How to release Pals in Palworld

It's a cruel world.

A player in Palworld approaching a Pal Merchant.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

It’s easy to lose track of all the Pals you collect in Palworld, and you can quickly become overrun with creatures—but the only options to get rid of them are remarkably cruel.

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Palworld rewards you with bonus experience for catching 10 of the same Pal, but you’ll likely never need that many of the same type, and your Palbox will quickly fill up. When you reach this point, you’re probably wondering what you can do to trim the herd. Unlike Pokémon, there isn’t an option to simply release Pals you no longer have a use for. Your only options to relieve them from your service are surprisingly harsh.

How to release Pals in Palworld

There are a few ways that you can technically release Pals in Palworld. Each technique has its own pros and cons that you’ll have to consider before deciding which one is the best for you.

Sell them

A screenshot of the sell Pals menu in Palworld.
Turn Pals into profit. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You can sell Pals you don’t need to Pal Merchants or Black Marketeers. As well as offering Pals for you to purchase, including a few rarer options, you can offload any Pals you no longer have a use for.

This is a great way to build up a decent haul of Gold Coins, that you can then use to purchase other Pals or crafting materials, resulting in a large haul. As you can see above, I have over 30,000 Gold, the majority of which I earned by selling basic Pals like Lamball, Cattiva, and Chikipi.

Stronger Pals sell for a higher price, but in all honesty, there’s no reason to catch and offload them when you can gather easy-to-catch Pals from the starter areas and get a decent price for them.

Butcher them

A screenshot of the crafting menu in Palworld with the Meat Cleaver highlighted.
Chop suey. Screenshot by Dot Esports

If you’re feeling particularly cruel, the other way to release Pals from your service is by butchering them—and there’s a specific item you can use for this task that has no other use in the game.

You can build a Meat Cleaver from Ingots, Wood, and Stone which, when equipped, replaces the Pet command in the Command Wheel with Butcher. If you choose to do this, a pixelated but gruesome animation will happen where your character slaughters the poor, helpless creature.

There really is no specific need for you to butcher your Pals, as it doesn’t provide any additional item drops. When I first used this action on a Lamball, I thought I’d get ample Wool and Lamball Mutton as a result, but I got the same amount as I did when capturing a Lamball from the wild.

While Butchering is a quick and easy way to release your Pals, you do risk the chance of being judged for it…

Drop them

dropping a pal on the ground to release them

One last way to release your Pals in Palworld is to simply drop them on the ground by entering your Party tab and pressing R on your desired Pal. This will drop your Pal on the ground as a sphere, and display their stats and skills. These dropped Pals will eventually disappear with enough time.

Although dropping Pals is quite an easy and effective way to release your Pals in Palworld, selling your Pals to Pal Merchants or Black Marketeers is probably your best bet as you will receive Gold for them instead of nothing!

Now that you know how to release your Pals in Palworld, it’s time to get out there and look for a Pal Merchant!

Image of Josh Challies
Josh Challies
Staff Writer. Professional writer since 2014. Pokemon, Marvel, Star Wars and overall geek. Previously wrote for Yahoo Sport, Stats Perform and online news publications.