5 (+1 percent of your maximum health) >>> 5 (+0.9 percent of your maximum health)

Grasp of the Undying

  • Heal :: 2 percent (melee) / 1.2 percent (ranged) >>> 1.7 percent (melee) / 1.02 percent (ranged) maximum health
  • Damage :: 4 percent (melee) / 2.4 percent (ranged) >>> 3.5 percent (melee) / 2.1 percent (ranged) maximum health


  • Shield :: 50-130 (levels 1-18) (+15 percent AP) (+9 percent bonus health) >>> 45-120 (levels 1-18) (+12.5 percent AP) (+8 percent bonus health)

Nullifying Orb

  • Magic Damage Shield :: 40-120 (levels 1-18) (+15 percent bonus AD) (+10 percent AP) >>> 35-110 (levels 1-18) (+14 percent bonus AD) (+9 percent AP)


  • Maximum Shield :: 10 (+10 percent maximum health) >>> 10 (+9 percent maximum health)

Summon Aery

  • Shield :: 35-80 (levels 1-18) (+40 percent bonus AD) (+25 percent AP) >>> 30-75 (levels 1-18) (+35 percent bonus AD) (+22.5 percent AP)

Taste of Blood

  • Heal :: 18-35 (levels 1-18) (+20 percent bonus AD) (+10 percent AP) >>> 16-30 (levels 1-18) (+15 percent bonus AD) (+8 percent AP)


  • Heal :: 12 percent >>> 10 percent of your missing health

Summoner spells


  • Shield: 115-455 > 105-411 (levels 1-18)


  • Heal: 90-345 > 80-318 (levels 1-18)


  • Grievous Wounds: 60 percent > 50 percent


  • Heal: 90 (+10 percent of max health) > 80 (+7.5 percent of max health)


Mountain Drake

  • Mountain Dragon Soul – Shield :: 200 (+18 percent bonus AD) (+13.5 percent AP) (+13.5 percent bonus health) >>> 180 (+16 percent bonus AD) (12 percent AP) (+12 percent bonus health)

Ocean Drake

  • Oceanic Will (Stacking Buff) – Health Regeneration :: 2.5/5/7.5/10 percent >>> 2/4/6/8 percent missing health per Ocean Drake slain
  • Ocean Dragon Soul – Heal :: 160 (+36 percent bonus AD) (+22.5 percent AP) (+9 percent bonus health) >>> 130 (+26 percent bonus AD) (+17 percent AP) (+7 percent bonus health)

Baron Nashor

  • Attack Damage :: 125 (+8 per minute) >>> 150 (+10 per minute)
  • Maximum Attack Damage :: 435 >>> 520 (at 40 minutes)
  • Void Corruption – Magic Damage :: 60 (+20 percent AD) >>> 70 (+20 percent AD)
  • [UPDATE]: Baron now waits 30 seconds after taking damage before it can “Level Up” and gain stats, namely health

Gamer Sensei coach insight

With every champion gaining some extra tankiness, it’s only natural that Baron would have to hit harder. Taking Baron at 20 minutes has been a viable strategy for most team compositions for a while now. JalYt Justin believes that these damage increases will heavily affect the ability to do that.

“I personally think that Baron being much stronger with its damage is one of the biggest changes of the whole patch, since Baron is considered a game-ender,” he said. “Being able to take Baron early on into the game is a huge win condition, and this will make it significantly harder to do so.”

With Baron becoming more of a threat, it will be harder for teams to start and take it, leading to a longer average game time.


  • Outer Turret AD :: 152-278 >>> 167-391 (minutes 0:00-13:30)
  • Inner Turret AD :: 170-305 >>> 187-427 (minutes 0:00-13:30)
  • Inhibitor Turret AD :: 170-305 >>> 187-427 (minutes 0:00-13:30)
  • Nexus Turret AD :: 150-285 >>> 165-405 (minutes 0:00-13:30)

Mid-scope follow ups


R – Demonic Ascension

  • [UPDATE]: Swain will now automatically cast Demonflare when R – Demonic Ascension expires. This will not occur if R – Demonic Ascension ends due to Swain’s death.
  • [UPDATE]: Swain will now fully refill his Demonic Power upon champion takedowns


Bug fixes

  • Fixed several bugs that prevented Taliyah from queueing her spells correctly
  • Refixed a bug where Taliyah’s Q – Threaded Volley would not always go on the correct cooldown if cast on Worked Ground
  • Fixed a few SFX bugs with Taliyah’s Worked Ground interactions
  • Behavioral & Competitive System